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angular.module('adage.heatmap.service', [

.factory('Heatmap', ['$log', '$q', 'Sample', 'Activity', 'errGen',
  function($log, $q, Sample, Activity, errGen) {
    var Heatmap = {
      mlmodel: {
        id: undefined
      vegaData: {
        samples: [],  // only samples with activity data can be in the heatmap
        signatureOrder: []
      samplesMissingActivity: [],

      init: function(mlModelId, samples) {
        this.mlmodel = {
          id: mlModelId
        this.vegaData = {
          samples: angular.copy(samples),
          signatureOrder: []

      loadData: function() {
        // retrieve activity data for heatmap to display
        if (! {
          $log.warn('Heatmap.loadData called before setting mlmodel');
        if (!this.vegaData.samples) {
          $log.warn('Heatmap.loadData called before setting sample list');
        var promises = [];
        return $q.all(promises);

      loadSampleObjects: function() {
        return Sample.getSampleListPromise(this.vegaData.samples)
          .then(function(sampleList) {
            Heatmap.vegaData.sampleObjects = sampleList;
          }).catch(function(errObject) {
            $log.warn('Heatmap.loadSampleObjects error:', errObject);
      getSampleActivity: function() {
        // reformat data from vegaData.activity to a form that can be used
        // by hcluster.js: need a separate array of objects for each sample
        return {
          var sampleObject = Sample.getCached(val);
          if (!sampleObject) {
            // we haven't yet loaded full sample data so yield a stubby version
            return {id: val};
          sampleObject.activity = Activity.cache.get(val).map(
            // distill .activity to an array of just "value"s
            function(val) {
              return val.value;
          return sampleObject;
      getSignatureObjects: function() {
        // The vegaData.activity array organizes activity data in a
        // representation convenient to render using vega.js: each element of
        // the array corresponds to one mark on the heatmap. For clustering by
        // hcluster.js, on the other hand, we need to reorganize the data so
        // that all activity for each *signature* is collected in an array. The
        // result is essentially the same as that from `getSampleActivity`
        // above, but transposed. We achieve this without too many intermediate
        // steps via two nested operations:

        // (1) first, we obtain a list of signatures by retrieving signature
        //     activity for the first sample in our heatmap
        var firstSampleSignatures = Activity.cache.get(
        // (2a) next, we build a new array (`retval`) comprised of
        //      `signatureObject`s by walking through the
        //      `firstSampleSignatures` and constructing a `signatureObject`
        //      for each. [outer .map()]
        var retval =, index) {
          var signatureObject = {
            'id': val.signature,
              // (2b) the array of activity for each signature is built by
              //      plucking the activity `.value` for each sample within the
              //      `index`th signature from `Activity.cache` [inner .map()]
              function(sampleId) {
                var cachedActivity = Activity.cache.get(sampleId);
                if (cachedActivity[index].signature !== val.signature) {
                  // ensure we're pulling out the right signature
                    'getSignatureObjects: signature IDs do not match. First ' +
                    ' sample = ', val, ', but sample ' + sampleId + ' =',
                return cachedActivity[index].value;
          return signatureObject;

        // (3) the two nested .map()s are all we need to do to organize the
        //     data for the convenience of hcluster.js, so we're done
        return retval;

      logError: function(httpResponse) {
        $log.error(errGen('Query errored', httpResponse));
      rebuildHeatmapActivity: function() {
        if (! {
          // ignore "rebuild" requests until a model is specified
            'rebuildHeatmapActivity: skipping because mlmodel=', this.mlmodel
        if (!this.vegaData.samples) {
          $log.warn('Heatmap.loadData called before setting sample list');
        var loadCache = function(responseObject) {
          if (responseObject && responseObject.objects.length > 0) {
            var sampleID = responseObject.objects[0].sample;
            Activity.cache.put(sampleID, responseObject.objects);
            $'populating cache with ' + sampleID);
          // Note: no else clause here on purpose.
          // An empty responseObject means no activity data for this sample.
          // We detect this error and handle it in updateHeatmapActivity.
        var updateHeatmapActivity = function() {
          // when all promises are fulfilled, we can update vegaData
          var newActivity = [];
          var excludeSamples = [];

          Heatmap.vegaData.samples.forEach(function(sampleID) {
            var sampleActivity = Activity.cache.get(sampleID);
            if (sampleActivity === undefined) {
              // this sample has no activity data, so move it out of the heatmap
                'updateHeatmapActivity: no activity for sample id', sampleID
            } else {
              newActivity = newActivity.concat(sampleActivity);
              // re-initialize signatureOrder, if needed
              if (Heatmap.vegaData.signatureOrder.length === 0) {
                Heatmap.vegaData.signatureOrder =
                  function(val) {
                    return val.signature;
          excludeSamples.forEach(function(id) {
            // remove from the heatmap
            pos = Heatmap.vegaData.samples.indexOf(id);
            Heatmap.vegaData.samples.splice(pos, 1);

            // add to the non-heatmap list if not already present
            if (Heatmap.samplesMissingActivity.indexOf(id) === -1) {
          Heatmap.vegaData.activity = newActivity;

        // preflight the cache and request anything missing
        var activityPromises = [];
        Heatmap.vegaData.samples.forEach(function(sampleID) {
          var sampleActivity = Activity.cache.get(sampleID);
          if (!sampleActivity) {
            $'cache miss for ' + sampleID);
            // cache miss, so populate the entry
            var p = Activity.get({
              'sample': sampleID,
              'order_by': 'signature'
        // when the cache is ready, update the heatmap activity data
        return $q.all(activityPromises)

      _getIDs: function(val) {
      clusterSamples: function() {
        // our callbacks will need this closure defined here
        var defer = $q.defer();

        setTimeout(function() {
          // We'd like the clustering code to run asynchronously so our caller
          // can display a status update and then remove it when finished.
          // setTimeout(fn, 0) is a trick for triggering this behavior
          defer.resolve(true);  // triggers the cascade of .then() calls below
        }, 0);

        return defer.promise.then(function() {
          // do the actual clustering (in the .data call here)
          var sampleClust = hcluster()
          Heatmap.vegaData.samples = sampleClust.orderedNodes().map(
      clusterSignatures: function() {
        // our callbacks will need this closure defined here
        var defer = $q.defer();

        setTimeout(function() {
          // Using the setTimeout(fn, 0) trick as described above
          defer.resolve(true);  // triggers the cascade of .then() calls below
        }, 0);

        return defer.promise.then(function() {
          // do the actual clustering (in the .data call here)
          var signatureClust = hcluster()
          // update the heatmap
          Heatmap.vegaData.signatureOrder =
    return Heatmap;
