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package response

//                                                                         __
// .-----.-----.______.-----.----.-----.--.--.--.--.______.----.---.-.----|  |--.-----.
// |  _  |  _  |______|  _  |   _|  _  |_   _|  |  |______|  __|  _  |  __|     |  -__|
// |___  |_____|      |   __|__| |_____|__.__|___  |      |____|___._|____|__|__|_____|
// |_____|            |__|                   |_____|
// Copyright (c) 2023 Fabio Cicerchia. https://fabiocicerchia.it. MIT License
// Repo: https://github.com/fabiocicerchia/go-proxy-cache

import (


var errHijackNotSupported = errors.New("hijack not supported")

// LoggedResponseWriter - Decorator for http.ResponseWriter.
type LoggedResponseWriter struct {

    ReqID          string
    statusCodeSent bool
    StatusCode     int
    Content        DataChunks

    // GZip
    GZipResponse *gzip.Writer

    // ETag
    hash    hash.Hash
    hashLen int

// NewLoggedResponseWriter - Creates new instance of ResponseWriter.
func NewLoggedResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter, reqID string) *LoggedResponseWriter {
    lwr := &LoggedResponseWriter{
        ReqID:          reqID,
        ResponseWriter: w,
        hash:           sha256.New(),

    return lwr

// Hijack lets the caller take over the connection.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
    hj, ok := lwr.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
    if !ok {
        return nil, nil, errHijackNotSupported

    return hj.Hijack()

// Reset - Reset the stored content of LoggedResponseWriter.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) Reset() {
    lwr.StatusCode = 0
    lwr.Content = make(DataChunks, 0)

// WriteHeader - ResponseWriter's WriteHeader method decorator.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
    lwr.statusCodeSent = true
    lwr.StatusCode = statusCode

    // no sending to ResponseWriter as it is buffered either for ETag or GZip support.

// ForceWriteHeader - Send statusCode right away.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) ForceWriteHeader(statusCode int) {


// SendNotImplemented - Send 501 Not Implemented.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) SendNotImplemented() {

// Write - ResponseWriter's Write method decorator.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    if !lwr.statusCodeSent && lwr.StatusCode == 0 {
        lwr.GetLogger().Warning("No status code has been set before sending data, fallback on 200 OK.")

        // This is exactly what Go would also do if it hasn't been written yet.
        lwr.StatusCode = http.StatusOK

    lwr.Content = append(lwr.Content, []byte{})
    chunk := len(lwr.Content) - 1
    lwr.Content[chunk] = append(lwr.Content[chunk], p...)

    // gzip
    if lwr.GZipResponse != nil {
        if lwr.ResponseWriter.Header().Get(headers.ContentType) == "" {
            // If no content type, apply sniffing algorithm to un-gzipped body.
            lwr.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(headers.ContentType, http.DetectContentType(p))

        _, _ = lwr.GZipResponse.Write(p)

    // etag
    l, err := lwr.hash.Write(p)
    lwr.hashLen += l

    // no sending to ResponseWriter as it is buffered either for ETag or GZip support.
    return l, err

// ForceWrite - Send content right away.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) ForceWrite(p []byte) (int, error) {
    _, _ = lwr.Write(p)

    return lwr.ResponseWriter.Write(p)

// CopyHeaders - Adds the headers to the response.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) CopyHeaders(src http.Header) {
    for k, vv := range src {
        for _, v := range vv {
            lwr.ResponseWriter.Header().Add(k, v)

// WriteBody - Sends the body to the client (forced sent).
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) WriteBody(page string) bool {
    pageByte := []byte(page)
    sent, err := lwr.ResponseWriter.Write(pageByte)

    return sent > 0 && err == nil

// SendResponse - Write the Response.
func (lwr LoggedResponseWriter) SendResponse() {
    // TODO: Get extra behaviour from ServeCachedResponse

    // Generate GZip.
    // lwr.GZipResponse.Close() will write some data even if no data has been written.
    // StatusNotModified and StatusNoContent shouldn't have a body, so no triggering Close().
    if lwr.GZipResponse != nil && lwr.StatusCode != http.StatusNotModified && lwr.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
        // In this way it'll write in a nested LoggedResponseWriter so it can
        // catch the binary data.

    // Serve content.
    _, _ = lwr.ResponseWriter.Write(lwr.Content.Bytes())

// ETAG ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// GetETag - Returns the ETag value.
func (lwr LoggedResponseWriter) GetETag(weak bool) string {
    etagWeakPrefix := ""
    if weak {
        etagWeakPrefix = "W/"

    return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s%d-%s"`, etagWeakPrefix, lwr.hashLen, hex.EncodeToString(lwr.hash.Sum(nil)))

// SetETag - Set the ETag HTTP Header.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) SetETag(weak bool) {
    lwr.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(headers.ETag, lwr.GetETag(weak))

// MustServeOriginalResponse - Check whether an ETag could be added.
func (lwr LoggedResponseWriter) MustServeOriginalResponse(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) bool {
    telemetry.From(ctx).RegisterServeOriginal(lwr.hash, lwr.ResponseWriter.Header(), lwr.StatusCode, len(lwr.Content))

    return lwr.hash == nil || // no hash has been computed (maybe no Write has been invoked)
        lwr.ResponseWriter.Header().Get(headers.ETag) != "" || // there's already an ETag from upstream
        (lwr.StatusCode < http.StatusOK || lwr.StatusCode >= http.StatusMultipleChoices) || // response is not successful (2xx)
        lwr.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent || // response is without content (204)
        len(lwr.Content) == 0 // there is no buffered content (maybe no Write has been invoked)

// SendNotModifiedResponse - Write the 304 Response.
func (lwr LoggedResponseWriter) SendNotModifiedResponse() {
    _, _ = lwr.ResponseWriter.Write(nil)

// GZIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// InitGZipBuffer - Initialize the GZip writer.
func (lwr *LoggedResponseWriter) InitGZipBuffer() {
    lwrGzip := &LoggedResponseWriter{ResponseWriter: lwr.ResponseWriter}
    lwr.GZipResponse = gzip.NewWriter(lwrGzip)