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// Package twofactorrecover defines logic for 2FA codes recovery
package twofactorrecover

import (



const readerLimit = 1024

// Command provides arguments to configure 2FA
type Command struct {
    Config     *config.Config
    Args       *commandargs.Shell
    ReadWriter *readwriter.ReadWriter

// Execute generates new recovery codes
func (c *Command) Execute(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
    ctxlog := log.ContextLogger(ctx)
    ctxlog.Debug("twofactorrecover: execute: Waiting for user input")

    if c.getUserAnswer(ctx) == "yes" {
        ctxlog.Debug("twofactorrecover: execute: User chose to continue")
    } else {
        ctxlog.Debug("twofactorrecover: execute: User chose not to continue")
        fmt.Fprintln(c.ReadWriter.Out, "\nNew recovery codes have *not* been generated. Existing codes will remain valid.")

    return ctx, nil

func (c *Command) getUserAnswer(ctx context.Context) string {
    question :=
        "Are you sure you want to generate new two-factor recovery codes?\n" +
            "Any existing recovery codes you saved will be invalidated. (yes/no)"
    fmt.Fprintln(c.ReadWriter.Out, question)

    var answer string
    if _, err := fmt.Fscanln(io.LimitReader(c.ReadWriter.In, readerLimit), &answer); err != nil {
        log.ContextLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Debug("twofactorrecover: getUserAnswer: Failed to get user input")

    return answer

func (c *Command) displayRecoveryCodes(ctx context.Context) {
    ctxlog := log.ContextLogger(ctx)

    codes, err := c.getRecoveryCodes(ctx)

    if err == nil {
        ctxlog.Debug("twofactorrecover: displayRecoveryCodes: recovery codes successfully generated")
        messageWithCodes :=
            "\nYour two-factor authentication recovery codes are:\n\n" +
                strings.Join(codes, "\n") +
                "\n\nDuring sign in, use one of the codes above when prompted for\n" +
                "your two-factor code. Then, visit your Profile Settings and add\n" +
                "a new device so you do not lose access to your account again.\n"
        fmt.Fprint(c.ReadWriter.Out, messageWithCodes)
    } else {
        ctxlog.WithError(err).Error("twofactorrecover: displayRecoveryCodes: failed to generate recovery codes")
        fmt.Fprintf(c.ReadWriter.Out, "\nAn error occurred while trying to generate new recovery codes.\n%v\n", err)

func (c *Command) getRecoveryCodes(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
    client, err := twofactorrecover.NewClient(c.Config)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return client.GetRecoveryCodes(ctx, c.Args)