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1 wk
Test Coverage
"use strict";

exports.Connection = function(backend, minLatency, maxLatency) {
  var connection = this
    , db = 0

    , queue, watch, block

    , timeout = 0
    , state = NORMAL
    , subs = 0;

  this.push = function(client, command, args, callback) {
    state(client, prep(command, args, callback));

  // Push a command to a normal connection.

  function NORMAL(client, entry) {
    var i, n, matches;

    // Transactions.

    if (entry.command === "WATCH") {
      entry.override = function() {
        var i, n = entry.args.length;
        if (!watch)
          watch = {};
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
          if (!(entry.args[i]in watch))
            watch[entry.args[i]] = backend.getRevision(entry.args[i]);

        return "OK";

    else if (entry.command === "UNWATCH") {
      entry.override = function() {
        watch = null;
        return "OK";

    else if (entry.command === "DISCARD") {
      if (queue) {
        if (!timeout)
          timeout = setTimeout(exec, randLat());

        for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i++)
          if (queue[i].command === "MULTI") {
            queue.splice(i, queue.length);

            // This will substitute the DISCARD command with an UNWATCH,
            // hence the recursive call to this.push.
            return this.push(["UNWATCH"], entry.callback);

      entry.override = function() { return "OK"; };

    else if (entry.command === "MULTI") {
      /*jshint loopfunc:true*/
      entry.override = function(queue) {
        if (!queue) throw new Error('WOOT! no queue.');
        var w = watch, key, entry;
        watch = null;
        if (w) for (key in w)
          if (backend.getRevision(key) !== w[key]) {

            // Abort because of a change in the watched keyspace.
            n = 0;
            while ((entry = queue.shift())) {
              if (entry.command === "EXEC") {
                entry.override = function() {
                  var i, out = [];
                  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    out[i] = null;

                  return out;



            return "OK";

        var replies = [];
        var i, m = queue.length, cb = pushReply.bind(replies);
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
          entry = queue[i];
          if (entry.command !== "EXEC") {

            // Collect replies for the EXEC output.
            entry.callback = cb;

            // Prevent blocking within a transaction.
            delete entry.block;

          else {

            // Exec calls back with the entire reply list.
            entry.override = entry.override.bind(replies);
            return "OK";

        throw new Error("WOOT! Can't find the EXEC command in the queue.");

      // Prevent flushing before the exec.
      if (timeout) {
        timeout = 0;

      if (queue)
        queue = [entry];


    else if (entry.command === "EXEC") {
      entry.override = function() {
        return this.join ? this : null;

      if (queue && !timeout)
        timeout = setTimeout(exec, randLat());

    // Pubsub.

    if ((matches = /^(P)?(UN)?SUBSCRIBE$/.exec(entry.command))) {
      if (!client.$PUSHDELAY)
        client.$PUSHDELAY = new Delay(client, 'pushMessage', minLatency);

      entry.override = function() {
        var i, n = entry.args.length;

        if (n) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

          // Unsubscribe.
          if (matches[2])
            subs = backend.unsub(matches[1]? true : false, entry.args[i], client.$PUSHDELAY);

          // Subscribe.
            subs = backend.sub(matches[1]? true : false, entry.args[i], client.$PUSHDELAY);

        else if (matches[2]) {

          // Unsubscribe from all.
          subs = backend.unsub(matches[1]? true : false, null, client.$PUSHDELAY);

          return new Error('Wrong number of arguments for \'' + matches[0] + '\' command');

        if (!subs)
          state = NORMAL;

        return "OK";

      if (!matches[2])
        state = SUBSCRIBED;

    // Connection.

    if (entry.command === 'QUIT') {
      entry.override = function() {
        if (client.$PUSHDELAY) {

          // Unsubscribe.
          backend.unsub(true, null, client.$PUSHDELAY);
          backend.unsub(false, null, client.$PUSHDELAY);

        return "OK";

      state = CLOSED;

    else if (entry.command === 'SELECT') {
      entry.override = function() {
        var n = entry.args.length;
        if (n !== 1)
          return new Error("Wrong number of arguments for 'SELECT' command.");
        var id = Number(entry.args[0]);
        if ((!id && id !== 0) || id % 1 !== 0 || id < 0)
          return new Error("invalid DB index");

        db = id;
        return "OK";

    // Regular commands.

    if (queue)

    else {
      queue = [entry];
      timeout = setTimeout(exec, randLat());

  // Push a command to a subscribed connection.

  function SUBSCRIBED(client, entry) {

    // Allow commands that modify the subscription set.
    if (/SUBSCRIBE|^QUIT/.test(entry.command))
      NORMAL(client, entry);
      throw new Error("fakeredis: Connection is in pub/sub mode (" + subs + " subscriptions).");

  // Closed connection.

  function CLOSED(client, entry) {
    throw new Error("fakeredis: You've closed this connection with QUIT, cannot " + entry.command);

