

1 day
Test Coverage
import {IID3V1} from '../id3v1/id3v1.types';
import {MP3} from './mp3';
import {IMP3} from './mp3.types';
import {rawHeaderOffSet, rawHeaderSize} from './mp3.mpeg.frame';
import {ITagID} from '../..';
import {checkID3v2} from '../id3v2/id3v2.check';
import {IMP3Analyzer} from './mp3.analyzer.types';

 * Class for
 * - analyzing ID3v1/2 and MP3 information
 * Basic usage example:
 * ```ts
 * [[include:snippet_mp3-analyze.ts]]
 * ```
 * */
export class MP3Analyzer {

     * Analyzes a IMP3.Result for ID3v2 errors
     * @param data the data to analyzes
     * @return a list returning warnings
    private analyzeID3v2(data: IMP3.Result): Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> {
        if (!data.id3v2) {
            return [];
        return checkID3v2(data.id3v2);

     * Analyzes a IMP3.Result for ID3v1 errors
     * @param data the data to analyzes
     * @return a list returning warnings
    private analyzeID3v1(data: IMP3.Result): Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> {
        const result: Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> = [];
        const lastframe: IMP3.FrameRawHeaderArray | undefined = data.frames && > 0 ?[ - 1] : undefined;
        if (data.raw && lastframe) {
            const audioEnd = rawHeaderOffSet(lastframe) + rawHeaderSize(lastframe);
            let id3v1s: Array<IID3V1.Tag> = <Array<IID3V1.Tag>>data.raw.tags.filter(t => === ITagID.ID3v1 && t.start >= audioEnd);
            if (id3v1s.length > 0) {
                if (id3v1s.length > 1) {
                    // filter out not yet supported APETAGEX
                    id3v1s = id3v1s.filter(t => {
                        return t.value && t.value.title && t.value.title[0] !== 'E' && t.value.title[1] !== 'X' && t.end !== data.size;
                if (id3v1s.length > 1) {
                    result.push({msg: 'ID3v1: Multiple tags', expected: 1, actual: id3v1s.length});
                if (id3v1s.length > 0) {
                    const id3v1 = id3v1s[id3v1s.length - 1];
                    if (id3v1.end !== data.size) {
                        result.push({msg: 'ID3v1: Invalid tag position, not at end of file', expected: (data.size - 128), actual: id3v1.start});
        return result;

     * Analyzes a IMP3.Result for MPEG errors
     * @param data the data to analyzes
     * @return a list returning warnings
    private analyzeMPEG(data: IMP3.Result): Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> {
        const result: Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> = [];
        if (!data.frames || === 0) {
            result.push({msg: 'MPEG: No frames found', expected: '>0', actual: 0});
            return result;
        let nextdata = rawHeaderOffSet([0]) + rawHeaderSize([0]);, index) => {
            if (nextdata !== rawHeaderOffSet(f)) {
                result.push({msg: 'MPEG: stream error at position ' + nextdata + ', gap after frame ' + (index + 1), expected: 0, actual: rawHeaderOffSet(f) - nextdata});
            nextdata = rawHeaderOffSet(f) + rawHeaderSize(f);
        const audiostart = rawHeaderOffSet([0]);
        if (data.id3v2 && data.id3v2.head) {
            const shouldaudiostart = data.id3v2.start + data.id3v2.head.size + 10; // 10 === id3v2 header
            if (audiostart !== shouldaudiostart) {
                result.push({msg: 'MPEG: Unknown data found between ID3v2 and audio', expected: 0, actual: audiostart - shouldaudiostart});
        } else if (audiostart !== 0) {
            result.push({msg: 'MPEG: Unknown data found before audio', expected: 0, actual: audiostart});
        return result;

