package main
import (
type SomeService struct {
someConfig string
func main() {
//register SomeService which depends on "someConfig"
ore.RegisterFunc[*SomeService](ore.Scoped, func(ctx context.Context) (*SomeService, context.Context) {
someConfig, ctx := ore.GetKeyed[string](ctx, "someConfig")
return &SomeService{someConfig}, ctx
//someConfig is unknown at registration time
//the value of "someConfig" depends on the future user's request
//Seal registration, no further registration is allowed
//a request arrive
ctx := context.Background()
//suppose that the request is sent by "admin"
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "role", "admin")
//inject a different config depends on the request,
userRole := ctx.Value("role").(string)
if userRole == "admin" {
ctx = ore.ProvideKeyedScopedValue(ctx, "Admin config", "someConfig")
} else if userRole == "supervisor" {
ctx = ore.ProvideKeyedScopedValue(ctx, "Supervisor config", "someConfig")
} else if userRole == "user" {
ctx = ore.ProvideKeyedScopedValue(ctx, "Public user config", "someConfig")
service, _ := ore.Get[*SomeService](ctx)
fmt.Println(service.someConfig) //"Admin config"