  // Blocked connection.

  function BLOCKED(client, entry) {
    if (!block)
      block = [client, entry];
      block.push(client, entry);

  // Execute everything in the queue sequentially.

  function exec() {
    timeout = 0;
    var q = queue, entry, func, out, err, data, resp = [];
    queue = null;

    if (connection.verbose)


    if (q) while ((entry = q.shift())) {
      if (entry === 'SKIP')

      func = backend[entry.command];
      out = null;

      if (connection.verbose)
        console.log("fakeredis>", entry.command, entry.args.join(' '));

      if (entry.override) {
        out = entry.override(q);
        err = out instanceof Error ? out : null;
        data = out instanceof Error ? null : out;

      else if (!func || typeof func !== 'function')
        throw new Error('WOOT! Wierd queue entry : ' + JSON.stringify(entry) + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(q));

      else if (func.length && func.length !== entry.args.length) {
        err = new Error('Wrong number of arguments for \'' + entry.command.toLowerCase() + '\' command');
        data = null;

      else {
        out = func.apply(backend, entry.args);
        err = ((out && out.getError) || null) && new Error(out.getError());
        data = err ? null : (out && out.getStatus && out.getStatus()) || out;

        // Block if necessary.
        if (entry.block && err === null && data === null) {
          if (resp.length)

          queue = q;
          state = BLOCKED;
          backend.sub(false, backend.UPDATE, connection);

          if (entry.block && typeof entry.block === 'number')
            setTimeout(unblock.bind(null, entry), entry.block * 1000);


      if (!err && !data && typeof out === "undefined")
        throw new Error("WOOT! Backend returned undefined.");
      if (out && out.rev)
        throw new Error("WOOT! Returning the whole keyspace entry.");

      if (data === true)
        throw new Error("TRUE THAT! " + JSON.stringify(entry));

      data = fdata(data);
      if (entry.callback)
        resp.push(entry.callback.bind(null, err, data));

    if (connection.verbose)

    if (resp.length)

  function flush(resp) {
      function() {
        var i, n;

        n = resp.length;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

  function unblock(entry) {
    if (entry)
      delete entry.block;

    state = NORMAL;

    if (state === NORMAL) {
      backend.unsub(false, backend.UPDATE, connection);

      var a = block, i, n = a && a.length;
      block = null;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
        NORMAL(a[i], a[i + 1]);

  this.pushMessage = function(/* type, channel, message */) {

    // Attempt to unblock on backend keyspace change.

  // Format data the way it comes out of node_redis.

  function fdata(data) {
    if (typeof data !== 'object' && typeof data !== 'number' && typeof data !== 'string')
      throw new Error('WOOT! Data is not an object/string/number : ' + data);

    if (data) {
      if (typeof data === 'string' && !isNaN(data))
        data = Number(data);

      else if (data.length && data.map)
        data = data.map(finnerdata);

      else if (typeof data === 'object' && !data.map)
        throw new Error('WOOT! Illegal object in data : ' + data);

    return data;

  function finnerdata(data) {
    if (typeof data !== 'object' && typeof data !== 'number' && typeof data !== 'string')
      throw new Error('WOOT! Data is not an object/string/number : ' + data);

    if (data || data === 0) {
      if (typeof data === 'number')
        data = String(data);

      else if (data.length && data.map)
        data = data.map(finnerdata);

      else if (typeof data === 'object' && !data.map)
        throw new Error('WOOT! Illegal object in data : ' + data);

    return data;

  // Prepare command.

  function prep(command, args, callback) {
    args = args.map(function(arg) { return String(arg); });
    command = command.toUpperCase();
    var block = false;
    if (/^B[LR]POP/.test(command) && args.length)   //  Backend will validate the timeout param more robustly.
      block = parseInt(args[args.length - 1], 10) || true;

    if (!backend[command])
      throw new Error("fakeredis: " + command + " is not implemented in fakeredis. Let me know if you need it.");

    return { command: command, args: args, callback: callback, block: block };

  // Helper to push replies onto the replies list.

  function pushReply(err, data) {
    /*jshint validthis:true*/
    this.push(err ||fdata(data));

  // Immitate latency.

  minLatency = Math.ceil(minLatency || 15);
  maxLatency = Math.ceil(maxLatency || minLatency * 3);

  if (maxLatency < minLatency || minLatency < 0)
    throw new Error("Bad min/max latency settings.");

  function randLat() {
    return Math.ceil((maxLatency - minLatency)* Math.random() + minLatency);


function Delay(object, method, delay) {
  var queue
    , flush;

  this[method] = function() {
    if (!queue) {
      queue = [arguments];
      setTimeout(flush, delay);

  flush = function() {
    var q = queue, i, n = q.length;
    queue = null;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      object[method].apply(object, q[i]);
