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Test Coverage
package timeutil

import (


TimeDeltaDow is designed to retrieve a time object x days of week in the past or the future.

// Two Sundays in the future, including today, at 00:00:00
t, err := TimeDeltaDow(time.Now(), time.Sunday, 2, true, true)

// Two Sundays in the future, including today, at present time
t, err := TimeDeltaDow(time.Now(), time.Sunday, 2, true, false)

// Two Sundays ago, not including today, at 00:00:00
t, err := TimeDeltaDow(time.Now(), time.Sunday, -2, false, true)

// Two Sundays ago, not including today, at present time
t, err := TimeDeltaDow(time.Now(), time.Sunday, -2, false, false)


func TimeDeltaDow(base time.Time, wantDow time.Weekday, deltaUnits int, wantInclusive bool, wantStartOfDay bool) (time.Time, error) {
    return TimeDeltaDowInt(base, wantDow, deltaUnits, wantInclusive, wantStartOfDay)

func TimeDeltaDowString(base time.Time, wantDowS string, deltaUnits int, wantInclusive bool, wantStartOfDay bool) (time.Time, error) {
    wantDow, err := ParseDayOfWeek(wantDowS)
    if err != nil {
        return time.Now(), err
    return TimeDeltaDowInt(base, wantDow, deltaUnits, wantInclusive, wantStartOfDay)

func TimeDeltaDowInt(base time.Time, wantDow time.Weekday, deltaUnits int, wantInclusive bool, wantStartOfDay bool) (time.Time, error) {
    deltaUnitsAbs := deltaUnits
    if deltaUnitsAbs < 1 {
        deltaUnitsAbs *= -1
    deltaDays := int(0)
    if deltaUnits < 0 {
        deltaDays = DaysAgoDow(base.Weekday(), wantDow, wantInclusive)
    } else if deltaUnits > 0 {
        deltaDays = DaysToDow(base.Weekday(), wantDow, wantInclusive)
    } else {
        return base, errors.New("delta units cannot be 0")
    if deltaUnitsAbs > 1 {
        additional := deltaUnitsAbs - 1
        deltaDays += 7 * additional
    if deltaUnits < 0 {
        deltaDays *= -1
    t1 := base.AddDate(0, 0, deltaDays)
    if !wantStartOfDay {
        return t1, nil
    t2 := time.Date(t1.Year(), t1.Month(), t1.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t1.Location())
    return t2, nil

func DaysAgoDowStrings(baseDowS string, wantDowS string, wantInclusive bool) (int, error) {
    daysAgo := 0
    baseDow, err := ParseDayOfWeek(baseDowS)
    if err != nil {
        return daysAgo, err
    wantDow, err := ParseDayOfWeek(wantDowS)
    if err != nil {
        return daysAgo, err
    return DaysAgoDow(baseDow, wantDow, wantInclusive), nil

func DaysAgoDow(baseDow, wantDow time.Weekday, wantInclusive bool) int {
    deltaDays1 := int(WeekdayNormalized(baseDow)) - int(WeekdayNormalized(wantDow))
    deltaDays2 := deltaDays1
    if deltaDays2 < 0 {
        deltaDays2 += 7
    if !wantInclusive && deltaDays2 == 0 {
        deltaDays2 = 7
    return deltaDays2

func DaysToDowStrings(baseDowS string, wantDowS string, wantInclusive bool) (int, error) {
    daysAgo := int(0)
    baseDow, err := ParseDayOfWeek(baseDowS)
    if err != nil {
        return daysAgo, err
    wantDow, err := ParseDayOfWeek(wantDowS)
    if err != nil {
        return daysAgo, err
    return DaysToDow(baseDow, wantDow, wantInclusive), nil

func DaysToDow(baseDow, wantDow time.Weekday, wantInclusive bool) int {
    deltaDays1 := int(WeekdayNormalized(wantDow)) - int(WeekdayNormalized(baseDow))
    deltaDays2 := deltaDays1
    if deltaDays2 < 0 {
        deltaDays2 += 7
    if !wantInclusive && deltaDays2 == 0 {
        deltaDays2 = 7
    return deltaDays2

func ParseDayOfWeek(d string) (time.Weekday, error) {
    valueLc := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(d))
    days := []string{"sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"}
    mapping := map[string]int{}
    for i, dow := range days {
        mapping[dow] = i
    if dow, ok := mapping[valueLc]; ok {
        return time.Weekday(dow), nil
    return 0, fmt.Errorf("name of day not found in English: (%s)", d)