* Menu Page (parent) Entity
* @author Glynn Quelch <>
* @since 1.0.0
* @package Gin0115/WPUnit_Helpers
declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace Gin0115\WPUnit_Helpers\WP\Entities;
use Gin0115\WPUnit_Helpers\WP\Entities\Menu_Page_Interface;
class Menu_Page_Entity implements Menu_Page_Interface {
* The pages displayed title
* @var string
public $page_title;
* The menu title
* @var string
public $menu_title;
* Min permissions needed to access
* @var string
public $permission;
* The pages menu slug
* @var string
public $menu_slug;
* The hook name
* @var string
public $hook_name;
* Icon to display
* @var string
public $icon;
* Page postiton.
* @var float
public $position;
* The pages URL
* This sometimes doesnt work as expect, with some plugins which create custom rules
* such as WooCommerce.
* @var string
public $url;
* Array of children pages
* @var array<Sub_Menu_Page_Entity>
public $children = array();