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Module Name:



        Winsock 2 Bluetooth Annex definitions.


#ifndef __WS2BTH__H
#define __WS2BTH__H

//#include <bt_100.h>
//Take only necessary declarations from bt_100.h
#define BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE          (248)    // max length of device friendly name.

typedef ULONGLONG bt_addr, *pbt_addr, BT_ADDR, *PBT_ADDR;
typedef ULONG  bt_cod, BT_COD;
typedef ULONG  bt_lap, BT_LAP;

#define NAP_MASK                ((ULONGLONG) 0xFFFF00000000)
#define SAP_MASK                ((ULONGLONG) 0x0000FFFFFFFF)

#define NAP_BIT_OFFSET          (8 * 4)
#define SAP_BIT_OFFSET          (0)

#define GET_NAP(_bt_addr)       ((USHORT) (((_bt_addr) & NAP_MASK) >> NAP_BIT_OFFSET))
#define GET_SAP(_bt_addr)       ((ULONG)  (((_bt_addr) & SAP_MASK) >> SAP_BIT_OFFSET))

#define SET_NAP(_nap) (((ULONGLONG) ((USHORT) (_nap))) << NAP_BIT_OFFSET)
#define SET_SAP(_sap) (((ULONGLONG) ((ULONG)  (_sap))) << SAP_BIT_OFFSET)

#define SET_NAP_SAP(_nap, _sap) (SET_NAP(_nap) | SET_SAP(_sap))

// Turn 1 byte packing of structures on

#ifndef L2CAP_MAX_MTU
#define L2CAP_MAX_MTU  65535

#define BT_ADDR_NULL       0x000000000000
#define BT_ADDR_IAC_FIRST  0x9E8B00
#define BT_ADDR_IAC_LAST   0x9E8B3f
#define BT_ADDR_LIAC       0x9E8B00
#define BT_ADDR_GIAC       0x9E8B33

#define BT_PORT_NULL       0
#define BT_PORT_WILDCARD   0
#define BT_PORT_ANY        -1
#define BT_PORT_MIN        0x1
#define BT_PORT_MAX        0xffff
#define BT_PORT_DYN_FIRST  0x1001
#define BT_PORT_EXCL_BIT   0x0100

#ifndef AF_BTH
#define AF_BTH  32
#define    AF_BT                AF_BTH        
#define WINDOWS_AF_BT        AF_BTH
#undef  AF_MAX
#define AF_MAX  33
#ifndef PF_BTH
#define PF_BTH  AF_BTH
#undef  PF_MAX
#define PF_MAX  AF_BTH

///#define NS_BTH  16

DEFINE_GUID(SVCID_BTH_PROVIDER, 0x6aa63e0, 0x7d60, 0x41ff, 0xaf, 0xb2, 0x3e, 0xe6, 0xd2, 0xd9, 0x39, 0x2d);

// Bluetooth protocol #s are assigned according to the Bluetooth
// Assigned Numbers portion of the Bluetooth Specification
#define BTHPROTO_RFCOMM  0x0003
#define BTHPROTO_L2CAP   0x0100

#define SDP_ENUMDEVICES   0x00000010
#define SDP_SET           0x00000011
#define SDP_QUERY         0x00000012

#define RFCOMM_FLOW_CONTROL   0x00000013

#define SOL_RFCOMM  0x03
#define SOL_BTHTDI  0x100
#define SOL_SDP     0x0101

typedef struct _BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY {
    int                iLength;    // == 0 or 16 for link key, 0<=..<=16 for PIN. 0 = revoke
    bt_addr            btAddr;
    unsigned char    caData[16];

typedef struct _BTH_LOCAL_VERSION {
    unsigned char    hci_version;
    unsigned short    hci_revision;
    unsigned char    lmp_version;
    unsigned short    lmp_subversion;
    unsigned short    manufacturer;
    unsigned char    lmp_features[8];

typedef struct _BTH_REMOTE_VERSION {
    unsigned char    lmp_version;
    unsigned short    lmp_subversion;
    unsigned short    manufacturer;
    unsigned char    lmp_features[8];

typedef struct _BTH_REMOTE_NAME {
    BT_ADDR            bt;
    WCHAR            szNameBuffer[248];

typedef struct _BTH_HOLD_MODE {
    unsigned short    hold_mode_max;
    unsigned short    hold_mode_min;
    unsigned short    interval;    // out

typedef struct _BTH_SNIFF_MODE {
    unsigned short    sniff_mode_max;
    unsigned short    sniff_mode_min;
    unsigned short    sniff_attempt;
    unsigned short    sniff_timeout;
    unsigned short    interval;    // out

typedef struct _BTH_PARK_MODE {
    unsigned short beacon_max;
    unsigned short beacon_min;
    unsigned short    interval;    // out

