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 * webtrees: online genealogy
 * Copyright (C) 2023 webtrees development team
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.


namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers;

use Fig\Http\Message\StatusCodeInterface;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Age;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\ViewResponseTrait;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Media;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\MediaFile;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleShareInterface;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleSidebarInterface;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleTabInterface;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ClipboardService;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ModuleService;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\UserService;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

use function array_map;
use function date;
use function e;
use function explode;
use function implode;
use function redirect;
use function strip_tags;
use function strtoupper;
use function trim;

 * Show an individual's page.
class IndividualPage implements RequestHandlerInterface
    use ViewResponseTrait;

    private ClipboardService $clipboard_service;

    private ModuleService $module_service;

    private UserService $user_service;

     * @param ClipboardService $clipboard_service
     * @param ModuleService    $module_service
     * @param UserService      $user_service
    public function __construct(
        ClipboardService $clipboard_service,
        ModuleService $module_service,
        UserService $user_service
    ) {
        $this->clipboard_service = $clipboard_service;
        $this->module_service    = $module_service;
        $this->user_service      = $user_service;

     * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $tree       = Validator::attributes($request)->tree();
        $xref       = Validator::attributes($request)->isXref()->string('xref');
        $slug       = Validator::attributes($request)->string('slug', '');
        $individual = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref, $tree);
        $individual = Auth::checkIndividualAccess($individual);

        // Redirect to correct xref/slug
        if ($individual->xref() !== $xref || Registry::slugFactory()->make($individual) !== $slug) {
            return redirect($individual->url(), StatusCodeInterface::STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY);

        // What images are linked to this individual
        $individual_media = new Collection();
        foreach ($individual->facts(['OBJE']) as $fact) {
            $media_object = $fact->target();
            if ($media_object instanceof Media) {
                $media_file = $media_object->firstImageFile();
                if ($media_file instanceof MediaFile) {

        // If this individual is linked to a user account, show the link
        if (Auth::isAdmin()) {
            $users = $this->user_service->findByIndividual($individual);
        } else {
            $users = new Collection();

        $shares = $this->module_service
            ->map(fn (ModuleShareInterface $module) => $module->share($individual))

        return $this->viewResponse('individual-page', [
            'age'              => $this->ageString($individual),
            'can_upload_media' => Auth::canUploadMedia($tree, Auth::user()),
            'clipboard_facts'  => $this->clipboard_service->pastableFacts($individual),
            'individual_media' => $individual_media,
            'meta_description' => $this->metaDescription($individual),
            'meta_robots'      => 'index,follow',
            'record'           => $individual,
            'shares'           => $shares,
            'sidebars'         => $this->getSidebars($individual),
            'tabs'             => $this->getTabs($individual),
            'significant'      => $this->significant($individual),
            'title'            => $individual->fullName() . ' ' . $individual->lifespan(),
            'tree'             => $tree,
            'users'            => $users,
        ])->withHeader('Link', '<' . $individual->url() . '>; rel="canonical"');

     * @param Individual $individual
     * @return string
    private function ageString(Individual $individual): string
        if ($individual->isDead()) {
            // If dead, show age at death
            $age = (string) new Age($individual->getBirthDate(), $individual->getDeathDate());

            if ($age === '') {
                return '';

            switch ($individual->sex()) {
                case 'M':
                    /* I18N: The age of an individual at a given date */
                    return I18N::translateContext('Male', '(aged %s)', $age);
                case 'F':
                    /* I18N: The age of an individual at a given date */
                    return I18N::translateContext('Female', '(aged %s)', $age);
                    /* I18N: The age of an individual at a given date */
                    return I18N::translate('(aged %s)', $age);

        // If living, show age today
        $today = new Date(strtoupper(date('d M Y')));
        $age   = (string) new Age($individual->getBirthDate(), $today);

        if ($age === '') {
            return '';

        /* I18N: The current age of a living individual */
        return I18N::translate('(age %s)', $age);

     * @param Individual $individual
     * @return string
    private function metaDescription(Individual $individual): string
        $meta_facts = [];

        $birth_date  = $individual->getBirthDate();
        $birth_place = $individual->getBirthPlace();

        if ($birth_date->isOK() || $birth_place->id() !== 0) {
            $meta_facts[] = I18N::translate('Birth') . ' ' .
                $birth_date->display() . ' ' .

        $death_date  = $individual->getDeathDate();
        $death_place = $individual->getDeathPlace();

        if ($death_date->isOK() || $death_place->id() !== 0) {
            $meta_facts[] = I18N::translate('Death') . ' ' .
                $death_date->display() . ' ' .

        foreach ($individual->childFamilies() as $family) {
            $meta_facts[] = I18N::translate('Parents') . ' ' . $family->fullName();

        foreach ($individual->spouseFamilies() as $family) {
            $spouse = $family->spouse($individual);
            if ($spouse instanceof Individual) {
                $meta_facts[] = I18N::translate('Spouse') . ' ' . $spouse->fullName();

            $child_names = $family->children()->map(static fn (Individual $individual): string => e($individual->getAllNames()[0]['givn']))->implode(', ');

            if ($child_names !== '') {
                $meta_facts[] = I18N::translate('Children') . ' ' . $child_names;

        $meta_facts = array_map(static fn (string $x): string => strip_tags($x), $meta_facts);
        $meta_facts = array_map(static fn (string $x): string => trim($x), $meta_facts);

        return implode(', ', $meta_facts);

     * Which tabs should we show on this individual's page.
     * We don't show empty tabs.
     * @param Individual $individual
     * @return Collection<int,ModuleSidebarInterface>
    public function getSidebars(Individual $individual): Collection
        return $this->module_service
            ->findByComponent(ModuleSidebarInterface::class, $individual->tree(), Auth::user())
            ->filter(static fn (ModuleSidebarInterface $sidebar): bool => $sidebar->hasSidebarContent($individual));

     * Which tabs should we show on this individual's page.
     * We don't show empty tabs.
     * @param Individual $individual
     * @return Collection<int,ModuleTabInterface>
    public function getTabs(Individual $individual): Collection
        return $this->module_service
            ->findByComponent(ModuleTabInterface::class, $individual->tree(), Auth::user())
            ->filter(static fn (ModuleTabInterface $tab): bool => $tab->hasTabContent($individual));

     * What are the significant elements of this page?
     * The layout will need them to generate URLs for charts and reports.
     * @param Individual $individual
     * @return object
    private function significant(Individual $individual): object
        [$surname] = explode(',', $individual->sortName());

        $family = $individual->childFamilies()->merge($individual->spouseFamilies())->first();

        return (object) [
            'family'     => $family,
            'individual' => $individual,
            'surname'    => $surname,