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* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2007 The SixDegrees Project Team
* (Jason Bellone, Juan Rodriguez, Segolene de Basquiat, Daniel Lang).
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual {
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import mx.containers.Canvas;
    import mx.controls.Label;
    import mx.core.ClassFactory;
    import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
    import mx.core.IFactory;
    import mx.core.ScrollPolicy;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.effects.Effect;
    import mx.events.EffectEvent;
    import mx.managers.CursorManager;
    import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.distortions.IDistortion;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.data.*;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.layout.ILayoutAlgorithm;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.edgeRenderers.BaseEdgeRenderer;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.utils.LogUtil;
    import org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.utils.events.VGraphEvent;
     *  Dispatched when there is any change to the nodes and/or links of this graph.
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.utils.events.VGraphEvent
    [Event(name=VGraphEvent.VGRAPH_CHANGED, type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.utils.events.VGraphEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when a drag event starts
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent
    [Event(name="nodeDragStart", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when a drag event ends
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent
    [Event(name="nodeDragEnd", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when a node is clicked it is totally independant of drags, this means you 
     *  do not have to use double clicks to handle expanding or resetting the root
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent
    [Event(name="nodeClick", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when an edge has been rolled over
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent
    [Event(name="edgeRollOver", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when an edge has been rolled out
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent
    [Event(name="edgeRollOut", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when an edge has been clicked
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent
    [Event(name="edgeClick", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualEdgeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when a node is double clicked it is totally independant of drags.
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent
    [Event(name="nodeDoubleClick", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualNodeEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when the background is done dragging.
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent
    [Event(name="backgroundDragEnd", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when the background is done dragging.
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent
    [Event(name="graphScaled", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent")]
     *  Dispatched when the background has been clicked but no nodes selected, and no drag occured
     *  @eventType org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent
    [Event(name="backgroundClick", type="org.un.cava.birdeye.ravis.graphLayout.visual.events.VisualGraphEvent")]
     * This component can visualize and layout a graph data structure in 
     * a Flex application. It is derived from canvas and thus behaves much
     * like that in general.
     * Currently the graphs are required to be connected. And for most layouts
     * a root node is required (as they are tree based).
     * A graph object needs to be specified as well as a layouter object
     * that implements the ILayoutAlgorithm interface.
     * XXX provide example code here
     * */
    public class VisualGraph extends Canvas implements IVisualGraph {
        private static const _LOG:String = "graphLayout.visual.VisualGraph";        
        private static const HAND_CURSOR:Class;
         * Distortion to be applied on mouse over 
        public var distortion:IDistortion;
        private var _nodeMouseDownLocation:Point;
        private var _mouseDownLocation:Point
         * Used to determine if a node has been moved or if it was just a click
        private var _nodeMovedInDrag:Boolean = false;
         * This flag for draw() specifies that the linklength
         * shall be reset to 100 when calling draw();
         * */
        public static const DF_RESET_LL:uint = 1;
         * This property holds the Graph object with the graph
         * data, that is supposed to be visualised. This is also
         * the only data structure that keeps track of nodes and
         * edges.
         * */
        protected var _graph:IGraph = null;
         * This property holds the layouter object. The layouter does the 
         * calculation of the layout and the placement of the nodes.
         * It may be exchanged on the fly.
         * */
        protected var _layouter:ILayoutAlgorithm;
         * for cleanup we also need a reference source for
         * vnodes and vedges
         * */
        protected var _vnodes:Dictionary;
        protected var _vedges:Dictionary;
         * Every visual node is associated with an UIComponent that 
         * will be the actual visual representation of the node in the
         * Flashplayer. This UIComponent (which is typically an ItemRenderer)
         * is called a "view". Node's views are now mainly created on
         * demand and destroyed if the node is currently not visible
         * to save resources. This map keeps track of which VNode belongs
         * to which view. This is required as in certain events, we get
         * only access to the UIComponent and we need to get hold of
         * the corresponding node.
         * */
        protected var _nodeViewToVNodeMap:Dictionary;
         * A similar map needs to exist for edges
         * */
        protected var _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap:Dictionary;
        protected var _edgeViewToVEdgeMap:Dictionary;
         * The standard origin is the upper left corner, but if
         * the graph is scrolled, this origin may change, so we keep
         * track of that here.
         * */
        protected var _origin:Point;
         * The current zooming scale of the vgraph.
         * This is used to facilitate the use of scaleX/scaleY
         * and take it into account for drag and drop.
         * Supported by getter/setting methods.
         * (Contributed by Ivan Bulanov)
         * */
        protected var _scale:Number = 1;
        /* drag and drop support */
         * This is the current UIComponent that is dragged by the mouse.
         * */
        protected var _dragComponent:UIComponent;
         * These two maps keep the drag cursor offset positions
         * for each dragged component. This allows to (theoretically)
         * drag more than one component at once and to correctly reposition the
         * component during the drag and at the drop.
         * */
        protected var _drag_x_offsetMap:Dictionary;
        protected var _drag_y_offsetMap:Dictionary;
         * There is generally support to restrict dragging and dropping
         * to a certain area. These bounds are kept for each dragged
         * component in this map.
         * */
        protected var _drag_boundsMap:Dictionary;
         * The drag cursors starting position is required
         * if we do a "background drag", i.e. scroll the whole
         * VisualGraph around. All this does is basically moving all
         * components with the mouse, thus creating the effect of a 
         * background drag.
         * */
        protected var _dragCursorStartX:Number;
        protected var _dragCursorStartY:Number;
         * To distinguish an active mouse move drag that drags
         * a component from one that should drag the background, 
         * we need this property.
         * */
        protected var _backgroundDragInProgress:Boolean = false;
         * To enable/disable scrolling while background is being
         * dragged 
         * */
        protected var _scrollBackgroundInDrag:Boolean = true;
         * To enable/disable movement while node is being
         * dragged 
         * */
        protected var _moveNodeInDrag:Boolean = true;
         * To enable/disable movement while edge is being
         * dragged 
         * */
        protected var _moveEdgeInDrag:Boolean = true;
         * To enable/disable movement while background is being
         * dragged 
         * */
        protected var _moveGraphInDrag:Boolean = true;
        /* Rendering */
         * We allow the specification of an EdgeRenderer (i.e. an IFactory)
         * that allows us to specify the view's for each edge in MXML
         * */
        protected var _edgeRendererFactory:IFactory = null;
         * We allow the specification of an ItemRenderer (i.e. an IFactory)
         * that allows us to specify the view's for each node in MXML
         * */
        protected var _itemRendererFactory:IFactory = null;
         * Also allow the specification of an IFactory for edge
         * labels.
         * */
        protected var _edgeLabelRendererFactory:IFactory = null;
         * Flag to force a redraw of all edge even if the layout
         * has not changed
         * */
        protected var _forceUpdateEdges:Boolean = false;
         * Flag to force a redraw of all nodes even if the layout
         * has not changed
         * */
        protected var _forceUpdateNodes:Boolean = false;
         * Specify whether edge labels should be displayed or not
         * */
        protected var _displayEdgeLabels:Boolean = true;
         * We keep the default parameters
         * to draw edges (line width, color, alpha channel)
         * in this object. The params to be expected are all
         * params which can be accepted by the lineStyle()
         * method of the Graphics class.
         * We keep a separate default set for regular edges and
         * for distinguished edges.
         * */
        protected var _defaultEdgeStyle:Object = {
        /* The visibility of nodes can be controlled in a few ways.
        * The principal limit is to restrict nodes to only be visible if they
        * are within a certain distance (in degrees of separation) from the
        * current root node. In addition previous root nodes can be
        * made visible */
         * This property controls if any visibility limit is currently
         * active at all. Strongly recommended for large graphs.
         * The application will be brought to its knees if thousands of nodes
         * should be displayed. 
         * */
        protected var _visibilityLimitActive:Boolean = true;
         * Controls the maximum distance from the root that a node
         * can have to still be visible.
