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#  (REQUIRED) The directory which contains the entry point files.
pack_directory: app/javascript/flavours/glitch/entrypoints

#  (OPTIONAL) Define files to be preloaded when a logged-in user is
#  visiting the main web app.
  - flavours/glitch/async/compose.js
  - flavours/glitch/async/home_timeline.js
  - flavours/glitch/async/notifications.js

#  (OPTIONAL) The directory which contains localization files for
#  the flavour, relative to this directory. The contents of this
#  directory must be `.json` files whose names correspond to
#  language tags and whose default exports are a messages object.
locales: locales

#  (OPTIONAL) Which flavour to inherit locales from
inherit_locales: vanilla

#  (OPTIONAL) A file to use as the preview screenshot for the flavour,
#  or an array thereof. These are the full path from `app/javascript/`.
screenshot: flavours/glitch/images/glitch-preview.png