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# CHANGELOG for 3.x
This changelog references the relevant changes done in 3.x versions.

## v3.1.6
* Fix invalid `gdbots:ncr:mixin:indexed` check with `gdbots:pbjx:mixin:indexed`.

## v3.1.5
* Add (re)connect timeout handling in elastica client and transport since it's not yet configurable in elastica itself.

## v3.1.4
* Add `tenant_id` to `DynamoDbScheduler` statemachine execution input.

## v3.1.3
* In `IndexManager::updateIndex` add `ignore_unavailable` and `allow_no_indices` (with true) when running `$index->setMapping(...)` since a missing index is not an error in this scenario.

## v3.1.2
* More mixin reference removal.

## v3.1.1
* Remove use of mixin/message constants for fields and schema refs as it's too noisy and isn't enough of a help to warrant it.

## v3.1.0
* Add optional context arg to `Pbjx::sendAt` and `Pbjx::cancelJobs` and the `Scheduler` methods to allow for customization and remove final keyword so multi-tenant apps can dynamically change table or state machine.
* Add `EventDispatcher` requirement to `DynamoDbScheduler` constructor.

## v3.0.1
* Rethrow exceptions in `SimpleCommandBus`.
* Make `DynamoDbEventStore::pipeEvents` use a consistent read by default (customizable via `$context['consistent']`).
* Use DynamoDB transactWriteItems instead of WriteRequestBatch in `DynamoDbEventStore`.

## v3.0.0

* Require php `>=7.4`
* Uses php7 type hinting throughout with `declare(strict_types=1);`
* Uses `"gdbots/pbj": "^3.0"`
* Uses `"gdbots/query-parser": "^2.0"`
* Uses `"gdbots/schemas": "^2.0"`
* Uses `"symfony/event-dispatcher": "^5.1"`
* Removes all gearman functionality.
* Renames `Gdbots\Pbjx\ShardUtils` to `Gdbots\Pbjx\ShardUtil`.
* Renames `Gdbots\Pbjx\StatusCodeConverter` to `Gdbots\Pbjx\StatusCodeUtil`.
* Changes all typehints using mixin interfaces (Command/Event/Request) to just Message since gdbots/pbjc compiler no longer generates interfaces for mixins.
* Changes `EventStore::pipeEvents` and `EventStore::pipeAllEvents` to return a generator instead of using callback style.
* Adds `EnrichContextEvent` which will be dispatched by the `DynamoDbEventStore` and `ElasticaEventSearch` so the context can be customized via event subscribers.