         * */
        protected var _maxVisibleDistance:uint = int.MAX_VALUE;
         * This object hash contains all node ids 
         * of nodes which are currently within the visible
         * distance limit. This hash is typically initialised from
         * from the Graph object. These nodes are NOT all
         * visible nodes (since the history nodes are also
         * visible).
         * */
        protected var _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit:Dictionary;
         * This object contains the previuos hash of nodes
         * within the distance. To keep this helps to avoid
         * running through all nodes to render the olds
         * invisible and the new ones visible.
         * */
        protected var _prevNodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit:Dictionary;
         * This is the number of nodes within the distance
         * limit.
         * */
        protected var _noNodesWithinDistance:uint;
         * This Dictionary holds all visible nodes,
         * i.e. those within the limit and the history
         * nodes (if the history is enabled), or even all
         * nodes, if the visibility limitation is disabled.
         * This directory is indexed by VNode and the values
         * are the same VNode.
         * */
        protected var _visibleVNodes:Dictionary;
        protected var _visibleVNodesList:Array;
         * The number of currently visible VNodes.
         * */
        protected var _noVisibleVNodes:int;
         * This Dictionary keeps track of all currently
         * visible edges. An edge is visible iff both
         * attached nodes are visible. This hash is indexed
         * with VEdges and the values are the same VEdge objects.
         * */
        protected var _visibleVEdges:Dictionary;
        protected var _visibleVEdgesList:Array;
        /* root nodes, distinguished nodes and history */
         * This is the current focused / root node. It will be
         * used as the root for any tree computations and
         * currently all layouters depend on this.
         * Typically the root node is selected by double-click.
         * */
        protected var _currentRootVNode:IVisualNode = null;
         * This hash keeps track of all the past root VNodes
         * thus being the history. If showHistory is enabled,
         * these nodes are also visible even if they are outside
         * the visible distance.
         * */
        protected var _currentVNodeHistory:Array = null;
         * This flag controls whether to show the history nodes or not.
         * */
        protected var _showCurrentNodeHistory:Boolean = false;
        protected var edgeLayer:Canvas;
        protected var edgeLabelLayer:Canvas;
        protected var nodeLayer:Canvas;
        /* public attributes */
         * enable bitmap caching in renderer components
         * */
        public var cacheRendererObjects:Boolean = false;
         * Default visibility setting for new nodes. If
         * set all new nodes are created visible and with
         * a view component. Beware of that if you have
         * many nodes.
         * */
        public var newNodesDefaultVisible:Boolean = false;
         * This property controls whether the mouse cursor
         * should be locked in the dragged node's center or not.
         * */
        public var dragLockCenter:Boolean = false;
         * If set, this effect will be applied if a view
         * is created (e.g. while a node becomes visible
         * or if a new node is created).
         * */
        public var addItemEffect:Effect;
         * If set, this effect will be applied if a view
         * is removed (e.g. a node becomes invisible or
         * is removed).
         * */
        public var removeItemEffect:Effect;
        private var _clippingMask:UIComponent;
         * The constructor just initialises most data structures, but not all
         * required. Currently it does neither set a Graph object, nor a 
         * Layouter object. Reasonable defaults may be added as an option.
         * */
        public function VisualGraph() {
            /* call super class constructor */
            /* initialize maps for drag and drop */
            _drag_x_offsetMap = new Dictionary;
            _drag_y_offsetMap = new Dictionary;
            _drag_boundsMap = new Dictionary;
            /* initialise view/ItemRenderer and visibility mapping */
            _vnodes = new Dictionary;
            _vedges = new Dictionary;
            _nodeViewToVNodeMap = new Dictionary;            
            _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap = new Dictionary;
            _edgeViewToVEdgeMap = new Dictionary;
            _visibleVNodes = new Dictionary;
            _visibleVNodesList = new Array;
            _visibleVEdges = new Dictionary;
            _visibleVEdgesList = new Array;
            _noVisibleVNodes = 0;
            _visibilityLimitActive = true;
            /* init the history array */
            _currentVNodeHistory = new Array;
            /* set an edge renderer, for now we use the Default,
            * but at a later stage this could be set externally */
            _edgeRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(BaseEdgeRenderer);
            this.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            this.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            this.clipContent = true;
            /* add event handlers for background drag/drop i.e. scrolling */
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,backgroundDragBegin,false, int.MIN_VALUE);
            _origin = new Point(0,0);
        protected override function createChildren():void
            _clippingMask = new UIComponent();
            this.mask = _clippingMask;
            edgeLayer = new Canvas();
            edgeLayer.clipContent = false;
            edgeLayer.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            edgeLayer.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            edgeLayer.percentWidth = 100;
            edgeLayer.percentHeight = 100;
            edgeLabelLayer = new Canvas();
            edgeLabelLayer.clipContent = false;
            edgeLabelLayer.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            edgeLabelLayer.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            edgeLabelLayer.percentWidth = 100;
            edgeLabelLayer.percentHeight = 100;
            nodeLayer = new Canvas();
            nodeLayer.clipContent = false;
            nodeLayer.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            nodeLayer.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
            nodeLayer.percentWidth = 100;
            nodeLayer.percentHeight = 100;
        private function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
            if(distortion && layouter.animInProgress == false)
                var dp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY);
                dp = dp.subtract(localToGlobal(new Point(x,y)));
        private function rollOverHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
        private function rollOutHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
        public function releaseNodes():void
            for each(var node:IVisualNode in visibleVNodes)
                node.moveable = true;
         * This property allows access and setting of the underlying
         * graph object. If set, it will automatically initialise the VGraph
         * from the Graph object, i.e. create VNodes and VEdges for each
         * Graph node and Graph edge.
         * If there was already a Graph present, the VGraph is purged, but no other
         * cleanup is done, which means that there could still be
         * some references floating around thus leaking memory.
         * For now, avoid setting it more than once in the same
         * VGraph.
         * @param g The Graph object to be assigned.
         * */
        public function set graph(g:IGraph):void {
            if(_graph != null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "_graph in VisualGraph was not null when new graph was assigned."+
                    " Some cleanup done, but this may leak memory");
                /* this cleanes the VGraph so we are pristine */
                _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit = null;
                _prevNodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit = null;
                _noNodesWithinDistance = 0;
                /* this may have been removed already before */
                if(_layouter) {
            /* assign defaults */
            _graph = g;
            /* IMPORTANT: a layouter also has a graph reference
            * separate, this must be updated in order for
            * this to work properly
            if(_layouter) {
                _layouter.graph = g;
            /* better safe than sorry even if it is an empty one */
            /* invalidate old root node */
            _currentRootVNode = null;
            /* now use the first node as the new default root node */
            if(_graph.nodes.length > 0) {
                _currentRootVNode = (_graph.nodes[0] as INode).vnode;
            LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "Setting a new graph object invalidates the root node,"+
                " a new default root node was set, but it may not be what you want");
         * @private
         * */
        public function get graph():IGraph {
            return _graph;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function set itemRenderer(ifac:IFactory):void {
            if(ifac != _itemRendererFactory) {
                _itemRendererFactory = ifac;
                /* if that has changed, we would need to recreate all
                * currently visible nodes */
         * @private
         * */
        public function get itemRenderer():IFactory {
            return _itemRendererFactory;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function set edgeRendererFactory(er:IFactory):void {
            if(er != _edgeRendererFactory) {
                _edgeRendererFactory = er;
         * @private
         * */
        public function get edgeRendererFactory():IFactory {
            return _edgeRendererFactory;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function set edgeLabelRenderer(elr:IFactory):void {
            /* if the factory was changed, then we have to remove all
            * instances of vedgeViews to have them updated */
            if(elr != _edgeLabelRendererFactory) {
                /* set all edges invisible, this should delete all instances
                * of view components */
                /* set the new renderer */
                _edgeLabelRendererFactory = elr;    
                /* update i.e. recreate the instances */
         * @private
         * */
        public function get edgeLabelRenderer():IFactory {
            return _edgeLabelRendererFactory;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function set displayEdgeLabels(del:Boolean):void {
            var e:IEdge;
            if(_displayEdgeLabels == del) {
                // no change
            } else {
                _displayEdgeLabels = del;
         * @private
         * */
        public function get displayEdgeLabels():Boolean {
            return _displayEdgeLabels;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get layouter():ILayoutAlgorithm {
            return _layouter;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set layouter(l:ILayoutAlgorithm):void {
            if(_layouter != null) {
                _layouter.resetAll(); // to stop any pending animations
            _layouter = l;
            /* need to signal control components possibly */
            this.dispatchEvent(new VGraphEvent(VGraphEvent.LAYOUTER_CHANGED));
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get origin():Point {
            return _origin;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get center():Point {
            return new Point(this.width / 2.0, this.height / 2.0);
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get visibleVNodes():Array {
            return _visibleVNodesList.sortOn("id");
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get noVisibleVNodes():uint {
            return _noVisibleVNodes;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get visibleVEdges():Array {
            return _visibleVEdgesList.sortOn("id");
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get visibilityLimitActive():Boolean {
            return _visibilityLimitActive;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set visibilityLimitActive(ac:Boolean):void {
            /* check for a change */
            if(_visibilityLimitActive != ac) {    
                /* execute the change */
                _visibilityLimitActive = ac;
                /* activate? */
                if(ac) {
                    if(_currentRootVNode == null) {
                        LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "No root selected, not creating limited graph, not doing anything.");
                    //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "getting limited node ids with limit:"+_maxVisibleDistance);
                    /* 1. Get the spanning tree, rooted in our current root node from
                    *    the graph object.
