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export default function BinomialHeap(BinomialTree) {
    const binomial_heap_push = function (compare, list, tree, rank) {
        // Ensures list has at least rank cells

        let i = rank - list.length;

        while (i-- > 0) {

        // Loop invariant
        // tree and list[i] have the same rank

        const len = list.length;

        for (i = rank; i < len && list[i] !== null; ++i) {
            // There is already a tree with this rank

            tree = tree.merge(compare, list[i]);
            list[i] = null;

        // Do not forget to append null if
        // we are lacking space

        if (i === len) {

        // Cell is empty
        // we can just put the new tree here

        list[i] = tree;

    const merge = function (compare, list, other) {
        if (other.length === 0) {

        // Merging two binomial heaps is like
        // adding two little endian integers
        // so, we first make sure that we have
        // enough place to store the result

        let i = other.length - list.length;

        while (i-- > 0) {

        let carry = null;

        const len = list.length;

        // Remember len >= other.length

        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            // Other[i] can be either null or not
            // list[i] can be either null or not
            // carry can be either null or not
            // --> 2^3 = 8 possibilities
            //    null ? | other[i] | list[i] | carry
            // ---------------------------------------
            //     (0)   |    no    |     no  |   no
            //     (1)   |    no    |     no  |  yes
            //     (2)   |    no    |    yes  |   no
            //     (3)   |    no    |    yes  |  yes
            //     (4)   |   yes    |     no  |   no
            //     (5)   |   yes    |     no  |  yes
            //     (6)   |   yes    |    yes  |   no
            //     (7)   |   yes    |    yes  |  yes

            if (i >= other.length || other[i] === null) {
                if (carry !== null) {
                    // (6) other[i] = null and list[i] = null and carry != null
                    // --> put carry in current cell

                    if (list[i] === null) {
                        list[i] = carry;
                        carry = null;

                    // (4) other[i] = null and list[i] != null and carry != null
                    // --> merge carry with current cell
                    else {
                        carry = carry.merge(compare, list[i]);
                        list[i] = null;

                // We do not need to do anything for
                // those 2 cases (carry and other[i] are null).
                // ==
                // (5) other[i] = null and list[i] != null and carry = null
                // (7) other[i] = null and list[i] = null and carry = null

            // (0) other[i] != null and list[i] != null and carry != null
            // (2) other[i] != null and list[i] = null and carry != null
            // --> merge carry with other[i]
            else if (carry !== null) {
                carry = carry.merge(compare, other[i]);

            // (1) other[i] != null and list[i] != null and carry = null
            // --> merge current cell with other[i]
            else if (list[i] === null) {
                list[i] = other[i];

            // (3) other[i] != null and list[i] = null and carry = null
            // --> put other[i] in list
            else {
                carry = list[i].merge(compare, other[i]);
                list[i] = null;

        // Do not forget to append last carry

        if (carry !== null) {

    const find_min_index = function (compare, list, j, len) {
        // There MUST be at least one
        // non null element in this list
        // we look for the first one

        for (; j < len - 1 && list[j] === null; ++j);

        // Here j is necessarily < len
        // and list[j] is non null

        let i = j;
        let opt = list[j].value;

        // We lookup remaining elements to see if there
        // is not a better candidate

        for (++j; j < len; ++j) {
            const item = list[j];

            if (item !== null) {
                const candidate = item.value;

                if (compare(candidate, opt) < 0) {
                    i = j;
                    opt = candidate;

        return i;

    const remove_head_at_index = function (compare, list, i, len) {
        const orphans = list[i].children;
        list[i] = null;

        change_parent(null, orphans);

        // We just removed the ith element
        // if list[i] is the last cell
        // of list we can drop it

        if (i === len - 1) {

        // We merge back the children of
        // the removed tree into the heap

        merge(compare, list, orphans);

    const binomial_heap_pop = function (compare, list) {
        const len = list.length;

        const i = find_min_index(compare, list, 0, len);

        const tree = list[i];

        remove_head_at_index(compare, list, i, len);

        return tree;

    const change_parent = function (parent, children) {
        const len = children.length;

        for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {

    const shift_up = function (tree, parent) {
        // Console.log( "tree", tree.value );
        // console.log( "parent", parent.value );

        // Here, we cannot just swap values as it would invalidate
        // externally stored references.
        // Instead, we swap children lists and update references
        // between the tree and its parent.
        // Then we update and return the new tree's parent.

