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package storage

//                                                                         __
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// Copyright (c) 2023 Fabio Cicerchia. https://fabiocicerchia.it. MIT License
// Repo: https://github.com/fabiocicerchia/go-proxy-cache

import (

    log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"


// RequestCallDTO - DTO object containing request and response.
type RequestCallDTO struct {
    ReqID       string
    Response    response.LoggedResponseWriter
    Request     http.Request
    CacheObject cache.Object

// RetrieveCachedContent - Retrives the cached response.
func RetrieveCachedContent(ctx context.Context, rc RequestCallDTO, logger *log.Entry) (cache.URIObj, error) {
    err := rc.CacheObject.RetrieveFullPage()
    if err != nil {
        escapedURL := strings.Replace(rc.CacheObject.CurrentURIObject.URL.String(), "\n", "", -1)
        escapedURL = strings.Replace(escapedURL, "\r", "", -1)
        if err == cache.ErrEmptyValue {
            logger.Infof("Cannot retrieve page %s: %s\n", escapedURL, err)
        } else {
            logger.Warnf("Cannot retrieve page %s: %s\n", escapedURL, err)

        telemetry.From(ctx).RegisterEventWithData("Cannot retrieve page", map[string]string{
            "url":   rc.CacheObject.CurrentURIObject.URL.String(),
            "error": err.Error(),

        return cache.URIObj{}, err

    ok, err := rc.CacheObject.IsValid()
    if !ok || err != nil {
        return cache.URIObj{}, err

    return rc.CacheObject.CurrentURIObject, nil

// StoreGeneratedPage - Stores a response in the cache.
func StoreGeneratedPage(ctx context.Context, rc RequestCallDTO, domainConfigCache config.Cache) (bool, error) {
    // Use the static rc.CacheObject.CurrentURIObject.ResponseHeaders to avoid data race
    currentTTL := ttl.GetTTL(rc.CacheObject.CurrentURIObject.ResponseHeaders, domainConfigCache.TTL)
    done, err := rc.CacheObject.StoreFullPage(ctx, currentTTL)

    return done, err

// PurgeCachedContent - Purges a content in the cache.
func PurgeCachedContent(ctx context.Context, upstream config.Upstream, rc RequestCallDTO) (bool, error) {
    return rc.CacheObject.PurgeFullPage(ctx)