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package it.ht.rcs.console.utils
  import flash.display.Bitmap;
  import flash.display.BitmapData;
  import flash.geom.Matrix;
  import jp.shichiseki.exif.IFDSet;
  public class ExifUtils
    public static const PORTRAIT:int = 6;
    public static const PORTRAIT_REVERSE:int = 8;
    public static const LANDSCAPE:int = 1;
    public static const LANDSCAPE_REVERSE:int = 3;
     * function figures out the rotation needed so the image
     * appears in the right view for the user
     * @param ifd attribute in exif belonging to image
     * @return the angle to rotate an image based on ifd information
     * @see http://bit.ly/j70E7T
    public static function getEyeOrientedAngle( set:IFDSet ):int
      var angle:int = 0;
       return angle;
      if( set.primary[ "Orientation" ] )
        switch( set.primary[ "Orientation" ] )
          case LANDSCAPE: angle = 0; break;
          case LANDSCAPE_REVERSE: angle = 180; break;
          case PORTRAIT: angle = 90; break;
          case PORTRAIT_REVERSE: angle = -90; break;
      return angle;
     * creates a bitmap appealing to the eye, so that based on provided original bitmap and its IFDSet
     * it's possible to track the orientation and create a transformed bitmap copied from the original.
     * @see <a href="http://www.psyked.co.uk/actionscript/rotating-bitmapdata.htm">rotating-bitmapdata.htm</a>
     * @see <a href="http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/geom/Matrix.html">matrix documentation</a>
     * @param bitmap retrieved after selecting an image from CameraRoll
     * @param set retrieved after loading the Exif data from selected image
     * @return a new bitmap in the right angle and same dimensions as the original.
    public static function getEyeOrientedBitmap( bitmap:Bitmap, set:IFDSet ):Bitmap
      var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
      var orientation:int= set.primary[ "Orientation" ];
      var bitmapData:BitmapData;
      if( orientation == LANDSCAPE || orientation == LANDSCAPE_REVERSE )
        bitmapData = new BitmapData( bitmap.width, bitmap.height, true );
        bitmapData = new BitmapData( bitmap.height, bitmap.width, true );
      m.rotate( getEyeOrientedAngle( set ) * ( Math.PI / 180 ) );
      if( orientation == PORTRAIT_REVERSE )
        m.translate( 0, bitmap.width );
        if( orientation == PORTRAIT )
          m.translate( bitmap.height, 0 );
          if( orientation == LANDSCAPE_REVERSE )
            m.translate( bitmap.width, bitmap.height );
      bitmapData.draw( bitmap, m );
      return new Bitmap( bitmapData );