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# data-pipelines-cli

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CLI for data platform

## Documentation

Read the full documentation at [](

## Installation
Use the package manager [pip]( to install [dp (data-pipelines-cli)](

pip install data-pipelines-cli[bigquery,docker,datahub,gcs]

## Usage
First, create a repository with a global configuration file that you or your organization will be using. The repository
should contain `dp.yml.tmpl` file looking similar to this:
_templates_suffix: ".tmpl"
    autoescape: false
    block_end_string: "%]"
    block_start_string: "[%"
    comment_end_string: "#]"
    comment_start_string: "[#"
    keep_trailing_newline: true
    variable_end_string: "]]"
    variable_start_string: "[["

    template_name: my-first-template

  username: [[ YOUR_USERNAME ]]
Thanks to the [copier](, you can leverage tmpl template syntax to create
easily modifiable configuration templates. Just create a `copier.yml` file next to the `dp.yml.tmpl` one and configure
the template questions (read more at [copier documentation](

Then, run `dp init <CONFIG_REPOSITORY_URL>` to initialize **dp**. You can also drop `<CONFIG_REPOSITORY_URL>` argument,
**dp** will get initialized with an empty config.

### Project creation

You can use `dp create <NEW_PROJECT_PATH>` to choose one of the templates added before and create the project in the
`<NEW_PROJECT_PATH>` directory. You can also use `dp create <NEW_PROJECT_PATH> <LINK_TO_TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY>` to point
directly to a template repository. If `<LINK_TO_TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY>` proves to be the name of the template defined in
**dp**'s config file, `dp create` will choose the template by the name instead of trying to download the repository.

`dp template-list` lists all added templates.

### Project update

To update your pipeline project use `dp update <PIPELINE_PROJECT-PATH>`. It will sync your existing project with updated
template version selected by `--vcs-ref` option (default `HEAD`).

### Project deployment

`dp deploy` will sync with your bucket provider. The provider will be chosen automatically based on the remote URL.
Usually, it is worth pointing `dp deploy` to JSON or YAML file with provider-specific data like access tokens or project
names. E.g., to connect with Google Cloud Storage, one should run:
echo '{"token": "<PATH_TO_YOUR_TOKEN>", "project_name": "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>"}' > gs_args.json
dp deploy --dags-path "gs://<YOUR_GS_PATH>" --blob-args gs_args.json
However, in some cases you do not need to do so, e.g. when using `gcloud` with properly set local credentials. In such
case, you can try to run just the `dp deploy --dags-path "gs://<YOUR_GS_PATH>"` command. Please refer to
[documentation]( for more information.

When finished, call `dp clean` to remove compilation related directories.

### Variables
You can put a dictionary of variables to be passed to `dbt` in your `config/<ENV>/dbt.yml` file, following the convention
presented in [the guide at the dbt site](
E.g., if one of the fields of `config/<SNOWFLAKE_ENV>/snowflake.yml` looks like this:
schema: "{{ var('snowflake_schema') }}"
you should put the following in your `config/<SNOWFLAKE_ENV>/dbt.yml` file:
  snowflake_schema: EXAMPLE_SCHEMA
and then run your `dp run --env <SNOWFLAKE_ENV>` (or any similar command).

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.