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1 day
Test Coverage
// A mock SMTP Transaction

const util = require('util')

const Notes = require('haraka-notes')
const utils = require('haraka-utils')
const message = require('haraka-email-message')

const logger = require('./logger')

class Transaction {
  constructor(uuid, cfg) {
    this.uuid = uuid || '111111-222222-333-4444444'
    this.cfg = cfg
    this.mail_from = null
    this.rcpt_to = []
    this.header_lines = []
    this.data_lines = []
    this.attachment_start_hooks = []
    this.banner = null
    this.body_filters = []
    this.data_bytes = 0
    this.header_pos = 0
    this.found_hb_sep = false
    this.body = null
    this.parse_body = false
    this.notes = new Notes()
    this.notes.skip_plugins = []
    this.header = new message.Header()
    this.message_stream = new message.stream(
    this.discard_data = false
    this.resetting = false
    this.rcpt_count = {
      accept: 0,
      tempfail: 0,
      reject: 0,
    this.msg_status = undefined
    this.data_post_start = null
    this.data_post_delay = 0
    this.encoding = 'utf8'
    this.mime_part_count = 0

  ensure_body() {
    if (this.body) return

    this.body = new message.Body(this.header)
    for (const hook of this.attachment_start_hooks) {
      this.body.on('attachment_start', hook)

    if (this.banner) this.body.set_banner(this.banner)

    for (const o of this.body_filters) {
      this.body.add_filter((ct, enc, buf) => {
        const re_match =
          util.types.isRegExp(o.ct_match) && o.ct_match.test(ct.toLowerCase())
        const ct_begins =
          ct.toLowerCase().indexOf(String(o.ct_match).toLowerCase()) === 0
        if (re_match || ct_begins) return o.filter(ct, enc, buf)

  // Removes the CR of a CRLF newline at the end of the buffer.
  remove_final_cr(data) {
    if (data.length < 2) return data
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = Buffer.from(data)

    if (data[data.length - 2] === 0x0d && data[data.length - 1] === 0x0a) {
      data[data.length - 2] = 0x0a
      return data.slice(0, data.length - 1)
    return data

  // Duplicates any '.' chars at the beginning of a line (dot-stuffing) and
  // ensures all newlines are CRLF.
  add_dot_stuffing_and_ensure_crlf_newlines(data) {
    if (!data.length) return data
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = Buffer.from(data)

    // Make a new buffer big enough to hold two bytes for every one input
    // byte.  At most, we add one extra character per input byte, so this
    // is always big enough.  We allocate it "unsafe" (i.e. no memset) for
    // speed because we're about to fill it with data, and the remainder of
    // the space we don't fill will be sliced away before we return this.
    const output = Buffer.allocUnsafe(data.length * 2)
    let output_pos = 0

    let input_pos = 0
    let next_dot = data.indexOf(0x2e)
    let next_lf = data.indexOf(0x0a)
    while (next_dot !== -1 || next_lf !== -1) {
      const run_end =
        next_dot !== -1 && (next_lf === -1 || next_dot < next_lf)
          ? next_dot
          : next_lf

      // Copy up till whichever comes first, '.' or '\n' (but don't
      // copy the '.' or '\n' itself).
      data.copy(output, output_pos, input_pos, run_end)
      output_pos += run_end - input_pos

      if (
        data[run_end] === 0x2e &&
        (run_end === 0 || data[run_end - 1] === 0x0a)
      ) {
        // Replace /^\./ with '..'
        output[output_pos++] = 0x2e
      } else if (
        data[run_end] === 0x0a &&
        (run_end === 0 || data[run_end - 1] !== 0x0d)
      ) {
        // Replace /\r?\n/ with '\r\n'
        output[output_pos++] = 0x0d
      output[output_pos++] = data[run_end]

      input_pos = run_end + 1

      if (run_end === next_dot) {
        next_dot = data.indexOf(0x2e, input_pos)
      } else {
        next_lf = data.indexOf(0x0a, input_pos)

    if (input_pos < data.length) {
      data.copy(output, output_pos, input_pos)
      output_pos += data.length - input_pos

    return output.slice(0, output_pos)

  add_data(line) {
    if (typeof line === 'string') {
      // This shouldn't ever happen...
      line = Buffer.from(line, this.encoding)
    // is this the end of headers line?
    if (
      this.header_pos === 0 &&
      (line[0] === 0x0a || (line[0] === 0x0d && line[1] === 0x0a))
    ) {
      this.header_pos = this.header_lines.length
      this.found_hb_sep = true
      if (this.parse_body) {
    } else if (this.header_pos === 0) {
      // Build up headers
      if (this.header_lines.length < this.cfg.headers.max_lines) {
        if (line[0] === 0x2e) line = line.slice(1) // Strip leading "."
          line.toString(this.encoding).replace(/\r\n$/, '\n'),
    } else if (this.parse_body) {
      let new_line = line
      if (new_line[0] === 0x2e) new_line = new_line.slice(1) // Strip leading "."

      line = this.add_dot_stuffing_and_ensure_crlf_newlines(
      if (!line.length) return // buffering for banners

    if (!this.discard_data) this.message_stream.add_line(line)

  end_data(cb) {
    if (!this.found_hb_sep && this.header_lines.length) {
      // Headers not parsed yet - must be a busted email
      // Strategy: Find the first line that doesn't look like a header.
      // Treat anything before that as headers, anything after as body.
      let header_pos = 0
      for (let i = 0; i < this.header_lines.length; i++) {
        // Anything that doesn't match a header or continuation
        if (!/^(?:([^\s:]*):\s*([\s\S]*)$|[ \t])/.test(this.header_lines[i])) {
        header_pos = i
      const body_lines = this.header_lines.splice(header_pos + 1)
      this.header_pos = header_pos
      if (this.parse_body) {
        for (const bodyLine of body_lines) {
    if (this.header_pos && this.parse_body) {
      const line = this.add_dot_stuffing_and_ensure_crlf_newlines(
      if (line.length) {

        if (!this.discard_data) this.message_stream.add_line(line)

    if (this.discard_data) {
    } else {

  add_header(key, value) {
    this.header.add_end(key, value)
    if (this.header_pos > 0) this.reset_headers()

  add_leading_header(key, value) {
    this.header.add(key, value)
    if (this.header_pos > 0) this.reset_headers()

  reset_headers() {
    const header_lines = this.header.lines()
    this.header_pos = header_lines.length

  remove_header(key) {
    if (this.header_pos > 0) this.reset_headers()

  attachment_hooks(start, data, end) {
    this.parse_body = 1

  set_banner(text, html) {
    // throw "transaction.set_banner is currently non-functional";
    this.parse_body = true
    if (!html) {
      html = text.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>\n')
    this.banner = [text, html]

  add_body_filter(ct_match, filter) {
    this.parse_body = true
    this.body_filters.push({ ct_match, filter })

exports.Transaction = Transaction

exports.createTransaction = function (uuid, cfg) {
  const t = new Transaction(uuid, cfg)
  logger.add_log_methods(t, 'mock-connection')
  return t