                    * 2. Get the hash from this tree, that contains only the nodes
                    *    within the set distance.
                    * 3. Use this to set our properties for the nodes within the distance
                    *    limit.
                    /* now update all other visibility data structure
                    * this also forces a redraw() (and layout) of the 
                    * visualisation */
                    /* when we deactivate this limit, we render all nodes
                    * visible! */
                else {
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get maxVisibleDistance():int {
            return _maxVisibleDistance;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set maxVisibleDistance(md:int):void {
            /* check if there was a change */
            if(_maxVisibleDistance != md) {
                /* if yes, apply the change */
                _maxVisibleDistance = md;
                //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "visible distance changed to: "+md);
                /* if our current limits are active we create a new
                * set of nodes within the distance and update the
                * visibility */
                if(_visibilityLimitActive) {
                    if(_currentRootVNode == null) {
                        LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "No root selected, not creating limited graph");
                    } else {
         * This was added for testing. It may be removed
         * again.
         * */
        public function get currentRootSID():String {
            return _currentRootVNode.node.stringid;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        /* [Bindable]  */
        public function get currentRootVNode():IVisualNode {
            return _currentRootVNode;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set currentRootVNode(vn:IVisualNode):void {
            /* check for a change */
            if(_currentRootVNode != vn) {
                /* apply the change */
                _currentRootVNode = vn;
                /* now update the history with the new node */
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "node:"+_currentRootVNode.id+" added to history");
            //we always need to the following because:
            //the _currentRootVNode can be set when you 
            //create a node. Then if you set a custom renderer for nodes
            //every node is made to be invisible, and because this stuff
            //following hasn't been called it stays that way and is not deployed 
            /* if we are currently limiting node visibility,
            * update the set of visible nodes since we 
            * have changed the root, the spanning tree has changed
            * and thus the set of visible nodes */
            if(_visibilityLimitActive) {
            } else {                    
                //if the visibility limit is not active, get all the nodes
        private function getNodesAsDictionary():Dictionary {
            var retVal:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
            for each(var node:INode in _graph.nodes)
                retVal[node] = node;
            return retVal;
        public function set scrollBackgroundInDrag(f:Boolean):void {
            _scrollBackgroundInDrag = f;
        public function set moveNodeInDrag(f:Boolean):void {
            _moveNodeInDrag = f;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get showHistory():Boolean {
            return _showCurrentNodeHistory;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set showHistory(h:Boolean):void {
            /* check for a change */
            if(_showCurrentNodeHistory != h) {
                _showCurrentNodeHistory = h;
                /* makes no sense without root set */
                if(_currentRootVNode != null) {
                    /* becomes only active if we have the limit active */
                    if(_visibilityLimitActive) {
                        /* now update the visibility. This also applies the
                        * history information to the node visibility */
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function get scale():Number {
            return _scale;
         * @private
         * */
        public function set scale(s:Number):void {
            var w:Number = width - width/s;
            var h:Number = height - height/s;
            //the scroll takes care of the refresh            
            scroll(-w/2 - _origin.x ,-h/2 - _origin.y, false);
            nodeLayer.scaleX = s;
            nodeLayer.scaleY = s;
            edgeLayer.scaleX = s;
            edgeLayer.scaleY = s;
            edgeLabelLayer.scaleX = s;
            edgeLabelLayer.scaleY = s;
            _scale = s;
            dispatchEvent(new VisualGraphEvent(VisualGraphEvent.GRAPH_SCALED));
         * This initialises a VGraph from a Graph object.
         * I.e. it crates a VNode for every Node found in
         * the Graph and a VEdge for every Edge in the Graph.
         * Careful, this currently does not check if the VGraph
         * was already initialised and it does not purge anything.
         * Things could break if used on an already initialized VGraph.
         * */
        public function initFromGraph():void {
            var node:INode;
            var edge:IEdge;
            /* create the vnode from the node */
            for each(node in _graph.nodes) {
                //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "created VNode for node:"+node.id);
            /* we also create the edge objects, since they
            * may carry additional label information or something
            * like that, but they do not have a view */
            for each(edge in _graph.edges) {
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function clearHistory():void {
            _currentVNodeHistory = new Array();
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function createNode(sid:String = "", o:Object = null):IVisualNode {
            var gnode:INode;
            var vnode:IVisualNode;
            /* first add a new node to the underlying graph */
            gnode = _graph.createNode(sid,o);
            /* Then create the VNode with associated with the graph node */
            vnode = createVNode(gnode);
            /* since it is a requirement from most layouters
            * to always have a current root node
            * we assign the current root node to the newly
            * created node so we have one. Note that this does
            * not affect the root node history. */
            _currentRootVNode = vnode;
            return vnode;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function removeNode(vn:IVisualNode):void {
            var n:INode;
            var e:IEdge;
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            var i:int;
            n = vn.node;
            /* if the current root node is the
            * node to be removed it must be
            * changed.
            * First, we set it to null, then we remove the
            * node, then at the end we reset it
            * to the first node still in the
            * nodes array */
            if(vn == _currentRootVNode) {
                /* temporary set to null */
                _currentRootVNode = null;
            /* remove all incoming edges */
            while(n.inEdges.length > 0) {
                e = n.inEdges[0] as IEdge;
                ve = e.vedge;
            /* remove all outgoing edges */
            while(n.outEdges.length > 0) {
                e = n.outEdges[0] as IEdge;
                ve = e.vedge;
            /* remove the vnode */
            /* remove the node from the graph */
            /* now set a new root node, implies that there is
            * still a node */
            if(_currentRootVNode == null && _graph.noNodes > 0) {
                _currentRootVNode = (_graph.nodes[0] as INode).vnode;
            /* since we removed also edges, we need a refresh */
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function linkNodes(v1:IVisualNode, v2:IVisualNode):IVisualEdge {
            var n1:INode;
            var n2:INode;
            var e:IEdge;
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            /* make sure both nodes do exist */
            if(v1 == null || v2 == null) {
                throw Error("linkNodes: one of the nodes does not exist");
                //return null;
            n1 = v1.node;
            n2 = v2.node;
            /* now first link the graph nodes and create the corresponding edge */
            e = _graph.link(n1,n2,null);
            /* if the edge existed already, e is just the
            * already existing edge. But if it existed
            * previously it might already have a VEdge.
