namespace Weathermap\Core;
* A collection of ScaleEntries, maps a value to a colour (and tag)
class MapScale extends MapItem
/** @var ScaleEntry[] $entries */
public $entries;
/** @var Colour $scalemisscolour */
public $scalemisscolour;
public function __construct($name, &$owner)
$this->name = $name;
$this->inheritedFieldList = array(
'entries' => array(),
'scalemisscolour' => new Colour(255, 255, 255),
public function reset(&$owner)
$this->owner = $owner;
foreach (array_keys($this->inheritedFieldList) as $fld) {
$this->$fld = $this->inheritedFieldList[$fld];
public function myType()
return 'SCALE';
public function populateDefaultsIfNecessary()
if ($this->spanCount() != 0) {
MapUtility::debug('Already have ' . $this->spanCount() . " scales, no defaults added.\n");
MapUtility::debug("Adding default SCALE colour set (no SCALE lines seen).\n");
$this->addSpan(0, 0, new Colour(192, 192, 192));
$this->addSpan(0, 1, new Colour(255, 255, 255));
$this->addSpan(1, 10, new Colour(140, 0, 255));
$this->addSpan(10, 25, new Colour(32, 32, 255));
$this->addSpan(25, 40, new Colour(0, 192, 255));
$this->addSpan(40, 55, new Colour(0, 240, 0));
$this->addSpan(55, 70, new Colour(240, 240, 0));
$this->addSpan(70, 85, new Colour(255, 192, 0));
$this->addSpan(85, 100, new Colour(255, 0, 0));
// we have a 0-0 line now, so we need to hide that.
$this->owner->addHint('key_hidezero_' . $this->name, 1);
public function spanCount()
return count($this->entries);
public function addSpan($lowValue, $highValue, $lowColour, $highColour = null, $tag = '')
$key = $lowValue . '_' . $highValue;
$this->entries[$key] = new ScaleEntry($lowValue, $highValue, $lowColour, $highColour, $tag);
MapUtility::debug("%s %s->%s\n", $this->name, $lowValue, $highValue);
public function colourFromValue($value, $itemName = '', $isPercentage = true, $showScaleWarnings = true)
$scaleName = $this->name;
MapUtility::debug("Finding a colour for value %s in scale %s\n", $value, $this->name);
$nowarnClipping = intval($this->owner->getHint('nowarn_clipping'));
$nowarnScaleMisses = (!$showScaleWarnings) || intval($this->owner->getHint('nowarn_scalemisses'));
if (!isset($this->entries)) {
throw new WeathermapInternalFail("ColourFromValue: SCALE $scaleName used with no spans defined?");
if ($this->spanCount() == 0) {
if ($this->name != 'none') {
"ColourFromValue: Attempted to use non-existent scale: %s for item %s [WMWARN09]\n",
} else {
return array(new Colour(255, 255, 255), '', '');
if ($isPercentage) {
$oldValue = $value;
$value = min($value, 100);
$value = max($value, 0);
if ($value != $oldValue && $nowarnClipping == 0) {
MapUtility::warn("ColourFromValue: Clipped $oldValue% to $value% for item $itemName [WMWARN33]\n");
list ($col, $key, $tag) = $this->findScaleHit($value);
if (null === $col) {
if ($nowarnScaleMisses == 0) {
"ColourFromValue: Scale $scaleName doesn't include a line for $value"
. ($isPercentage ? '%' : '') . " while drawing item $itemName [WMWARN29]\n"
return array($this->scalemisscolour, '', '');
MapUtility::debug("CFV $itemName $scaleName $value '$tag' $key " . $col->asConfig() . "\n");
return array($col, $key, $tag);
public function findScaleHit($value)
$tag = '';
$smallestMatchColour = null;
$smallestMatchSize = null;
$smallestMatchKey = null;
$candidate = null;
// TODO - if entries were sorted by size, this could just return on the FIRST match
foreach ($this->entries as $key => $scaleEntry) {
if ($scaleEntry->hit($value)) {
MapUtility::debug("HIT for %s-%s\n", $scaleEntry->bottom, $scaleEntry->top);
$range = $scaleEntry->span();
$candidate = $scaleEntry->getColour($value);
// change in behaviour - with multiple matching ranges for a value, the smallest range wins
if (is_null($smallestMatchSize) || ($range < $smallestMatchSize)) {
MapUtility::debug("Smallest match seen so far\n");
$smallestMatchColour = $candidate;
$smallestMatchSize = $range;
$smallestMatchKey = $key;
$tag = $scaleEntry->tag;
} else {
MapUtility::debug("But bigger than existing match\n");
return array($smallestMatchColour, $smallestMatchKey, $tag);
public function asConfigData()
$config = parent::asConfigData();
$configEntries = array();
foreach ($this->entries as $entry) {
$configEntries[] = $entry->asConfigData();
$config['entries'] = $configEntries;
return $config;
public function getConfig()
$output = '';
$locale = localeconv();
$decimalPoint = $locale['decimal_point'];
if ($output != '') {
$output .= "\n";
foreach ($this->entries as $k => $entry) {
$output .= $entry->asConfig($this->name, $this->owner->kilo, $decimalPoint);
if ($output != '') {
$output = '# All settings for scale ' . $this->name . "\n" . $output . "\n";
return $output;
public function findScaleExtent()
$max = -999999999999999999999;
$min = -$max;
foreach ($this->entries as $entry) {
$min = min($entry->bottom, $min);
$max = max($entry->top, $max);
return array($min, $max);
public function sort()
usort($this->entries, array('Weathermap\\Core\\MapScale', 'scaleEntryCompare'));
private function scaleEntryCompare($left, $right)
$lower = $left->bottom - $right->bottom;
$upper = $left->top - $right->top;
if ($lower == 0) {
return $upper;
return $lower;
public function __toString()
return sprintf("[SCALE %s]", $this->name);