# php-metadata-extractor
> PHP wrapper to easily call the Java metadata-extrator library.
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## Introduction
`php-metadata-extractor` is a wrapper used to call the powerful Java
[`metadata-extractor`]( "metadata-extractor") library and have access to
the same APIs in PHP.
So here we'll provide the same documentation as `metadata-extractor` but for PHP, here is how to get metadata
with the library.
Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(imagePath);
## Installation
The easiest way to install the library is to use [composer]( "composer") and define the
following dependency inside your `composer.json` file :
"require": {
"gomoob/php-metadata-extractor": "~2.9"
Please also note that because the library is a wrapper around a Java library the `java` executable must be available
in your `PATH` variable.
## Versioning
To easier version identification the version of `php-metadata-extractor` will always be aligned with the version
of the Java `metadata-extractor` library.
Stable versions of `php-metadata-extrator` will be equal to `X.Y.Z-N` where `N` represents a patch number
associated to `php-metadata-extractor`.
Unstable or uncomplete versions of `php-metadata-extractor` will be equal to `X.Y.Z-alpha.N`,
`X.Y.Z-beta.N` or `X.Y.Z-rc.N`.
## Contribute
### Rules
The `metadata-extractor` Java library is very complete, so we need to improve its integration, if you would like
to contribute please respect the following rules :
* Create your pull requests only on the `develop` branch, the `master` branch should only be used by Gomoob to
create new versions ;
* Use the `grunt phpcbf` command to automatically format your code with PHP Code Sniffer ;
* Use the `grunt phpcs` command to check your code before creating your Pull request ;
* Always try to fully document your classes, properties and functions.
### Builds
The build scripts are managed with [Grunt]("Grunt"), to use is you first have to install [Node]("Node") and use the
`npm install`.
The PHP dependencies are managed with [Composer]("Composer"), run the `composer update` command before calling any
build command.
Ensure you have a working Java environnement and that the `java` executable is available in your `PATH`.
The following builds are available :
* `grunt` clean temporary build files, run the PHPUnit unit tests and generated the PHPDocumentor documentation ;
* `grunt phpcbf` automatically clean the source code for PHP Code Sniffer ;
* `grunt phpcs` check the validity of the source code with PHP Code Sniffer ;
* `grunt test` execute the PHPUnit unit tests ;
* `grunt generate-documentation` generate the PHPDocumentor documentation ;
* `grunt pdepend` generate the PDepend quality charts ;
* `grunt phpmd` generate the PHPMD code quality reports.
## Release history
### 2.9.1-alpha.4 (2016-08-25)
* Add `\Gomoob\MetadataExtractor\Metadata\Photoshop\DuckyDirectory` class.
### 2.9.1-alpha.3 (2016-08-25)
* Add `\Gomoob\MetadataExtractor\Metadata\Bmp\BmpHeaderDescriptor` to begin management of BMP files ;
* Add `\Gomoob\MetadataExtractor\Metadata\Bmp\BmpHeaderDirectory` to begin management of BMP files ;
* Update composer dependencies and improve composer configuration.
### 2.9.1-alpha.2 (2016-08-10)
* Implement the `\Gomoob\MetadataExtractor\Metadata\Directory#containsTag($tagType)` method ;
* Fix unit tests on Travis ;
* Add contribution instructions in the README file.
### 2.9.1-alpha.1 (2016-08-09)
* Initial version.
## About Gomoob
At [Gomoob]( we build high quality software with awesome Open Source frameworks everyday. Would
you like to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to
you as soon as possible !
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