            * So we only create a new VEdge, if it did not exist
            * already. */        
            if(e == null) {
                throw Error("Could not create or find Graph edge!!");
            } else {
                if(e.vedge == null) {
                    /* we have a new edge, so we create a new VEdge */
                    ve = createVEdge(e);
                } else {
                    /* existing one, so we use the existing vedge */
                    LogUtil.info(_LOG, "Edge already existed, returning existing vedge");
                    ve = e.vedge;
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "linkNodes, created edge "+(e as Object).toString()+" from nodes: "+n1.id+", "+n2.id);
            /* this changes the layout, so we have to do a full redraw */
            // if we link nodes we may not necesarily want to draw();
            /* just refresh the edges */
            return ve;
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function unlinkNodes(v1:IVisualNode, v2:IVisualNode):void {
            var n1:INode;
            var n2:INode;
            var e:IEdge;
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            /* make sure both nodes exist */
            if(v1 == null || v2 == null) {
                throw Error("unlink nodes: one of the nodes does not exist");
            n1 = v1.node;
            n2 = v2.node;
            /* find the graph edge */
            e = _graph.getEdge(n1,n2);
            /* if we do not get an edge, it may simply not exist */
            if(e == null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "No edge found between: "+n1.id+" and "+n2.id);
            /* now get and remove the VEdge first */
            ve = e.vedge;            
            /* now remove the edge itself, basically
            * unlinking the nodes */
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function scroll(deltaX:Number, deltaY:Number, reset:Boolean):void {
            //set the x and y of each node with the diff
            // do not commit the change because
            // we want it to change the same time as the arrows do
            for each(var node:INode in _graph.nodes)
                node.vnode.x += deltaX;
                node.vnode.y += deltaY;
            //if we are resetting the origin do that
            if(reset) {
                _origin = new Point(0,0);
            //update the origin with the new delta
            //redraw everything on the next updateDisplayList
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function redrawNodes():void
            if(_graph == null) {
                LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "_graph object in VisualGraph is null");
            for each(var node:INode in _graph.nodes) {
                if(node.vnode !=null && node.vnode.view != null) {
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function refresh():void {
            /* this forces the next call of updateDisplayList()
            * to redraw all edges and all nodes*/
            _forceUpdateEdges = true;
            _forceUpdateNodes = true;
            if(_graph == null) {
            //we want this because we have our own 
            //specific display list things in updateDisplayList
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function draw(flags:uint = 0):void {    
            var completeFunction:Function = function():void
                /* after the layout was done, the layout has
                * probably changed again, the layouter will have
                * itself set to that, but has maybe not
                * invalidated the display list, so we make sure it
                * happens here (may not always be necessary) */
                /* dispatch this change event, so some UI items
                * in the application can poll for updated values
                * for labels or something.
                * XXX To do: specify a subtype for more specific changes
                dispatchEvent(new VGraphEvent(VGraphEvent.VGRAPH_CHANGED));
            /* first refresh does layoutChanges to true and
            * invalidate display list */
            if(flags == VisualGraph.DF_RESET_LL) {
                if(_layouter != null && _layouter.linkLength == 0) {
                    _layouter.linkLength = 100;
            /* we need to do some sanity checks, e.g. if the canvas window
            * size was reduced to 0 or linklength 0 or similar things,
            * the layouter might crash */
            if(_layouter == null ||
                _currentRootVNode == null ||
                _graph.noNodes == 0 ||
                width == 0 ||
                height == 0 ||
                _layouter.linkLength <= 0)
         * Refresh the VGraph fully. I.e. recreate and
         * reassign all data objects, etc.
         * This is a heavy operation */
        public function fullVGraphRefresh(xmlData:XML = null, directional:Boolean = false):void {
            var graph:IGraph;    
            var oldroot:IVisualNode;
            var oldsid:String;
            var newroot:INode;
            var theXMLData:XML = xmlData;
            var layouter:ILayoutAlgorithm;
            /* if we do not have been passed an XML object
            * we try to get one from the old graph */
            if(theXMLData == null && _graph != null) {
                theXMLData = _graph.xmlData;
            /* still null? then we have to bail out */
            if(theXMLData == null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "No XML object passed or found in old graph");
            /* reset layouter and remember it */            
            if(_layouter != null) {
                layouter = _layouter;
                _layouter = null;
            /* init a graph object with the XML data */
            graph = new Graph("myXMLbasedGraphID",directional,theXMLData);
            /* remember the old root and id */
            oldroot = _currentRootVNode;
            oldsid = oldroot.node.stringid;
            /* reapply the previous layouter 
            * IMPORTANT: this has to be done before the
            * graph object is set, because otherwise the graph
            * attribute in the layouter will not be updated!
            _layouter = layouter;        
            /* set the graph in the VGraph object, this automatically
            * initializes the VGraph items */
            this.graph = graph;
            /* setting a new graph invalidated our old root, we need to reset it */
            /* we try to find a node, that has the same string-id as the old root node */
            newroot = _graph.nodeByStringId(oldsid);
            if(newroot != null) {
                this.currentRootVNode = newroot.vnode;
            } else {
                throw Error("Cannot set a default root, bailing out");
            /* send an event for controls to reapply their currently
            * set values to layouters */
            this.dispatchEvent(new VGraphEvent(VGraphEvent.LAYOUTER_CHANGED));
            /* trigger a redraw
            * XXXX think if we should do that here */
         * this function takes the node with the specified
         * string id and selects it as a root
         * node, automatically centering the layout around it
         * */
        public function centerNodeByStringId(nodeID:String):IVisualNode {
            var newroot:INode;
            if(_graph == null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "VGraph has no Graph object, probably not correctly initialised, yet");
                return null;
            newroot = _graph.nodeByStringId(nodeID);
            /* if we have a node, set its vnode as the new root */
            if(newroot) {
                /* is it really a new node */
                if(newroot.vnode != _currentRootVNode) {
                    /* set it */
                    this.currentRootVNode = newroot.vnode;
                    return newroot.vnode;
                } else {
                    return _currentRootVNode;
            LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "Node with id:"+nodeID+" not found!");
            return null;
         * This calls the base updateDisplayList() method of the
         * Canvas and in addition redraws all edges if the layouter
         * indicates that the layout has changed.
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
            /* call the original function */
            /* now add part to redraw edges */
            if(_layouter) {
                if(_layouter.layoutChanged) {
                    _forceUpdateNodes = false;
                    _forceUpdateEdges = false;
                    _layouter.layoutChanged = false;
                if(_forceUpdateNodes) {
                    _forceUpdateNodes = false;
                if(_forceUpdateEdges) {
                    _forceUpdateEdges = false;
        /* private methods */
         * Creates VNode and requires a Graph node to associate
         * it with. Originally also created the view, but we no
         * longer do that directly but only on demand.
         * @param n The graph node to be associated with.
         * @return The created VisualNode.
         * */
        protected function createVNode(n:INode):IVisualNode {
            var vnode:IVisualNode;
            /* as an id we use the id of the graph node for simplicity
            * for now, it is not really used separately anywhere
            * we also use the graph data object as our data object.
            * the view is set to null and remains so. */
            vnode = new VisualNode(this, n, n.id, null, n.data);
            /* if the node should be visible by default 
            * we need to make sure that the view is created */
            if(newNodesDefaultVisible) {
                setNodeVisibility(vnode, true);
            /* now set the vnode in the node */
            n.vnode = vnode;
            /* add the node to the hash to keep track */
            _vnodes[vnode] = vnode;
            return vnode;
         * Removes a VNode, this also removes the node's view
         * if it existed, but does not touch the Graph node.
         * @param vn The VisualNode to be removed.
         * */
        protected function removeVNode(vn:IVisualNode):void {
            var view:UIComponent;
            /* get access to the node's view, but get the 
            * raw view to avoid unnecessary creation of a view
            view = vn.rawview;
            /* delete reference to the view from the node */
            vn.view = null;
            /* remove the reference to this node from the graph node */
            vn.node.vnode = null;
            /* now remove the view component if it existed */
            if(view != null) {
            /* remove from the visible vnode map if present */
            if(_visibleVNodes[vn] != undefined) {
            /* remove from tracking hash */
            delete _vnodes[vn];
            /* this should clean up all references to this VNode
            * thus freeing it for garbage collection */
        private function deleteVisibleVNode(vn:IVisualNode):void
            vn.isVisible = false;
            delete _visibleVNodes[vn];
            var newVisibleVNodes:Array = new Array();
            for each(var node:IVisualNode in _visibleVNodesList)
                if(node != vn)
            _visibleVNodesList = newVisibleVNodes;
            /* remove the view if there is one */
            if(vn.view != null) {
                removeNodeView(vn.view, false);
         * Creates a VEdge from a graph Edge.