#define SO_BTH_AUTHENTICATE            0x00000001    // optlen=0, optval ignored
#define SO_BTH_ENCRYPT                0x00000002    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &(unsigned int)TRUE/FALSE
#define SO_BTH_SET_PIN                0x00000003    // bound only! survives socket! optlen=sizeof(BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY), optval=&BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY
#define SO_BTH_SET_LINK                0x00000004    // bound only! survives socket! optlen=sizeof(BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY), optval=&BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY
#define SO_BTH_GET_LINK                0x00000005    // bound only! optlen=sizeof(BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY), optval=&BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY
#define SO_BTH_SET_MTU                0x00000006    // unconnected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &mtu
#define SO_BTH_GET_MTU                0x00000007    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &mtu
#define SO_BTH_SET_MTU_MAX            0x00000008    // unconnected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max. mtu
#define SO_BTH_GET_MTU_MAX            0x00000009    // bound only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max. mtu
#define SO_BTH_SET_MTU_MIN            0x0000000a    // unconnected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &min. mtu
#define SO_BTH_GET_MTU_MIN            0x0000000b    // bound only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &min. mtu
#define SO_BTH_SET_XON_LIM            0x0000000c    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &xon limit (set flow off)
#define SO_BTH_GET_XON_LIM            0x0000000d    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &xon
#define SO_BTH_SET_XOFF_LIM            0x0000000e    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &xoff limit (set flow on)
#define SO_BTH_GET_XOFF_LIM            0x0000000f    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &xoff
#define SO_BTH_SET_SEND_BUFFER        0x00000010    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max buffered size for send
#define SO_BTH_GET_SEND_BUFFER        0x00000011    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max buffered size for send
#define SO_BTH_SET_RECV_BUFFER        0x00000012    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max buffered size for recv
#define SO_BTH_GET_RECV_BUFFER        0x00000013    // optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &max buffered size for recv
#define SO_BTH_GET_V24_BR            0x00000014    // connected only! optlen=2*sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &{v24 , br}
#define SO_BTH_GET_RLS                0x00000015    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &rls
#define SO_BTH_SEND_MSC                0x00000016    // connected only! optlen=2*sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &{v24, br}
#define SO_BTH_SEND_RLS                0x00000017    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &rls
#define SO_BTH_GET_FLOW_TYPE        0x00000018    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval=&1=credit-based, 0=legacy
#define SO_BTH_SET_PAGE_TO            0x00000019    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &page timeout
#define SO_BTH_GET_PAGE_TO            0x0000001a    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &page timeout
#define SO_BTH_SET_SCAN                0x0000001b    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &scan mode
#define SO_BTH_GET_SCAN                0x0000001c    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &scan mode
#define SO_BTH_SET_COD                0x0000001d    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &cod
#define SO_BTH_GET_COD                0x0000001e    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &cod
#define SO_BTH_GET_LOCAL_VER        0x0000001f    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(BTH_LOCAL_VERSION), optval = &BTH_LOCAL_VERSION
#define SO_BTH_GET_REMOTE_VER        0x00000020    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(BTH_REMOTE_VERSION), optval = &BTH_REMOTE_VERSION
#define SO_BTH_GET_AUTHN_ENABLE        0x00000021    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &authentication enable
#define SO_BTH_SET_AUTHN_ENABLE        0x00000022    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &authentication enable
#define SO_BTH_SET_READ_REMOTE_NAME    0x00000023    // no restrictions. optlen=sizeof(BTH_REMOTE_NAME), optval=&BTH_REMOTE_NAME
#define SO_BTH_GET_LINK_POLICY        0x00000024    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &link policy
#define SO_BTH_SET_LINK_POLICY        0x00000025    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(unsigned int), optval = &link policy
#define SO_BTH_ENTER_HOLD_MODE        0x00000026  // connected only! optlen=sizeof(BTH_HOLD_MODE), optval = &BTH_HOLD_MODE
#define SO_BTH_ENTER_SNIFF_MODE        0x00000027  // connected only! optlen=sizeof(BTH_SNIFF_MODE), optval = &BTH_SNIFF_MODE
#define SO_BTH_EXIT_SNIFF_MODE        0x00000028  // connected only! optlen=0, optval - ignored
#define SO_BTH_ENTER_PARK_MODE        0x00000029  // connected only! optlen=sizeof(BTH_PARK_MODE), optval = &BTH_PARK_MODE
#define SO_BTH_EXIT_PARK_MODE        0x0000002a  // connected only! optlen=0, optval - ignored
#define SO_BTH_GET_MODE                0x0000002b    // connected only! optlen=sizeof(int), optval = &mode

typedef struct _SOCKADDR_BTH
    USHORT   addressFamily;
    bt_addr  btAddr;
    GUID     serviceClassId;
    ULONG    port;

typedef struct __bth_inquiry_result {
    BT_ADDR            ba;
    unsigned int    cod;
    unsigned short    clock_offset;
    unsigned char    page_scan_mode;
    unsigned char    page_scan_period_mode;
    unsigned char   page_scan_repetition_mode;
} BthInquiryResult;

#endif // __WS2BTH__H