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/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Full Screen TextViewController"; ObjectID = "29q-7C-AJL"; */
"29q-7C-AJL.text" = "Full Screen TextViewController";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- registerTextFieldViewClass: didBeginEditingNotificationName: didEndEditingNotificationName"; ObjectID = "3xx-A5-U5p"; */
"3xx-A5-U5p.text" = "- registerTextFieldViewClass: didBeginEditingNotificationName: didEndEditingNotificationName";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITableViewController"; ObjectID = "47J-01-GaW"; */
"47J-01-GaW.text" = "UITableViewController";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITableView"; ObjectID = "4tu-ej-glw"; */
"4tu-ej-glw.text" = "UITableView";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UICollectionView example"; ObjectID = "5G2-JX-PU5"; */
"5G2-JX-PU5.text" = "UICollectionView example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Text Selection #56"; ObjectID = "5Sl-ZO-6OH"; */
"5Sl-ZO-6OH.text" = "Text Selection #56";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "StackView"; ObjectID = "686-2k-7Sa"; */
"686-2k-7Sa.text" = "StackView";

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "UIScrollView & it's subclasses example"; ObjectID = "6Y6-J2-kBv"; */
"6Y6-J2-kBv.headerTitle" = "UIScrollView & it's subclasses example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UIStackView example in iOS9"; ObjectID = "7nn-db-1QM"; */
"7nn-db-1QM.text" = "UIStackView example in iOS9";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "WKWebView example"; ObjectID = "8XY-A5-dnk"; */
"8XY-A5-dnk.text" = "WKWebView example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Refreshing Layout on the fly"; ObjectID = "C0s-kb-Bl8"; */
"C0s-kb-Bl8.text" = "Refreshing Layout on the fly";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- (void)reloadLayoutIfNeeded"; ObjectID = "Dzz-bo-Ft8"; */
"Dzz-bo-Ft8.text" = "- (void)reloadLayoutIfNeeded";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "NavigationBar & Toolbar"; ObjectID = "F3P-4I-j2h"; */
"F3P-4I-j2h.text" = "NavigationBar & Toolbar";

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "Full Screen"; ObjectID = "GLu-hg-zhP"; */
"GLu-hg-zhP.headerTitle" = "Full Screen";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UIPageViewController"; ObjectID = "Gc8-g0-sng"; */
"Gc8-g0-sng.text" = "UIPageViewController";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITableView in Container"; ObjectID = "JTC-NP-c0d"; */
"JTC-NP-c0d.text" = "UITableView in Container";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITableView inside UIScrollView"; ObjectID = "JUG-pm-L0a"; */
"JUG-pm-L0a.text" = "UITableView inside UIScrollView";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- enableAutoToolbar
- toolbarManageBehaviour
- overrideKeyboardAppearance
- keyboardAppearance
- shouldResignOnTouchOutside
- IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler (Class)
- shouldHideToolbarPlaceholder (Category)
- toolbarPlaceholder (Category)
- toolbarTintColor
- toolbarDoneBarButtonItemImage
- toolbarDoneBarButtonItemText"; ObjectID = "KuD-1z-36f"; */
"KuD-1z-36f.text" = "- enableAutoToolbar
- toolbarManageBehaviour
- overrideKeyboardAppearance
- keyboardAppearance
- shouldResignOnTouchOutside
- IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler (Class)
- shouldHideToolbarPlaceholder (Category)
- toolbarPlaceholder (Category)
- toolbarTintColor
- toolbarDoneBarButtonItemImage
- toolbarDoneBarButtonItemText";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Text Selection"; ObjectID = "WIY-wJ-lgq"; */
"WIY-wJ-lgq.text" = "Text Selection";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Popover"; ObjectID = "XnQ-PR-MXs"; */
"XnQ-PR-MXs.text" = "Popover";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- disabledDistanceHandlingClasses
- enabledDistanceHandlingClasses
- disabledToolbarClasses
- enabledToolbarClasses
- toolbarPreviousNextAllowedClasses
- disabledTouchResignedClasses\n- enabledTouchResignedClasses"; ObjectID = "YB6-DC-bfI"; */
"YB6-DC-bfI.text" = "- disabledDistanceHandlingClasses
- enabledDistanceHandlingClasses
- disabledToolbarClasses
- enabledToolbarClasses
- toolbarPreviousNextAllowedClasses
- disabledTouchResignedClasses\n- enabledTouchResignedClasses";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "CustomView example"; ObjectID = "ask-lD-56a"; */
"ask-lD-56a.text" = "CustomView example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Navigate next/prev in collectionView"; ObjectID = "bC5-7g-33X"; */
"bC5-7g-33X.text" = "Navigate next/prev in collectionView";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "IQKeyboardManager doesn't affet UITableViewController default scrolling implementation. UITableViewController class automatically resizes and repositions its table view when there is in-line editing of text fields"; ObjectID = "dVp-ny-Wn7"; */
"dVp-ny-Wn7.text" = "IQKeyboardManager doesn't affet UITableViewController default scrolling implementation. UITableViewController class automatically resizes and repositions its table view when there is in-line editing of text fields";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- UISearchBar, UIAlertView, UITextField within different UIView"; ObjectID = "dYe-IU-fRj"; */
"dYe-IU-fRj.text" = "- UISearchBar, UIAlertView, UITextField within different UIView";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset
A UITableView as a child of UIViewController embedded in the storyboard using a container view."; ObjectID = "ed7-8b-Ck4"; */
"ed7-8b-Ck4.text" = "- shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset
A UITableView as a child of UIViewController embedded in the storyboard using a container view.";

