// Package main is the entry point for the gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check command
package main
import (
cmd ""
var (
// Version is the current version of gitlab-shell
Version = "(unknown version)" // Set at build time in the Makefile
// BuildTime signifies the time the binary was build
BuildTime = "19700101.000000" // Set at build time in the Makefile
const (
exitCodeSuccess = 0
exitCodeFailure = 1
func main() {
command.CheckForVersionFlag(os.Args, Version, BuildTime)
readWriter := &readwriter.ReadWriter{
Out: &readwriter.CountingWriter{W: os.Stdout},
In: os.Stdin,
ErrOut: os.Stderr,
code, err := execute(readWriter)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(readWriter.ErrOut, "%v\n", err)
func execute(readWriter *readwriter.ReadWriter) (int, error) {
executable, err := executable.New(executable.AuthorizedKeysCheck)
if err != nil {
return exitCodeFailure, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine executable, exiting")
config, err := config.NewFromDirExternal(executable.RootDir)
if err != nil {
return exitCodeFailure, fmt.Errorf("failed to read config, exiting")
logCloser := logger.Configure(config)
defer func() { _ = logCloser.Close() }()
cmd, err := cmd.New(os.Args[1:], config, readWriter)
if err != nil {
// For now this could happen if `SSH_CONNECTION` is not set on
// the environment
return exitCodeFailure, err
ctx, finished := command.Setup(executable.Name, config)
defer finished()
if _, err = cmd.Execute(ctx); err != nil {
console.DisplayWarningMessage(err.Error(), readWriter.ErrOut)
return exitCodeFailure, nil
return exitCodeSuccess, nil