         * @param e The Graph Edge.
         * @return The created VEdge.
         * */
        protected function createVEdge(e:IEdge):IVisualEdge {
            var vedge:IVisualEdge;
            var n1:INode;
            var n2:INode;
            var lStyle:Object;
            var edgeAttrs:XMLList;
            var attr:XML;
            var attname:String;
            var attrs:Array;
            /* create a copy of the default style */
            lStyle = ObjectUtil.copy(_defaultEdgeStyle);
            /* extract style data from associated XML data for each parameter */
            attrs = ObjectUtil.getClassInfo(lStyle).properties;
            for each(attname in attrs) {
                if(e.data != null && (e.data as XML).attribute(attname).length() > 0) {
                    lStyle[attname] = e.data.@[attname];
            vedge = new VisualEdge(this, e, e.id, e.data, null, lStyle);
            /* set the VisualEdge reference in the graph edge */
            e.vedge = vedge;
            /* check if the edge is supposed to be visible */
            n1 = e.node1;
            n2 = e.node2;
            /* if both nodes are visible, the edge should
            * be made visible, which may also create a label
            if(n1.vnode.isVisible && n2.vnode.isVisible) {
                setEdgeVisibility(vedge, true);
            /* add to tracking hash */
            _vedges[vedge] = vedge;
            return vedge;
        protected function edgeClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
            _backgroundDragInProgress = false;
            var t:UIComponent = e.target as UIComponent;
            if(t == null)
            var edge:IVisualEdge = _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[t];
            if(edge == null)
            dispatchEvent(new VisualEdgeEvent(VisualEdgeEvent.CLICK,edge,e.ctrlKey));
        protected function edgeRollOver(e:MouseEvent):void
            var t:UIComponent = e.target as UIComponent;
            if(t == null)
            var edge:IVisualEdge = _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[t];
            if(edge == null)
            dispatchEvent(new VisualEdgeEvent(VisualEdgeEvent.ROLL_OVER,edge,e.ctrlKey));
        protected function edgeRollOut(e:MouseEvent):void
            var t:UIComponent = e.target as UIComponent;
            if(t == null)
            var edge:IVisualEdge = _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[t];
            if(edge == null)
            dispatchEvent(new VisualEdgeEvent(VisualEdgeEvent.ROLL_OUT,edge,e.ctrlKey));
         * Remove a VisualEdge, but leaves the Graph Edge alone.
         * @param ve The VisualEdge to be removed.
         * */
        protected function removeVEdge(ve:IVisualEdge):void {
            /* just in case */
            if(ve == null) {
            /* first turn it invisible, which should
            * remove the labelview */
            setEdgeVisibility(ve, false);
            delete _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[ve.edgeView];
            /* remove the reference from the real edge */
            ve.edge.vedge = null;
            /* remove from tracking hash */
            delete _vedges[ve];
         * Purges the VGraph by dropping all VNodes and VEdges.
         * This is a bit tricky, since we do not really
         * keep track of them in the VGraph, they are only referenced
         * by the Graph nodes and egdes.
         * */
        protected function purgeVGraph():void {
            var ves:Array = new Array;
            var vns:Array = new Array;
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            var vn:IVisualNode;
            /* this appears rather inefficient, however
            * ObjectUtil.copy does not work on dictionaries
            * currently I have no other solution
            for each(ve in _vedges) {
            for each(vn in _vnodes) {
            LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "purgeVGraph called");
            if(_graph != null) {
                for each(ve in ves) {
                for each(vn in vns) {
            } else {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "we had no graph to purge from, so nothing was done");
         * Redraw all edges, this is called from the updateDisplayList()
         * method.
         * @inheritDoc
         * */
        public function redrawEdges():void {
            var vn1:IVisualNode;
            var vn2:IVisualNode;
            var vedge:IVisualEdge;
            /* make sure we have a graph */
            if(_graph == null) {
                LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "_graph object in VisualGraph is null");
            for each(vedge in _edgeViewToVEdgeMap)
         * Lookup a node by its UIComponent. This is more a convenience
         * method with some sanity check. Primarily used by event handlers.
         * @param c The component to find the VisualNode for.
         * @return The found Node.
         * @throws An Error if the component was not registered in the map.
         * */
        protected function lookupNode(c:UIComponent):IVisualNode {
            var vn:IVisualNode = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[c];
            if(vn == null) {
                throw Error("Component not in viewToVNodeMap");
            return vn;
         * Create a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given node and
         * return it. These methods are only exported to be used by
         * the VisualNode. Alas, AS does not provide the "friend" directive.
         * Not sure how to get around this problem right now.
         * @param vn The node to replace/add a view object.
         * @return The created view object.
         * */
        protected function createVNodeComponent(vn:IVisualNode):UIComponent {
            var mycomponent:UIComponent = null;
            if(_itemRendererFactory != null) {
                mycomponent = _itemRendererFactory.newInstance();
            } else {
                mycomponent = new UIComponent();
            /* assigns the item (VisualNode) to the IDataRenderer part of the view
            * this is important to access the data object of the VNode
            * which contains information for rendering. */        
            if(mycomponent is IDataRenderer) {
                (mycomponent as IDataRenderer).data = vn;
            /* set initial x/y values */
            mycomponent.x = this.width / 2.0;
            mycomponent.y = this.height / 2.0;
            /* add event handlers for dragging and double click */            
            mycomponent.doubleClickEnabled = true;
            mycomponent.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, nodeDoubleClick,false,0,true);
            mycomponent.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, nodeMouseDown,false,0,true);
            mycomponent.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, nodeRollOver,false,0,true);
            mycomponent.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, nodeRollOut,false,0,true);
            mycomponent.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nodeMouseClick,false,0,true);
            /* enable bitmap cachine if required */
            mycomponent.cacheAsBitmap = cacheRendererObjects;
            /* add the component to its parent component */
            /* do we have an effect set for addition of
            * items? If yes, create and start it. */
            if(addItemEffect != null) {
            /* register it the view in the vnode and the mapping */
            vn.view = mycomponent;
            _nodeViewToVNodeMap[mycomponent] = vn;
            /* we need to invalidate the display list since
            * we created new children */
            return mycomponent;
        private function nodeRollOver(e:MouseEvent):void {
        private function nodeRollOut(e:MouseEvent):void {
         * Remove a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given node and specify whether
         * this should honor any specified add/remove effects.
         * These methods are only exported to be used by
         * the VisualNode. Alas, AS does not provide the "friend" directive.
         * Not sure how to get around this problem right now.
         * @param component The UIComponent to be removed.
         * @param honorEffect To specify whether the effect should be applied or not.
         * */
        protected function removeNodeView(component:UIComponent, honorEffect:Boolean = true):void {
            var vn:IVisualNode;
            /* if there is an effect, start the effect and register a
            * handler that actually calls this method again, but
            * with honorEffect set to false */
            if(honorEffect && (removeItemEffect != null)) {
            } else {
                /* remove the component from it's parent (which should be the canvas) */
                if(component.parent != null) {
                /* remove event mouse listeners */
                component.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragEnd);
                /* get the associated VNode and remove the view from it
                * and also remove the map entry */
                vn = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[component];
                vn.view = null;
                delete _nodeViewToVNodeMap[component];
         * Create a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given edge and
         * return it.
         * @param ve The edge to replace/add a view object.
         * @return The created view object.
