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# How to contribute to Redmine Hourglass

First off all, thanks for your interest in contributing to Redmine Hourglass.

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to this project. These are just guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

But please notice that all of your interactions in the project are
expected to follow our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

#### Reporting Issues

Please make sure your issue wasn't already reported or even fixed by searching through our [issues](https://github.com/hicknhack-software/redmine_hourglass/issues).

Otherwise create a new one, but add a proper title and a clear description.
If you report a bug, please include as much information as you can provide, for example:
 * Redmine version
 * Plugin version
 * Other plugins installed
 * Gem versions
 * Operating system
If you report a feature request, please add some use cases for what that feature could be used, so we can elaborate better about it.

Avoid opening new issues to ask questions in our issues tracker. Please go through
the project wiki, documentation and source code first. If you really can't understand something, maybe we missed documenting it properly. Feel free to add a documentation feature request for that.

#### Pull Requests

We appreciate every bug fix or enhancement because we sometimes don't have the time besides day work to do everything we would like to do with this plugin.

So you can easily speed things up by creating Pull Requests adding that functionality you are craving for.

We also like to have this plugin translated in more languages than the few we are capable of speaking ourselves.

In any ways, please make sure that your Pull Request has a proper title and a clear description what it adds. Also make sure that your addition works in all our supported redmine versions.

HicknHack Software Team