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# chartistAngularDirective [![Build Status](]( [![npm installs](]( [![Code Climate](](

A directive to easily integrate chartist graphs into your AngularJS application.
Chartist is a open source graph framework and has to be added to your app as well.[The API and examples can be found here](

## Install
bower install chartist-directive --save

## HowTo
Insert the directive in your HTML file:

<div ng-chartist id='graph_id' class="ct-chart" data='data' options='{{options}}' type='{{chartType}}' tooltips='true'></div>

## Parameter
- id: set manually
- class: set ct-chart to get the chartist CSS
- data: set inside controller via $
- options: set via $scope.options inside the controller
- type: set via $scope.type inside controller
- tooltips: Set a parameter, which one doesn't matter.