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/* global $, pushStateTree, demoPath, navbarAdd, trottle */

(function($, pushStateTree){
  'use strict';

  var rule = pushStateTree.createRule({
    id: 'servers',
    rule: /^servers(\/)?(.*)/
  var scrollSpyRule = pushStateTree.createRule({
    id: 'server-scrollspy',
    parentGroup: 2,
    rule: /[^/]+/
  // Add menu option in the first load
  navbarAdd('Servers', '/servers/', 3);

  var $template;
  var $body = $('body');
  var $window = $(window);
  var $sidebar;
  var $anchorElements;
  // Load template
  $.ajax(demoPath + 'servers.html').done(function (template){
    $template = $(template);
    // Add the rules after the HTML is loaded, and then dispatch the url changing check

  var scrollspy = function(event){

    // Avoid multiple re
    if($('.active').length > 0) return;
    var $anchor = $('a[href]');
    if (!$anchor || $anchor.length === 0) return;

    var uri = $anchor.attr('href');

    // Old browsers show links that can conflict here
    if(uri.indexOf('http://') == 0 || uri.indexOf('https://') == 0) return;

    // Remove the # begin to make the links relative
    uri = uri.match(/^(#*)?(.*)/)[2];

    // Replace the URL, but don't dispatch (because the animation for match it)
    scrollSpyRule.replaceState(null, null, uri);

  var firstEnter = true;

  $(rule).on('enter', function(){
    $anchorElements = $template.find('[role=main] [id]');
    $sidebar = $template.find('.bs-docs-sidebar');

    // Enable Bootstrap scrollspy
        'data-spy': 'scroll',
        'data-target': '.bs-docs-sidebar',
        'data-offset': '0'
      .on('', scrollspy);

    // Listen for scroll event
    if (firstEnter) {
        offset: {
          top: $($template).find('[role=complementary]').offset().top

      // After first type ever enter, disable the flag
      firstEnter = false;
  }).on('leave', function(){

    // Disable Bootstrap scrollspy
        'data-spy': '',
        'data-target': '',
        'data-offset': ''
      .off('', scrollspy);

    $template.remove && $template.remove();
  }).on('match', function(event){
    // if match the app uri, but without the end slash redirect to add the slash, this make relative links work

    var oEvent = event.originalEvent;
    var uri = oEvent.detail.match[0];
    var hasSlash = !!oEvent.detail.match[1];

    if (!hasSlash) {
      this.replace(uri + '/');

  var $animation;

  $(scrollSpyRule).on('match', function(event){
    // on match any scroll spy rule, animate the scroll to the element with the corresponding ID on DOM if it exists

    var oEvent = event.originalEvent;
    var section = oEvent.detail.match[0];

    var $focusDocElement = $('#' + section);
    $animation && $animation.stop();
    if (!$focusDocElement || $focusDocElement.length === 0) return;

    // Firefox use html, and webkit uses body
    $animation = $('html, body').animate({
      scrollTop: $focusDocElement.offset().top
    }, 300, function(){
        backgroundColor: '#ffffcc'
          backgroundColor: ''
      }, 1e3);

})($, pushStateTree);