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_Bad software is everywhere, and we're tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology. If you want to join us [<kbd>**Check out our open positions**</kbd>](

Sentry SDK for Ruby

| Current version                                                                                                                                | Build                                                                                                                                                                                                           | Coverage                                                                                                                                                           | API doc                                                                                                                    |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [![Gem Version](](                            | [![Build Status](](                   | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](](          |
| [![Gem Version](](                         | [![Build Status](](                 | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](](         |
| [![Gem Version](](                   | [![Build Status](](             | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](](       |
| [![Gem Version](](       | [![Build Status](](     | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](](   |
| [![Gem Version](](                      | [![Build Status](](               | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](](        |
| [![Gem Version](]( | [![Build Status](]( | [![Coverage Status](]( | [![API doc](]( |

## Migrate From sentry-raven

**The old `sentry-raven` client has entered maintenance mode and was moved to [here](**

If you're using `sentry-raven`, we recommend you to migrate to this new SDK. You can find the benefits of migrating and how to do it in our [migration guide](

## Requirements

We test from Ruby 2.4 to Ruby 3.2 at the latest patchlevel/teeny version. We also support JRuby 9.0.

If you use self-hosted Sentry, please also make sure its version is above `20.6.0`.

## Getting Started

### Install

gem "sentry-ruby"

and depends on the integrations you want to have, you might also want to install these:

gem "sentry-rails"
gem "sentry-sidekiq"
gem "sentry-delayed_job"
gem "sentry-resque"
gem "sentry-opentelemetry"

### Configuration

You need to use Sentry.init to initialize and configure your SDK:
Sentry.init do |config|
  config.dsn = "MY_DSN"

To learn more about available configuration options, please visit the [official documentation](

### Performance Monitoring

You can activate [performance monitoring]( by enabling traces sampling:

Sentry.init do |config|
  # set a uniform sample rate between 0.0 and 1.0
  config.traces_sample_rate = 0.2
  # you can also use traces_sampler for more fine-grained sampling
  # please click the link below to learn more

To learn more about sampling transactions, please visit the [official documentation](

### [Migration Guide](

### Integrations

- [Rack](
- [Rails](
- [Sidekiq](
- [DelayedJob](
- [Resque](
- [OpenTelemetry](

### Enriching Events

- [Add more data to the current scope](
- [Add custom breadcrumbs](
- [Add contextual data](
- [Add tags](

## Resources

* [![Ruby docs](](
* [![Forum](](
* [![Discord Chat](](
* [![Stack Overflow](](
* [![Twitter Follow](](