         * */
        protected function createVEdgeLabelView(ve:IVisualEdge):UIComponent {
            var mycomponent:UIComponent = null;
            if(_edgeLabelRendererFactory != null) {
                mycomponent = _edgeLabelRendererFactory.newInstance();
            } else {
                /* this is only for the basic default */
                mycomponent = new Label; // this is our default label.
                if(ve.data != null) {
                    (mycomponent as Label).text = ve.data.@association;
            /* assigns the edge to the IDataRenderer part of the view
            * this is important to access the data object of the VEdge
            * which contains information for rendering. */        
            if(mycomponent is IDataRenderer) {
                (mycomponent as IDataRenderer).data = ve;
            /* enable bitmap cachine if required */
            mycomponent.cacheAsBitmap = cacheRendererObjects;
            /* add the component to its parent component
            * this can create problems, we have to see where we
            * check for all children
            * Add after the edges layer, but below all other elements such as nodes */
            ve.labelView = mycomponent;
            _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap[mycomponent] = ve;
            /* we need to invalidate the display list since
            * we created new children */
            return mycomponent;
         * Remove a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given edge.
         * @param component The UIComponent to be removed.
         * */
        protected function removeVEdgeLabelView(component:UIComponent):void {
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            /* remove the component from it's parent (which should be the canvas) */
            if(component.parent != null) {
            /* get the associated VEdge and remove the view from it
            * and also remove the map entry */
            ve = _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap[component];
            ve.labelView = null;
            delete _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap[component];
         * Create a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given edge and
         * return it.
         * @param ve The edge to replace/add a view object.
         * @return The created view object.
         * */
        protected function createVEdgeView(ve:IVisualEdge):IEdgeRenderer {
            var mycomponent:IEdgeRenderer = null;
            if(_edgeRendererFactory != null) {
                mycomponent = edgeRendererFactory.newInstance();
            } else {
                /* this is only for the basic default */
                mycomponent = new BaseEdgeRenderer(); // this is our default label.
            mycomponent.percentWidth = 100;
            mycomponent.percentHeight = 100;
            UIComponent(mycomponent).useHandCursor = true;
            UIComponent(mycomponent).buttonMode = true;
            /* assigns the edge to the IDataRenderer part of the view
            * this is important to access the data object of the VEdge
            * which contains information for rendering. */        
            if(mycomponent is IDataRenderer) {
                (mycomponent as IDataRenderer).data = ve;
            /* enable bitmap cachine if required */
            mycomponent.cacheAsBitmap = cacheRendererObjects;
            /* add the component to its parent component
            * this can create problems, we have to see where we
            * check for all children
            * Add after the edges layer, but below all other elements such as nodes */
            ve.edgeView = mycomponent;
            _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[mycomponent] = ve;
            /* we need to invalidate the display list since
            * we created new children */
            return mycomponent;
         * Remove a "view" object (UIComponent) for the given edge.
         * @param component The UIComponent to be removed.
         * */
        protected function removeVEdgeView(component:IEdgeRenderer):void {
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            /* remove the component from it's parent (which should be the canvas) */
            if(component.parent != null) {
            /* get the associated VEdge and remove the view from it
            * and also remove the map entry */
            ve = _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[component];
            ve.edgeView = null;
            delete _edgeViewToVEdgeMap[component];
         * Event handler for a removal node procedure. Calls
         * removeComponent with a flag to avoid doing the effect again.
         * */
        protected function removeEffectDone(event:EffectEvent):void {
            var mycomponent:UIComponent = event.effectInstance.target as UIComponent;
            /* call remove component again, but specify to ignore the effect */
            removeNodeView(mycomponent, false);
         * Event handler to work on double-click events.
         * Any double click also counts as a drop event to
         * the layouter. But primarily the double click
         * sets a new root node.
         * @param e The corresponding event.
         * */
        protected function nodeDoubleClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
            var comp:UIComponent;
            var vnode:IVisualNode;
            /* get the view object that was klicked on (actually
            * the one that has the event handler registered, which
            * is the VNode's view */
            comp = (e.currentTarget as UIComponent);
            /* get the associated VNode */
            vnode = lookupNode(comp);
            var evt:VisualNodeEvent = new VisualNodeEvent(VisualNodeEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, vnode.node,e.ctrlKey);
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "double click!");
            /* Now we change the root node, we go through
            * our public setter method to get all associated
            * updates done. */
      //  this.currentRootVNode = vnode; (disabled)
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "currentVNode:"+this.currentRootVNode.id);
            /* here we still want to implicitly redraw */
         * This is the event handler for a mouse down event on a node
         * event. Currently does only one thing:
         * - Starts a drag operation of this node.
         * @param e The associated event.
         * */
        protected function nodeMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
            _nodeMovedInDrag = false;
         * This is the event handler for a mouse click on a node
         * The purpose of this event is to broadcast that a node has
         * been clicked on by a user, it has no other internal function
         * @param e The associated event
        protected function nodeMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
            if(e.currentTarget is UIComponent) {
                var ecomponent:UIComponent = (e.currentTarget as UIComponent);
                /* get the associated VNode of the view */
                var evnode:IVisualNode = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[ecomponent];
                /* stop propagation to prevent a concurrent backgroundDrag */
                dispatchEvent(new VisualNodeEvent(VisualNodeEvent.CLICK,evnode.node,e.ctrlKey));
         * Start a drag operation. This sets the drag node and
         * registeres a 'MouseMove' event handler with the
         * VNode, so it can follow the mouse movement.
         * @param event The MouseEvent that was triggered by clicking on the node.
         * @see handleDrag()
         * */
        protected function dragBegin(event:MouseEvent):void {
            var ecomponent:UIComponent;
            var evnode:IVisualNode;
            var pt:Point;
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "DragBegin was called...");
            /* if there is an animation in progress, we ignore
            * the drag attempt */
            if(_layouter && _layouter.animInProgress) {
                LogUtil.info(_LOG, "Animation in progress, drag attempt ignored");
            /* make sure we get the right component */
            if(event.currentTarget is UIComponent) {
                ecomponent = (event.currentTarget as UIComponent);
                /* get the associated VNode of the view */
                evnode = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[ecomponent];
                /* stop propagation to prevent a concurrent backgroundDrag */
                if(evnode != null) {
                    if(!dragLockCenter) {
                        // lockCenter is false, use the mouse coordinates at the point
                        pt = new Point(ecomponent.mouseX, ecomponent.mouseY);
                    } else {
                        // lockCenter is true, ignore the mouse coordinates
                        pt = new Point(ecomponent.width/2,ecomponent.height/2);
                    /* Save the offset values in the map 
                    * so we can compute x and y correctly in case
                    * we use lockCenter */
                    _drag_x_offsetMap[ecomponent] = pt.x
                    _drag_y_offsetMap[ecomponent] = pt.y;
                    /* now we would need to set the bounds
                    * rectangle in _drag_boundsMap, but this is
                    * currently not implemented *
                    _drag_boundsMap[ecomponent] = rectangle;
                    /* Register an eventListener with the component's stage that
                    * handles any mouse move. This wires the component
                    * to the mouse. On every mouse move, the event handler
                    * is called, which updates its coordinates.
                    * We need to save the drag component, since we have to 
                    * register the event handler with the stage, not the component
                    * itself. But from the stage we have no way to get back to
                    * the component or the VNode in case of the mouse move or 
                    * drop event. 
                    _dragComponent = ecomponent;
                    ecomponent.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleDrag);
                    /* also register a drop event listener */
                    // ecomponent.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragEnd);
                    /* and inform the layouter about the dragEvent */
                    _nodeMouseDownLocation = globalMousePosition();
                    dispatchEvent(new VisualNodeEvent(VisualNodeEvent.DRAG_START,evnode.node,event.ctrlKey));
                    _layouter.dragEvent(event, evnode);
                } else {
                    throw Error("Event Component was not in the viewToVNode Map");
            } else {
                throw Error("MouseEvent target was not UIComponent");
         * Called everytime the mouse moves after the dragBegin() method has
         * been called.  Updates the position of the Component based on
         * the location of the mouse cursor.