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "Library Properties"; ObjectID = "fYv-iE-p8L"; */
"fYv-iE-p8L.headerTitle" = "Library Properties";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITextView ContentInset adjustment"; ObjectID = "fsu-LW-S6P"; */
"fsu-LW-S6P.text" = "UITextView ContentInset adjustment";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- TextViewController using IQLayoutGuide"; ObjectID = "gQK-gD-yCA"; */
"gQK-gD-yCA.text" = "- TextViewController using IQLayoutGuide";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Special Cases"; ObjectID = "hSl-CV-20a"; */
"hSl-CV-20a.text" = "Special Cases";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITextField, UITextView inside UITableView"; ObjectID = "hfZ-RB-s53"; */
"hfZ-RB-s53.text" = "UITextField, UITextView inside UITableView";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UISearchController"; ObjectID = "ira-UX-Ixl"; */
"ira-UX-Ixl.text" = "UISearchController";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UITextField/UITextView example"; ObjectID = "itr-sp-j54"; */
"itr-sp-j54.text" = "UITextField/UITextView example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- enable
- shouldToolbarUsesTextFieldTintColor
- keyboardDistanceFromTextField
- shouldShowToolbarPlaceholder
- placeholderFont
- keyboardDistanceFromTextField (Category)
- IQTextView (Class)
- setCustomPreviousTarget: action: (Category)
- setCustomNextTarget: action: (Category)
- setCustomDoneTarget: action: (Category)"; ObjectID = "ko2-SX-mJs"; */
"ko2-SX-mJs.text" = "- enable
- shouldToolbarUsesTextFieldTintColor
- keyboardDistanceFromTextField
- shouldShowToolbarPlaceholder
- placeholderFont
- keyboardDistanceFromTextField (Category)
- IQTextView (Class)
- setCustomPreviousTarget: action: (Category)
- setCustomNextTarget: action: (Category)
- setCustomDoneTarget: action: (Category)";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Search Controller"; ObjectID = "sfy-kL-TLi"; */
"sfy-kL-TLi.text" = "Search Controller";

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "Others"; ObjectID = "t68-ki-Vqj"; */
"t68-ki-Vqj.headerTitle" = "Others";

/* Class = "UINavigationItem"; title = "IQKeyboardManager"; ObjectID = "tP6-QK-Jl8"; */
"tP6-QK-Jl8.title" = "IQKeyboardManager";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- addPreviousNextDoneOnKeyboardWithTarget: previousAction: nextAction: doneAction:
- addDoneOnKeyboardWithTarget: action:
- Use Toolbar title as button to do something special"; ObjectID = "wqF-JW-cmz"; */
"wqF-JW-cmz.text" = "- addPreviousNextDoneOnKeyboardWithTarget: previousAction: nextAction: doneAction:
- addDoneOnKeyboardWithTarget: action:
- Use Toolbar title as button to do something special";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Manual UIToolbar + No UIToolbar"; ObjectID = "xCu-GT-OP1"; */
"xCu-GT-OP1.text" = "Manual UIToolbar + No UIToolbar";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "UIScrollView+UITableView example"; ObjectID = "xTK-Wa-4qX"; */
"xTK-Wa-4qX.text" = "UIScrollView+UITableView example";

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "- Doesn't affect WKWebView default scrolling implementation"; ObjectID = "zU8-4C-nid"; */
"zU8-4C-nid.text" = "- Doesn't affect WKWebView default scrolling implementation";