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# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

# [2.3.0]( (2022-04-07)

### Features

* allow DELETE requests to include a body ([#92]( ([c2fecae](

## [2.2.2]( (2022-01-31)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @gramps/rest-helpers

# [2.2.0]( (2022-01-31)

### Bug Fixes

* add null check to mutation options ([#85]( ([807f4bc](

### Features

* add superificial change to help lerna publish ([#84]( ([90dd171](

## [2.1.4]( (2022-01-27)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @gramps/rest-helpers

## [2.1.3]( (2022-01-26)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @gramps/rest-helpers

# [2.1.0]( (2022-01-24)

### Features

* add mutation override options ([#79]( ([2ab1130](
* add override endpoint option to get function ([#74]( ([96d1389](
* allow the passing of custom options for get calls if those options are provided ([8b6f007](
* allow the passing of custom options for get calls if those options are provided ([#65]( ([91dc16a](
* bump rest-helpers and gramps ([#80]( ([e7f8524](

## [2.0.3]( (2021-04-09)

### Bug Fixes

* clear all headers after each request ([#25]( ([814adbb](

## [2.0.2]( (2019-12-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **cache:** add graphql- prefix for redis keys ([#20]( ([5306fe1](

## [2.0.1]( (2019-12-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **rest-helpers:** reset auth after every request ([#19]( ([4871eeb](

# [2.0.0]( (2019-10-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **rest-helpers:** reject with regular error from request-promise ([#10]( ([92b75d8](


* **rest-helpers:** removes @gramps/errors as a peer dependency

## [1.5.2]( (2019-10-01)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @gramps/rest-helpers

## 1.5.1 (2019-09-03)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @gramps/rest-helpers