         * @param event The MouseMove event that has been triggered.
        protected function handleDrag(event:MouseEvent):void {
            var myvnode:IVisualNode = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[_dragComponent];
            /* Sometimes we get spurious events */
            if(_dragComponent == null) {
                LogUtil.info(_LOG, "received handleDrag event but _dragComponent is null, ignoring");
            if (_moveNodeInDrag) {
                myvnode.viewX = mouseX/scale - _drag_x_offsetMap[_dragComponent];
                myvnode.viewY = mouseY/scale - _drag_y_offsetMap[_dragComponent];
                _nodeMovedInDrag = true;
            _layouter.dragContinue(event, myvnode);
         * This handles a background drag (i.e. scroll). The
         * event listener is usually registered with the canvas,
         * i.e. this object.
         * @param event The triggered event.
         * */
        protected function backgroundDragBegin(event:MouseEvent):void {
            var mycomponent:UIComponent = event.target as UIComponent;
            if(_edgeViewToVEdgeMap[mycomponent] != null ||
                _edgeLabelViewToVEdgeMap[mycomponent] != null ||
                _nodeViewToVNodeMap[mycomponent] != null)
            const mpoint:Point = globalMousePosition();
            /* if there is an animation in progress, we ignore
            * the drag attempt */
            if(_layouter && _layouter.animInProgress) {
                LogUtil.info(_LOG, "Animation in progress, drag attempt ignored");
                dispatchEvent(new VisualGraphEvent(VisualGraphEvent.BACKGROUND_CLICK));
            /* set the progress flag and save the starting coordinates */
            _backgroundDragInProgress = true;
            _dragCursorStartX = mpoint.x;
            _dragCursorStartY = mpoint.y;
            _mouseDownLocation = mpoint;
            /* register the backgroundDrag listener to react to
            * the mouse movements */
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, backgroundDragContinue);
            /* and inform the layouter about the dragEvent */
            if(_layouter) {
         * This does the actual background drag by having
         * all UIComponents move to follow the mouse
         * @param event The triggered mouse move event.
         * */ 
        protected function backgroundDragContinue(event:MouseEvent):void {
            const mpoint:Point = globalMousePosition();
            var deltaX:Number;
            var deltaY:Number;
            if (_scrollBackgroundInDrag) {
                /* compute the movement offset of this move by
                * subtracting the current mouse position from
                * the last mouse position */
                deltaX = mpoint.x - _dragCursorStartX;
                deltaY = mpoint.y - _dragCursorStartY;
                deltaX /= scaleX;
                deltaY /= scaleY;
                /* scroll all objects by this offset */
                scroll(deltaX, deltaY,false);
            /* and inform the layouter about the dragEvent */
            if(_layouter) {
            /* reset the drag start point for the next step */
            _dragCursorStartX = mpoint.x;
            _dragCursorStartY = mpoint.y;
            /* make sure edges are redrawn */
            _forceUpdateEdges = true;
         * This method handles the drop event (usually MOUSE_UP).
         * It stops any dragging in progress (including background drag)
         * and unregisters the current dragged node.
         * @param event The triggered event.
         * */
        protected function dragEnd(event:MouseEvent):void {
            const mpoint:Point = globalMousePosition();
            var mycomp:UIComponent;
            var myback:DisplayObject;
            var myvnode:IVisualNode;
            if(_backgroundDragInProgress) {
                /* if it was a background drag we stop it here */
                _backgroundDragInProgress = false;
                /* get the background drag object, which is usually
                * the canvasm so we just set it to this */
                myback = (this as DisplayObject);
                /* unregister event handler */                
                /* and inform the layouter about the dropEvent */
                if(_layouter) {
                if(event.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT) {
                //dispatch the drag event only if we have moved somewhere
                if(_mouseDownLocation && 
                    Math.abs(mpoint.x - _mouseDownLocation.x) > 2 ||
                    Math.abs(mpoint.y - _mouseDownLocation.y) > 2) {
                    dispatchEvent(new VisualGraphEvent(VisualGraphEvent.BACKGROUND_DRAG_END));
                    dispatchEvent(new VisualGraphEvent(VisualGraphEvent.BACKGROUND_CLICK));                    
            } else {
                /* if it was no background drag, the component
                * is the saved dragComponent */
                mycomp = _dragComponent;
                /* But sometimes the dragComponent was already null, 
                * in this case we have to ignore the thing. */
                if(mycomp == null) {
                    LogUtil.info(_LOG, "dragEnd: received dragEnd but _dragComponent was null, ignoring");
                /* remove the event listeners */
                // HACK: I have to check the stage because there are eventual components not added to the display list
                if (mycomp.stage != null)
                    mycomp.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleDrag);
                /* get the associated VNode to notify the layouter */
                myvnode = _nodeViewToVNodeMap[mycomp];
                if(_layouter) {
                    _layouter.dropEvent(event, myvnode);
                if(_nodeMouseDownLocation && 
                    Math.abs(mpoint.x - _nodeMouseDownLocation.x) > 2 ||
                    Math.abs(mpoint.y - _nodeMouseDownLocation.y) > 2) {
                    dispatchEvent(new VisualNodeEvent(VisualNodeEvent.DRAG_END,myvnode.node,event.ctrlKey));
                /* reset the dragComponent */
                _dragComponent = null;
         * return the current mouse position, used by 
         * certain drag&drop issues
         * */
        protected function globalMousePosition():Point {
            return localToGlobal(new Point(mouseX, mouseY));
         * 1. saves the old nodeID hash object.
         * 2. sets the new _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit Object from the object
         *    provided (typically provided from the GTree of a Graph).
         * 3. updates the amount of nodes in that object, by linearly
         *    counting them. This may be optimized...
         * @param vnids Object containing a hash with all node id's currently within the distance limit.
         * */
        protected function setDistanceLimitedNodeIds(vnids:Dictionary):void {
            var val:Boolean;
            var amount:uint;
            var vn:IVisualNode;
            var n:INode;
            /* reset the amount */
            amount = 0;
            /* save the old hash */
            _prevNodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit = _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit;
            /* set the new hash object */
            _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit = new Dictionary;
            /* walk through the hash and build the distanceLimit hash */
            for each(n in vnids) {
                vn = n.vnode;
                _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit[vn] = vn;
                /* increase the amount */
            /* count all entries in this hash */
            for each(val in vnids) {
                if(val) {
            /* set the new amount */
            _noNodesWithinDistance = amount;
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "current visible nodeids:"+_noNodesWithinDistance);
         * This needs to walk through all nodes in the graph, as some nodes
         * have become invisible and other have become visible. There may be
         * a better way to do this, when adjusting the visibility but it is
         * not that clear.
         * walk through the graph and the limitedGraph and
         * turn off visibility for those that are not listed in
         * both
         * beware that the limited graph has no VItems, so 
         * we don't really need it, we would rather need
         * an array of node ids....
