// Cacti thold/monitor DS plugin
// Can read state of Thresholds from the THold Cacti plugin
// and also overall host state, in the style of the Monitor plugin (it doesn't depend on that plugin to do this)
// It DOES depend on THold though, obviously!
// Possible TARGETs:
// cactithold:234
// (internal thold id - returns 0 for OK, and 1 for breach)
// cactithold:12:444
// (the two IDs seen in thold URLs- also returns 0 for OK, and 1 for breach)
// cactimonitor:22
// (cacti hostid - returns host state (0-3) or 4 for failing some thresholds)
// also sets all the same variables as cactihost: would, and a new possible 'state' name of 'tholdbreached'
// Original development for this plugin was paid for by
// Stellar Consulting
namespace Weathermap\Plugins\Datasources;
use Weathermap\Core\MapUtility;
use Weathermap\Core\Map;
use Weathermap\Core\MapDataItem;
use PDO;
* Get data from Cacti's Thold plugin
* @package Weathermap\Plugins\Datasources
class CactiTholdStatus extends Base
private $thold10;
public function __construct()
$this->regexpsHandled = array(
$this->name = "CactiTHold";
$this->thold10 = false;
public function init(&$map)
if ($map->context == 'cacti') {
$pdo = weathermap_get_pdo();
if (!function_exists('db_fetch_row')) {
MapUtility::debug("ReadData CactiTHold: Cacti database library not found. [THOLD001]\n");
return false;
$tholdPresent = false;
if (function_exists("api_plugin_is_enabled")) {
if (api_plugin_is_enabled('thold')) {
$tholdPresent = true;
if (!$tholdPresent) {
MapUtility::debug("ReadData CactiTHold: THold plugin not enabled. [THOLD002]\n");
$statement = $pdo->prepare("show tables");
$result = $statement->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$tables = array();
foreach ($result as $index => $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $t) {
$tables[] = $t;
if (!in_array('thold_data', $tables)) {
MapUtility::debug('ReadData CactiTHold: thold_data database table not found. [THOLD003]\n');
return false;
// TODO: Check for thold >1.0 or earlier (field names changed)
// and update $this->thold10 appropriately
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select * from plugin_config where directory='thold'");
$result = $statement->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($result) == 1) {
$version = $result[0]['version'];
if (substr($version, 0, 1) != "0") {
$this->thold10 = true;
MapUtility::debug("ReadData CactiTHold: detected Thold > 1.0, will adjust field names\n");
} else {
MapUtility::debug("ReadData CactiTHold: detected Thold < 1.0, using classic field names\n");
return true;
} else {
MapUtility::debug("ReadData CactiTHold: Can only run from Cacti environment. [THOLD004]\n");
return false;
* @param string $targetString The string from the config file
* @param Map $map A reference to the map object (redundant)
* @param MapDataItem $mapItem A reference to the object this target is attached to
* @return array invalue, outvalue, unix timestamp that the data was valid
public function readData($targetString, &$map, &$mapItem)
$this->data[IN] = null;
$this->data[OUT] = null;
$this->dataTime = time();
$pdo = weathermap_get_pdo();
if (preg_match('/^cactithold:(\d+):(\d+)$/', $targetString, $matches)) {
// Returns 0 if threshold is not breached, 1 if it is.
// use target aggregation to build these up into a 'badness' percentage
// takes the same two values that are visible in thold's own URLs (the actual thold ID isn't shown anywhere)
$rraId = intval($matches[1]);
$dataId = intval($matches[2]);
// $SQL2 = "select thold_alert from thold_data where rra_id=$rra_id and data_id=$data_id and thold_enabled='on'";
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select thold_alert from thold_data where rra_id=? and data_id=? and thold_enabled='on'");
$statement->execute(array($rraId, $dataId));
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// $result = db_fetch_row($SQL2);
if (isset($result)) {
if ($result['thold_alert'] > 0) {
$this->data[IN] = 1;
} else {
$this->data[IN] = 0;
$this->data[OUT] = 0;
} elseif (preg_match('/^cacti(thold|monitor):(\d+)$/', $targetString, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
$id = intval($matches[2]);
if ($type == 'thold') {
// VERY simple. Returns 0 if threshold is not breached, 1 if it is.