     * Analyzes a IMP3.Result for XING errors
     * @param data the data to analyzes
     * @param ignoreXingOffOne ignore common xing "off by one" error
     * @return a list returning warnings
    private analyzeXING(data: IMP3.Result, ignoreXingOffOne: boolean): Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> {
        if (!data.mpeg || !data.frames) {
            return [];
        const head = data.frames.headers[0];
        const result: Array<IMP3Analyzer.Warning> = [];
        if (!head) {
            if (data.mpeg.encoded === 'VBR') {
                result.push({msg: 'XING: VBR detected, but no VBR head frame found', expected: 'VBR Header', actual: 'nothing'});
            return result;
        if (head.mode === 'Xing' && data.mpeg.encoded === 'CBR') {
            result.push({msg: 'XING: Wrong MPEG head frame for CBR', expected: 'Info', actual: 'Xing'});
        if (head.mode === 'Info' && data.mpeg.encoded === 'VBR') {
            result.push({msg: 'XING: Wrong head frame for VBR', expected: 'Xing', actual: 'Info'});
        if (!ignoreXingOffOne &&
            (data.mpeg.frameCount - data.mpeg.frameCountDeclared === 1) &&
            (data.mpeg.audioBytes - data.mpeg.audioBytesDeclared === head.header.size)
        ) {
            result.push({msg: 'XING: Wrong ' + head.mode + ' declaration (frameCount and audioBytes must include the ' + head.mode + ' Header itself)', expected: data.mpeg.frameCount, actual: data.mpeg.frameCountDeclared});
        } else {
            if (data.mpeg.frameCount !== data.mpeg.frameCountDeclared) {
                if (!ignoreXingOffOne || Math.abs(data.mpeg.frameCount - data.mpeg.frameCountDeclared) !== 1) {
                    result.push({msg: 'XING: Wrong number of frames declared in ' + head.mode + ' Header', expected: data.mpeg.frameCount, actual: data.mpeg.frameCountDeclared});
            if (data.mpeg.audioBytes !== data.mpeg.audioBytesDeclared) {
                if (!ignoreXingOffOne || data.mpeg.audioBytes + head.header.size - data.mpeg.audioBytesDeclared === 0) {
                    result.push({msg: 'XING: Wrong number of data bytes declared in ' + head.mode + ' Header', expected: data.mpeg.audioBytes, actual: data.mpeg.audioBytesDeclared});
        return result;

     * Analyzes a file in given path with given options
     * @param filename the file to read
     * @param options define which information should be analyzed
     * @return a object returning analyzed information
    async read(filename: string, options: IMP3Analyzer.Options): Promise<IMP3Analyzer.Report> {
        const mp3 = new MP3();
        const data = await, {id3v1: true, id3v2: true, mpeg: true, raw: true});
        if (!data || !data.mpeg || !data.frames) {
            return Promise.reject(Error('No mpeg data in file:' + filename));
        const head = data.frames.headers[0];
        const info: IMP3Analyzer.Report = {
            mode: data.mpeg.encoded,
            bitRate: data.mpeg.bitRate,
            channelMode: data.mpeg.mode && data.mpeg.mode.length > 0 ? data.mpeg.mode : undefined,
            channels: data.mpeg.channels,
            durationMS: data.mpeg.durationRead * 1000,
            format: data.mpeg.version && data.mpeg.version.length > 0 ? ('MPEG ' + data.mpeg.version + ' ' + data.mpeg.layer).trim() : 'unknown',
            header: head ? head.mode : undefined,
            frames: data.mpeg.frameCount,
            id3v1: !!data.id3v1,
            id3v2: !!data.id3v2,
            warnings: [],
            tags: {
                id3v1: data.id3v1,
                id3v2: data.id3v2,
        if (options.mpeg) {
            info.warnings = info.warnings.concat(this.analyzeMPEG(data));
        if (options.xing) {
            info.warnings = info.warnings.concat(this.analyzeXING(data, !!options.ignoreXingOffOne));
        if (options.id3v1) {
            info.warnings = info.warnings.concat(this.analyzeID3v1(data));
        if (options.id3v2 && data.id3v2) {
            info.warnings = info.warnings.concat(this.analyzeID3v2(data));
        return info;
