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module Fog
  module Compute
    class ProfitBricks
      class Real
        # Update the attributes of an existing virtual server
        # ==== Parameters
        # * datacenter_id<~String> - Required - UUID of the virtual data center
        # * server_id<~String>      - Required - UUID of the virtual server
        # * properties<~Hash>:      - A hash containing the server properties
        #   * name<~String>   - Required - The hostname of the server
        #   * cores<~Integer> - Required - The total number of cores for the server
        #   * ram<~Integer>   - Required - The amount of memory for the server in MB, e.g. 2048.
        #                                  Size must be specified in multiples of 256 MB with a minimum of 256 MB;
        #                                  however, if ramHotPlug is set to TRUE then a minimum of 1024 MB nust be used
        #   * availabilityZone<~String>  - The availability zone for the server (AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2)
        #   * bootCdrom<~Hash>           - Reference to a CD-ROM used for booting. If not 'null' then bootVolume has to be 'null'
        #   * bootVolume<~Hash>          - Reference to a Volume used for booting. If not 'null’ then bootCdrom has to be 'null’
        #   * cpuFamily<~String>         - Type of CPU assigned ("AMD_OPTERON" or "INTEL_XEON")
        # ==== Returns
        # * response<~Excon::Response>:
        #   * body<~Hash>:
        #     * id<~String>                   - The resource's unique identifier
        #       * type<~String>                 - The type of the requested resource
        #       * href<~String>                 - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #       * metadata<~Hash>               - A hash containing the server metadata
        #         * createdDate<~String>          - The date the resource was created
        #         * createdBy<~String>            - The user who created the resource
        #         * etag<~String>                 - The etag
        #         * lastModifiedDate<~String>     - The last modified time for the resource
        #         * lastModifiedBy<~String>       - The user who last modified the resource
        #         * state<~String>                - Status of the virtual Machine
        #       * properties<~Hash>             - A hash containing the server properties
        #         * name<~String>                 - The name of the server
        #         * cores<~Integer>               - The number of cores for the server
        #         * ram<~Integer>                 - The amount of memory on the server (in megabytes)
        #         * availabilityZone<~String>     - The availability zone for the server
        #         * vmState<~String>              - The current state of the instance
        #         * bootCdrom<~Hash>              - Reference to a CD-ROM used for booting. If not 'null' then bootVolume has to be 'null'.
        #         * bootVolume<~Hash>             - Reference to a Volume used for booting. If not ‘null’ then bootCdrom has to be ‘null’
        #           * id<~String>                   - The resource's unique identifier
        #           * type<~String>                 - The type of the requested resource
        #           * href<~String>                 - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #           * metadata<~Hash>               - Hash containing the volume metadata
        #             * createdDate<~String>        - The date the resource was created
        #             * createdBy<~String>          - The user who created the resource
        #             * etag<~String>               - The etag for the resource
        #             * lastModifiedDate<~String>   - The last time the resource has been modified
        #             * lastModifiedBy<~String>     - The user who last modified the resource
        #             * state<~String>              - Volume state
        #           * properties<~Hash>             - Hash containing the volume properties
        #             * name<~String>               - The name of the volume.
        #             * type<~String>               - The volume type, HDD or SSD.
        #             * size<~Integer>              - The size of the volume in GB.
        #             * image<~String>              - The image or snapshot ID.
        #             * imagePassword<~String>      - Indicates if a password is set on the image.
        #             * sshKeys<~String>              - SSH keys
        #             * bus<~String>                - The bus type of the volume (VIRTIO or IDE). Default: VIRTIO.
        #             * licenceType<~String>        - Volume licence type. ( WINDOWS, LINUX, OTHER, UNKNOWN)
        #             * cpuHotPlug<~Boolean>        - This volume is capable of CPU hot plug (no reboot required)
        #             * cpuHotUnplug<~Boolean>      - This volume is capable of CPU hot unplug (no reboot required)
        #             * ramHotPlug<~Boolean>        - This volume is capable of memory hot plug (no reboot required)
        #             * ramHotUnplug<~Boolean>      - This volume is capable of memory hot unplug (no reboot required)
        #             * nicHotPlug<~Boolean>        - This volume is capable of nic hot plug (no reboot required)
        #             * nicHotUnplug<~Boolean>      - This volume is capable of nic hot unplug (no reboot required)
        #             * discVirtioHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Virt-IO drive hot plug (no reboot required)
        #             * discVirtioHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Virt-IO drive hot unplug (no reboot required)
        #             * discScsiHotPlug<~Boolean>   - This volume is capable of Scsi drive hot plug (no reboot required)
        #             * discScsiHotUnplug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Scsi drive hot unplug (no reboot required)
        #             * deviceNumber<~Integer>      - The LUN ID of the storage volume
        #         * cpuFamily<~String>            -     Type of CPU assigned
        #       * entities<~Hash>               - A hash containing the server entities
        #         * cdroms<~Hash>             - A collection of cdroms attached to the server
        #           * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #           * type<~String>             - The type of the requested resource
        #           * href<~String>             - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #           * items<~Array>             - The array containing individual cd rom resources
        #         * volumes<~Hash>            - A collection of volumes attached to the server
        #           * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #           * type<~String>             - The type of the requested resource
        #           * href<~String>             - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #           * items<~Array>             - The array containing individual volume resources (see bootVolume for detailed structure)
        #         * nics<~Hash>               - A collection of NICs attached to the server
        #           * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #           * type<~String>             - The type of the requested resource
        #           * href<~String>             - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #           * items<~Array>             - An array containing individual NIC resources
        #             * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #             * type<~String>             - The type of the requested resource
        #             * href<~String>             - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #             * metadata<~Hash>           - A hash containing the nic metadata
        #               * createdDate<~String>      - The date the resource was created
        #               * createdBy<~String>        - The user who created the resource
        #               * etag<~String>             - The etag for the resource
        #               * lastModifiedDate<~String> - The last time the resource has been modified
        #               * lastModifiedBy<~String>   - The user who last modified the resource
        #               * state<~String>            - NIC state
        #             * properties<~Hash>         - A hash containing the nic properties
        #               * name<~String>             - The name of the NIC
        #               * mac<~String>              - The MAC address of the NIC
        #               * ips<~Array>               - IPs assigned to the NIC represented as a collection
        #               * dhcp<~Boolean>            - Boolean value that indicates if the NIC is using DHCP or not
        #               * lan<~integer>             - The LAN ID the NIC sits on
        #               * firewallActive<~Boolean>  - Once you add a firewall rule this will reflect a true value
        #             * entities<~Hash>           - A hash containing the nic entities
        #               * firewallrules<~hash>      - A list of firewall rules associated to the NIC represented as a collection
        #                 * id<~String>               - The resource's unique identifier
        #                 * type<~String>             - The type of the requested resource
        #                 * href<~String>             - URL to the object’s representation (absolute path)
        #                 * items<~Array>             - An array of individual firewall rules associated to the NIC
        # {ProfitBricks API Documentation}[]
        def update_server(datacenter_id, server_id, properties = {})
            :expects => [202],
            :method  => 'PATCH',
            :path    => "/datacenters/#{datacenter_id}/servers/#{server_id}",
            :body    => Fog::JSON.encode(properties)

      class Mock
        def update_server(_datacenter_id, server_id, properties = {})
          if server = data[:servers]['items'].find do |attrib|
            attrib['id'] == server_id
            raise Excon::Error::HTTPStatus, "Resource does not exist"

          server['name'] = properties[:name]

          response        =
          response.status = 202
          response.body   = server