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# GrAMPS CLI — Tools for Data Source Development

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## Quickstart

To get started with the GrAMPS CLI:

# Install the CLI
yarn add --dev @gramps/cli@beta
# npm install --save-dev @gramps/cli@beta

> **NOTE:** We prefer Yarn, but if you use npm, use the alternative commands shown in comments below each example.

### Start an empty development gateway

$(yarn bin)/gramps dev
# $(npm bin)/gramps dev

This will start a gateway server on port 8080 (or a random port if 8080 is in use). You can open the GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:8080/playground to verify the gateway is working.

### Develop a data source locally

If you're working on a custom data source, you can test it by running the following:

# Using live data
$(yarn bin)/gramps dev --data-source ../my-data-source
# $(npm bin)/gramps dev --data-source ../my-data-source

# Turn on mock data
$(yarn bin)/gramps dev --data-source ../my-data-source --mock
# $(npm bin)/gramps dev --data-source ../my-data-source --mock

> **NOTE:** You can develop using multiple local data sources by passing multiple paths to the `--data-sources` option (an alias of `--data-source`):
> ```bash
> $(yarn bin)/gramps dev --data-sources ./one ./two
> # $(npm bin)/gramps dev --data-sources ./one ./two
> ```
> This is helpful if you're working on something like [schema stitching](

### Start a custom GraphQL gateway

When working with the CLI, any GrAMPS-powered gateway can be used for development — just provide the path to its start script in the `--gateway` option:

$(yarn bin)/gramps dev --gateway ../my-gateway
# $(npm bin)/gramps dev --gateway ../my-gateway

> **NOTE:** This is useful for running a production gateway locally.

### Use a local data source with a custom gateway

$(yarn bin)/gramps dev -g ./gateway -d ./data-source
# $(npm bin)/gramps dev -g ./gateway -d ./data-source

> **NOTE:** For brevity, the shorthand of `--gateway` and `--data-source` — `-g` and `-d` respectively — are used here.

If the data source is already installed on the gateway, GrAMPS will override it with the local version. This is extremely useful for debugging, maintenance, and experimentation.

## Contributors

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| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Jason Lengstorf</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") [📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Eric Wyne</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Tim Schoenheider</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |


Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

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This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!