// use target aggregation to build these up into a 'badness' percentage
// $SQL2 = "select thold_alert from thold_data where id=$id and thold_enabled='on'";
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select thold_alert from thold_data where id=? and thold_enabled='on'");
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// $result = db_fetch_row($SQL2);
if (isset($result)) {
if ($result['thold_alert'] > 0) {
$this->data[IN] = 1;
} else {
$this->data[IN] = 0;
$this->data[OUT] = 0;
if ($type == 'monitor') {
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Getting cacti basic state for host $id\n");
// $SQL = "select * from host where id=$id";
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select * from host where id=?");
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// 0=disabled
// 1=down
// 2=recovering
// 3=up
// 4=tholdbreached
$state = -1;
$statename = '';
// $result = db_fetch_row($SQL);
if (isset($result)) {
// create a note, which can be used in icon filenames or labels more nicely
if ($result['status'] == 1) {
$state = 1;
$statename = 'down';
if ($result['status'] == 2) {
$state = 2;
$statename = 'recovering';
if ($result['status'] == 3) {
$state = 3;
$statename = 'up';
if ($result['disabled']) {
$state = 0;
$statename = 'disabled';
$this->data[IN] = $state;
$this->data[OUT] = 0;
$mapItem->addNote("state", $statename);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_description", $result['description']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_hostname", $result['hostname']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_curtime", $result['cur_time']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_avgtime", $result['avg_time']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_mintime", $result['min_time']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_maxtime", $result['max_time']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_availability", $result['availability']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_faildate", $result['status_fail_date']);
$mapItem->addNote("cacti_recdate", $result['status_rec_date']);
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Basic state for host $id is $state/$statename\n");
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Checking threshold states for host $id\n");
$numThresholds = 0;
$numFailing = 0;
// $SQL2 = "select rra_id, data_id, thold_alert from thold_data,data_local where and data_local.host_id=$id and thold_enabled='on'";
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select rra_id, data_id, thold_alert from thold_data,data_local where and data_local.host_id=? and thold_enabled='on'");
if ($this->thold10) {
$statement = $pdo->prepare("select local_data_id as rra_id, data_template_rrd_id as data_id, thold_alert from thold_data,data_local where and data_local.host_id=? and thold_enabled='on'");
$queryrows = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
# $result = db_fetch_row($SQL2);
// $queryrows = db_fetch_assoc($SQL2);
if (is_array($queryrows)) {
foreach ($queryrows as $th) {
$desc = $th['rra_id'] . "/" . $th['data_id'];
$v = $th['thold_alert'];
if (intval($th['thold_alert']) > 0) {
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Seen threshold $desc failing ($v)for host $id\n");
} else {
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Seen threshold $desc OK ($v) for host $id\n");
} else {
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Failed to get thold info for host $id\n");
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Checked $numThresholds and found $numFailing failing\n");
if (($numFailing > 0) && ($numThresholds > 0) && ($state == 3)) {
$state = 4;
$statename = "tholdbreached";
$mapItem->addNote("state", $statename);
$mapItem->addNote("thold_failcount", $numFailing);
$mapItem->addNote("thold_failpercent", ($numFailing / $numThresholds) * 100);
$this->data[IN] = $state;
$this->data[OUT] = $numFailing;
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: State is $state/$statename\n");
} elseif ($numThresholds > 0) {
$mapItem->addNote("thold_failcount", 0);
$mapItem->addNote("thold_failpercent", 0);
MapUtility::debug("CactiTHold ReadData: Leaving state as $state\n");
return $this->returnData();
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: