from typing import Optional
class DataPipelinesError(Exception):
"""Base class for all exceptions in data_pipelines_cli module"""
message: str
"""explanation of the error"""
submessage: Optional[str]
"""additional informations for the error"""
def __init__(self, message: str, submessage: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self.message = message
self.submessage = submessage
class DependencyNotInstalledError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if certain dependency is not installed"""
def __init__(self, program_name: str) -> None:
f"'{program_name}' not installed. Run 'pip install "
class NoConfigFileError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if `.dp.yml` does not exist"""
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__("`.dp.yml` config file does not exists. Run 'dp init' to create it.")
class NotAProjectDirectoryError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if `.copier-answers.yml` file does not exist in given dir"""
def __init__(self, project_path: str) -> None:
f"Given path {project_path} is not a data-pipelines project directory."
" Run 'dp create' first to create a project"
class SubprocessNonZeroExitError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if subprocess exits with non-zero exit code"""
def __init__(
self, subprocess_name: str, exit_code: int, subprocess_output: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
f"{subprocess_name} has exited with non-zero exit code: {exit_code}",
class SubprocessNotFound(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if subprocess cannot be found"""
def __init__(self, subprocess_name: str) -> None:
f"{subprocess_name} cannot be found. "
"Ensure it is installed and listed in your $PATH."
class DockerNotInstalledError(DependencyNotInstalledError):
"""Exception raised if 'docker' is not installed"""
def __init__(self) -> None:
class JinjaVarKeyError(DataPipelinesError):
def __init__(self, key: str) -> None:
f"Variable '{key}' cannot be found neither in 'dbt.yml' and "
"'$HOME/.dp.yml' vars nor in environment variables, causing Jinja "
"template rendering to fail."
class AirflowDagsPathKeyError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if there is no ``dags_path`` in `airflow.yml` file."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__("Variable 'dags_path' cannot be found in 'airflow.yml' config file.")
class DockerErrorResponseError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if there is an error response from Docker client."""
def __init__(self, error_msg: str) -> None:
super().__init__("Error raised when using Docker.\n" + error_msg)
class NotSuppertedBIError(DataPipelinesError):
"""Exception raised if there is no ``target_id`` in `bi.yml`"""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"Variable 'target_id' cannot be found in 'bi.yml' "
"config file or the value not matched supported solutions."