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3.0.0, 2016-08-21
 + Overhaul TCP support
 + Include automatic support for Celluloid::IO if available
 + Add TLS support to TCP transport
 - Remove support for ancient Rubygems versions
 - Remove support for Ruby 1.9.2 (1.9.3 works!)
 - Remove already-deprecated `host` and `port` methods on GELF::Notifier

2.0.0, 2016-02-02
 + Added GELF TCP support.

1.3.2, 2011-12-02:
 * support for rubygems-test.
 * rescue from more network errors.

1.3.1, 2011-10-28:
 + allow to rescue from network errors.

1.3.0, 2011-07-27:
 + allow to set timestamp manually.

1.2.0.beta1, 2011-05-23:
 + compatibility with GELF specification 1.0:
   * requires modern graylog2-server and graylog2-web-interface;
 + Notifier#default_options, Notifier#default_options=;
 + severity (level) threshold;
 + automatically set 'file', 'line' and 'timestamp' fields;
 + wrappers for GELF::Notifier#notify with severity:
   + GELF::Notifier.debug
   + GELF::Notifier.warn
   + GELF::Notifier.error
   + GELF::Notifier.fatal
   + GELF::Notifier.unknown
 + full compatibility with Ruby Logger and other loggers:
   + GELF::Logger#fatal { "Argument 'foo' not given." }
   + GELF::Logger#error "Argument #{ @foo } mismatch."
   + GELF::Logger#info('initialize') { "Initializing..." }
   + GELF::Logger#add(GELF::FATAL) { 'Fatal error!' }
   + GELF::Logger#close
   + GELF::Logger#level = GELF::INFO
 + allow to change severity mapping;
 + send messages to receivers in round-robin;
   * GELF::Notifier#host and #port are attr_readers now and deprecated (were attr_accessor);
 + allow to disable file and line collection (GELF::Notifier#collect_file_and_line = false);
 - deprecated Gelf class removed.

1.0.2, 2010-11-29:
1.0.1, 2010-11-29:
 - added more tests for chunking in attempt to locate not existing bug.

1.0.0, 2010-11-10:
 + initial stable version;
 * deprecated Gelf class is still there.