         * */
        protected function updateVisibility():void {
            var n:INode;
            var e:IEdge;
            var edges:Array;
            var treeparents:Dictionary;
            var vn:IVisualNode;
            var vno:IVisualNode;
            var newVisibleNodes:Dictionary;
            var potentialInvisibleNodes:Dictionary;
            /* since a layouter that uses timer based iterations
            * might find itself on a changing node set, we need
            * to stop/reset anything before altering the node
            * visibility */
            if(_layouter != null) {
            //LogUtil.debug(_LOG, "update node visibility");
            /* create a copy of the currently visible 
            * node set, as the set for nodes to potentially
            * turned invisible */
            potentialInvisibleNodes = new Dictionary;
            for each(vn in _visibleVNodes) {
                potentialInvisibleNodes[vn] = vn;
            /* now populate the set of nodes which should be
            * turned visible, first by using the nodes  within
            * distance limit */
            newVisibleNodes = new Dictionary;
            for each(vn in _nodeIDsWithinDistanceLimit) {
                newVisibleNodes[vn] = vn;
            /* now add the history nodes to the set of new visible
            * nodes if the history is enabled */
            /* Step 3: render all (new?) history nodes and nodes on the path visible (if applicable) */
            if(_showCurrentNodeHistory) {
                /* this is mapping in the tree that provides a parent
                * for each single node in the tree 
                * we need this to find the way to the root */
                treeparents = _graph.getTree(_currentRootVNode.node).parents;
                for each(vn in _currentVNodeHistory) {
                    n = vn.node;        
                    /* we cannot use vn here, because it is n that is changed
                    * in this while loop. Basically we are walking the tree
                    * backward from the current vnode's node n to the root
                    * for every vn in the history */
                    while(n.vnode != _currentRootVNode) {
                        /* set it visible */
                        newVisibleNodes[n.vnode] = n.vnode;
                        //setNodeVisibility(n.vnode, true);
                        /* move to the parent node */
                        n = treeparents[n];
                        if(n == null) {
                            throw Error("parent node was null but node was not root node");
            /* now from each set remove the common nodes, these
            * are the nodes that should remain visible, so they
            * must not be turned invisible and should also not
            * be turned visible again. */
            for each(vn in potentialInvisibleNodes) {
                if(newVisibleNodes[vn] != null) {
                    /* this is a common node, remove it from
                    * both dictionaries 
                    delete potentialInvisibleNodes[vn];
                    delete newVisibleNodes[vn];
            /* now finally turn all toInvisibleNodes invisible
            * likewise any edge adjacent to an invisible node
            * will become invisible */
            for each(vn in potentialInvisibleNodes) {
                setNodeVisibility(vn, false);
            /* and all new visible nodes to visible */
            for each(vn in newVisibleNodes) {
                setNodeVisibility(vn, true);
            /* and now walk again to update the edges */
            for each(vn in potentialInvisibleNodes) {
            /* and all new visible nodes to visible */
            for each(vn in newVisibleNodes) {
            /* send an event */
            this.dispatchEvent(new VGraphEvent(VGraphEvent.VISIBILITY_CHANGED));
         * This methods walks through all nodes and updates
         * the edge visibility (only the edge visibility)
         * taking into account three factors:
         * visibility of adjacent nodes and
         * if we want edge labels or not at all
         * */
        protected function updateEdgeVisibility():void {
            var vn:IVisualNode;
            for each(vn in _visibleVNodes) {
         * Reset visibility of all nodes, all nodes are back to visible.
         * This can be a very very heavy operation if you have many nodes. 
         * */
        protected function setAllVisible():void {
            var n:INode;
            var e:IEdge;
            /* not sure if this is really, really needed, but
            * since similar code was added, I optimise it a bit.
            if(_graph == null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "setAllVisible() called, but graph is null");
            /* since a layouter that uses timer based iterations
            * might find itself on a changing node set, we need
            * to stop/reset anything before altering the node
            * visibility */
            if(_layouter != null) {
            /* recreate those, this is cheaper probably */
            _visibleVNodes = new Dictionary;
            _visibleVNodesList = new Array;
            _noVisibleVNodes = 0;
            for each(n in _graph.nodes) {
                setNodeVisibility(n.vnode, true);
            /* same for edges */
            _visibleVEdges = new Dictionary;
            _visibleVNodesList = new Array;
            for each(e in _graph.edges) {
                setEdgeVisibility(e.vedge, true);
         * Reset visibility of all nodes, all nodes are INVISIBLE.
         * */
        protected function setAllInVisible():void {
            var vn:IVisualNode;            
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            /* not sure if this is really, really needed, but
            * since similar code was added, I optimise it a bit.
            if(_graph == null) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "setAllInVisible() called, but graph is null");
            /* since a layouter that uses timer based iterations
            * might find itself on a changing node set, we need
            * to stop/reset anything before altering the node
            * visibility */
            if(_layouter != null) {
            for each(vn in _visibleVNodes) {
                setNodeVisibility(vn, false);
            for each(ve in _visibleVEdges) {
                setEdgeVisibility(ve, false);
         * Reset visibility of all edges to INVISIBLE.
         * */
        protected function setAllEdgesInVisible():void {
            var ve:IVisualEdge;
            for each(ve in _visibleVEdges) {
                setEdgeVisibility(ve, false);
         * This sets a VNode visible or invisible, updating all related
         * data.
         * @param vn The VisualNode to be turned invisible or not.
         * @param visible The indicator if visible or not.
         * */
        protected function setNodeVisibility(vn:IVisualNode, visible:Boolean):void {
            var comp:UIComponent;
            /* was there actually a change, if not issue a warning */
            if(vn.isVisible == visible) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "Tried to set node:"+vn.id+" visibility to:"+visible.toString()+" but it was already.");
            if(visible == true) {
                /* set the node to visible, this might create a view for it */
                vn.isVisible = true;
                /* add it to the hash of currently visible nodes */
                _visibleVNodes[vn] = vn;
                if(_visibleVNodesList.indexOf(vn) == -1)
                /* increase the counter */
                /* create the node's view */
                comp = createVNodeComponent(vn);
                /* set it to visible, should be default anyway */
                comp.visible = true;
            } else { // i.e. set to invisible 
         * This sets a VEdge visible or invisible, updating all related
         * data.
         * @param ve The VisualEdge to be turned invisible or not.
         * @param visible The indicator if visible or not.
         * */    
        protected function setEdgeVisibility(ve:IVisualEdge, visible:Boolean):void {
            var labelComp:UIComponent;
            var edgeComp:IEdgeRenderer;
            /* was there actually a change, if not issue a warning */
            if(ve.isVisible == visible) {
                //LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "Tried to set vedge:"+ve.id+" visibility to:"+visible.toString()+" but it was already.");
            if(visible == true) {
                /* add it to the hash of currently visible nodes */
                _visibleVEdges[ve] = ve;
                if(_visibleVEdgesList.indexOf(ve) == -1)
                /* check if there is no view and we need one */
                if(_displayEdgeLabels && ve.labelView == null) {
                    labelComp = createVEdgeLabelView(ve);
                if(ve.edgeView == null)
                    edgeComp = createVEdgeView(ve);
                /* set the edges view to visible */
                ve.isVisible = true;
            } else { // i.e. set to invisible 
                /* render node invisible, thus potentially destroying its view */
                ve.isVisible = false;
        private function deleteVisibleVEdge(ve:IVisualEdge):void
            ve.isVisible = false;
            var newEdgeList:Array = new Array();
            for each(var e:IVisualEdge in _visibleVEdgesList)
                if(e != ve)
            _visibleVEdgesList = newEdgeList;
            /* remove the view if there is one */
            if(ve.labelView != null) {
            if(ve.edgeView != null) {
            /* remove it from the hash */
            delete _visibleVEdges[ve];
         * This methods walks through all edges connected
         * to a node and sets them either visible or invisible
         * depending on the visibility of the given node and
         * the node on the other end. An edge is only visible
         * if both nodes are visible.
         * @param vn The VisualNode of which connected edges should be updated.
         * */
        protected function updateConnectedEdgesVisibility(vn:IVisualNode):void {
            var edges:Array;
            var ovn:IVisualNode;
            var e:IEdge;
            /* now here we have to test each edges othernode
            * if it is also visible */
            edges = vn.node.inEdges;
            /* concat might lead to duplication in the case of
            * undirected graphs... :( not sure how to efficiently
            * only add items which are not there, yet?
            edges = edges.concat(vn.node.outEdges);
            for each(e in edges) {
                /* get the other node at the end of the edge */
                ovn = e.othernode(vn.node).vnode;
                /* if this node either is still visible or in the
                * list to become visible, then the edge is also
                * visible */
                if(vn.isVisible && ovn.isVisible) {
                } else {
        public function calcNodesBoundingBox():Rectangle {
            var children:Array;
            var result:Rectangle;
            children = nodeLayer.getChildren();
            result = new Rectangle(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
            if(children.length == 0) {
                LogUtil.warn(_LOG, "Canvas has no children, not even the drawing surface!");
            for(var i:int = 0;i < children.length; ++i) {
                var view:UIComponent = (children[i] as UIComponent);
                if(view.visible) {
                    result.left = Math.min(result.left, view.x);
                    result.right = Math.max(result.right, view.x + view.width);
                    result.top = Math.min(result.top, view.y)
                    result.bottom = Math.max(result.bottom, view.y+view.height);
            return result;