        // console.log( "tree.children", tree.children );
        // console.log( "parent.children", parent.children );

        const tmp = parent.children;
        parent.children = tree.children;
        tree.children = tmp;

        const i = parent.rank();

        // Console.log( tree.children, i );

        tree.children[i] = parent;

        tree.parent = parent.parent;

        change_parent(tree, tree.children);
        change_parent(parent, parent.children);

        // Console.log( "tree.children", tree.children );
        // console.log( "parent.children", parent.children );

        return tree.parent;

    const percolate_up = function (list, tree) {
        let parent = tree.parent;

        if (parent !== null) {
            while (true) {
                parent = shift_up(tree, parent);

                if (parent === null) {

                // TODO this call might not be necessary
                parent.children[tree.rank()] = tree;

            list[tree.rank()] = tree;

    const decreasekey = function (compare, list, tree, value) {
        tree.value = value;
        let parent = tree.parent;

        if (parent !== null) {
            while (true) {
                const d = compare(value, parent.value);

                if (d >= 0) {

                parent = shift_up(tree, parent);

                if (parent === null) {

                // TODO this call should be in if ( d >= 0 )
                parent.children[tree.rank()] = tree;

            list[tree.rank()] = tree;

    const deletetree = function (compare, list, tree) {
        percolate_up(list, tree);

        remove_head_at_index(compare, list, tree.rank(), list.length);


    const Heap = function (compare) {
        // The compare function to use to compare values

        this.compare = compare;

        // Number of elements in this heap

        this.length = 0;

        // List of binomial trees

        this.list = [];

    Heap.prototype.head = function () {
        if (this.length === 0) {
            return undefined;

        const i = find_min_index(this.compare, this.list, 0, this.list.length);

        const tree = this.list[i];

        return tree.value;

    Heap.prototype.headreference = function () {
        if (this.length === 0) {
            return null;

        const i = find_min_index(this.compare, this.list, 0, this.list.length);

        const tree = this.list[i];

        return tree;

    Heap.prototype.pop = function () {
        if (this.length === 0) {
            return undefined;


        return binomial_heap_pop(this.compare, this.list).value;

    Heap.prototype.popreference = function () {
        if (this.length === 0) {
            return null;


        return binomial_heap_pop(this.compare, this.list).detach();

    Heap.prototype.push = function (value) {
        // Push a new tree of rank 0

        const tree = new BinomialTree(value, []);


        return tree;

    Heap.prototype.pushreference = function (tree) {

        // Push an existing tree of rank 0

        binomial_heap_push(this.compare, this.list, tree, 0);

    Heap.prototype.merge = function (other) {
        merge(this.compare, this.list, other.list);

        this.length += other.length;

        return this;

    Heap.prototype.update = function (tree, value) {
        const d = this.compare(value, tree.value);

        if (d < 0) {
            this.decreasekey(tree, value);
        } else if (d > 0) {
            this.increasekey(tree, value);
        } else {
            // D === 0 does not imply tree.value === value

            tree.value = value;

    Heap.prototype.decreasekey = function (tree, value) {
        decreasekey(this.compare, this.list, tree, value);

    Heap.prototype.increasekey = function (tree, value) {
        deletetree(this.compare, this.list, tree);

        tree.value = value;

        binomial_heap_push(this.compare, this.list, tree, 0);

    Heap.prototype.delete = function (tree) {

        deletetree(this.compare, this.list, tree);

    return Heap;