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5 hrs
Test Coverage
package videoworker

import (
    log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

type VideoPathList []string
type LiveTitleHistoryEntry struct {
    Title     string
    StartTime time.Time
type ProcessVideo struct {
    LiveStatus    *interfaces.LiveStatus
    TitleHistory  []LiveTitleHistoryEntry
    liveStartTime time.Time
    videoPathList VideoPathList
    LiveTrace     monitor.LiveTrace
    Monitor       monitor.VideoMonitor
    Plugins       PluginManager
    needStop      bool
    triggerChan   chan int
    finish        chan int

var limit *rate.Limiter

func init() {
    limit = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(time.Second*5), 1)

func StartProcessVideo(LiveTrace monitor.LiveTrace, Monitor monitor.VideoMonitor, Plugins PluginManager) {
    p := &ProcessVideo{LiveTrace: LiveTrace, Monitor: Monitor, Plugins: Plugins}
    liveStatus := LiveTrace()
    if liveStatus.IsLive {
        p.LiveStatus = liveStatus

func (p *ProcessVideo) getLogger() *log.Entry {
    return log.WithField("video", p.LiveStatus.Video)

func (p *ProcessVideo) StartProcessVideo() {
    p.getLogger().Infof("is living. start to process")
    p.needStop = false //  默认在直播中
    p.liveStartTime = time.Now()
    p.finish = make(chan int)
    p.triggerChan = make(chan int)
    // plugin liveStart
    go p.Plugins.OnLiveStart(p)
    go p.keepLiveAlive()
    if p.isNeedDownload() {
        if err := p.prepareDownload(); err != nil {
            p.getLogger().WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to prepare download")
            p.finish <- -1
        } else {
            go p.Plugins.OnDownloadStart(p)
            go p.startDownloadVideo()

func (p *ProcessVideo) prepareDownload() error {
    var pathSlice []string
    if !config.Config.EnableTS2MP4 {
        pathSlice = []string{config.Config.DownloadDir, p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.Name,
            p.liveStartTime.Format("20060102 150405")}
    } else {
        pathSlice = []string{config.Config.DownloadDir, p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.Name}
    dirpath := strings.Join(pathSlice, "/")
    ret, err := utils.MakeDir(dirpath)
    p.getLogger().Debugf("Made directory: %s, ret: %s, err: %s", dirpath, ret, err)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.DownloadDir = ret
    p.videoPathList = VideoPathList{}
    return nil

func (p *ProcessVideo) startDownloadVideo() {
    logger := p.getLogger()
    dirpath := p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.DownloadDir

    func() {
        defer func() {
            panicMsg := recover()
            if panicMsg == nil {
            if panicMsg == "forceabort" {
                logger.Warn("Downloader requested to abort! Waiting live to finish")
                time.AfterFunc(2*time.Second, func() { // trigger a refresh now
                    defer func() {
                    p.triggerChan <- 1 // refresh at once
                for {
                    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 3000)
                    if p.needStop {
            } else {
                fmt.Println("panic: ", panicMsg)
                panic(panicMsg) // rethrow

        var failRecord []time.Time
        for {
            ctx := p.Monitor.GetCtx()
            proxy, _ := ctx.GetProxy()
            down := downloader.GetDownloader(p.Monitor.DownloadProvider())
            filePath := utils.GenerateFilepath(dirpath, p.LiveStatus.Video.Title+".ts")
            cookie := ""
            header := p.Monitor.GetCtx().GetHeaders()
            if header != nil {
                cookie = header["Cookie"]
            aFilePath := down.DownloadVideo(p.LiveStatus.Video, proxy, cookie, filePath)

            func() {
                defer func() {
                p.triggerChan <- 1 // refresh at once

            if aFilePath != "" {
                p.videoPathList = append(p.videoPathList, aFilePath)
            } else {
                failRecord = append(failRecord, time.Now())
                logger.Info("Failed to record, trying to refresh live state!")

                if len(failRecord) >= 3 {
                    if time.Now().Unix()-failRecord[0].Unix() < 30 {
                        logger.Info("Waiting for next refresh before we retry")
                        //failRecord = make([]time.Time, 0)
                        //time.Sleep(time.Duration(config.Config.CriticalCheckSec) * time.Second)
                        failRecord = failRecord[1:]
                        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // be patient
                    } else {
                        failRecord = failRecord[1:]
            time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
            if p.needStop {

    logger.Info("Do postprocessing...")
    videoName := p.postProcessing()
    if videoName != "" {
        video := p.LiveStatus.Video
        video.FileName = videoName
        video.FilePath = video.UsersConfig.DownloadDir + "/" + video.FileName
    p.finish <- 1

func (p *ProcessVideo) isNeedDownload() bool {
    return p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.NeedDownload

func (p *ProcessVideo) keepLiveAlive() {
    logger := p.getLogger()
    ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(config.Config.NormalCheckSec*3))
    defer ticker.Stop()
    for {
        select {
        case _ = <-ticker.C:
            //logger.Info("Refreshing live status...")
        case _ = <-p.triggerChan:
            logger.Info("Got emergency triggerChan signal, refresh at once!")
        if p.isNewLive() {
            p.needStop = true
            if p.isNeedDownload() {
            p.finish <- 1

func (p *ProcessVideo) appendTitleHistory(title string) {
    p.TitleHistory = append(p.TitleHistory, LiveTitleHistoryEntry{
        Title:     title,
        StartTime: time.Now(),

func (p *ProcessVideo) isNewLive() bool {
    newLiveStatus := p.LiveTrace()
    logger := p.getLogger()
    if newLiveStatus.IsLive == false || p.LiveStatus.IsLive == false {
        logger.Infof("[isNewLive] live offline")
        return true
    } else if p.LiveStatus.IsLive == true && p.LiveStatus.Video.Target != newLiveStatus.Video.Target {
        logger.Infof("[isNewLive] is new live")
        return true
    } else {
        if len(p.TitleHistory) == 0 || p.LiveStatus.Video.Title != newLiveStatus.Video.Title {
            logger.Infof("Room title changed from %s to %s", p.LiveStatus.Video.Title, newLiveStatus.Video.Title)
            p.LiveStatus.Video.Title = newLiveStatus.Video.Title
        logger.Trace("[isNewLive] KeepAlive")
        return false

func (p *ProcessVideo) getFullTitle() string {
    title := fmt.Sprintf("【%s】", p.liveStartTime.Format("2006-01-02"))
    if len(p.TitleHistory) == 0 {
        p.TitleHistory = append(p.TitleHistory, LiveTitleHistoryEntry{
            Title:     p.LiveStatus.Video.Title,
            StartTime: p.liveStartTime,
        p.getLogger().Warnf("no TitleHistory!")

    for _, titleHistory := range p.TitleHistory {
        title += fmt.Sprintf("【%s】%s", titleHistory.StartTime.Format("15:04:05"), titleHistory.Title)

    return title

func (p *ProcessVideo) postProcessing() string {
    pathSlice := []string{config.Config.DownloadDir, p.LiveStatus.Video.UsersConfig.Name} // , p.getFullTitle()
    dirpath := strings.Join(pathSlice, "/")
    _, err := utils.MakeDir(filepath.Dir(dirpath))
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    if config.Config.EnableTS2MP4 {
        return p.convertToMp4(dirpath)
    return dirpath