module ReviewsHelper
def simple_format_review(text, html_options={}, options={})
text = '' if text.nil?
text = text.dup
text = sanitize_review(text) unless options[:sanitize] == false
text = text.to_str
text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") # \r\n and \r -> \n
text.gsub!(/(\n)?\n+/, "</p>\n\n<p>") # 2+ newline -> paragraph
text.insert 0, "<p>"
def sanitize_review(html)
allow_youtube_transformer = lambda do |env|
node = env[:node]
node_name = env[:node_name]
# Don't continue if this node is already whitelisted or is not an
# element.
return if env[:is_whitelisted] || !node.element?
# Don't continue unless the node is an iframe.
return unless node_name == 'iframe'
# Verify that the video URL is actually a valid video URL.
video_url_regexes = [
return unless video_url_regexes.any? {|x| node['src'] =~ x }
# We're now certain that this is a YouTube embed, but we still need to
# run it through a special Sanitize step to ensure that no unwanted
# elements or attributes that don't belong in a YouTube embed can sneak
# in.
Sanitize.clean_node!(node, {
:elements => %w[iframe],
:attributes => {
'iframe' => %w[allowfullscreen frameborder height src width]
# Now that we're sure that this is a valid YouTube embed and that there
# are no unwanted elements or attributes hidden inside it, we can tell
# Sanitize to whitelist the current node.
{:node_whitelist => [node]}
configuration = {
:elements => %w[
a abbr b bdo blockquote br caption cite code col colgroup dd del dfn
dl dt em figcaption figure h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hgroup i img ins kbd li
mark ol p pre q rp rt ruby s samp small strike strong sub sup table
tbody td tfoot th thead time tr u ul var wbr
:attributes => {
:all => ['dir', 'lang', 'title'],
'a' => ['href', 'target'],
'blockquote' => ['cite'],
'col' => ['span', 'width'],
'colgroup' => ['span', 'width'],
'del' => ['cite', 'datetime'],
'img' => ['align', 'alt', 'height', 'src', 'width'],
'ins' => ['cite', 'datetime'],
'ol' => ['start', 'reversed', 'type'],
'q' => ['cite'],
'table' => ['summary', 'width'],
'td' => ['abbr', 'axis', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'width'],
'th' => ['abbr', 'axis', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'scope', 'width'],
'time' => ['datetime', 'pubdate'],
'ul' => ['type']
:protocols => {
'a' => {'href' => ['ftp', 'http', 'https', 'mailto', :relative]},
'blockquote' => {'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative]},
'del' => {'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative]},
'img' => {'src' => ['http', 'https', :relative]},
'ins' => {'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative]},
'q' => {'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative]}
:transformers => [allow_youtube_transformer]
html = Sanitize.clean(html, configuration).html_safe
noko = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html)
# Wrap youtube videos.
noko.css('iframe').attr('allowfullscreen', '').each { |x|
x.swap("<div class='youtube-frame'>#{x}</div>")
noko.css('.youtube-frame').each {|node| node.add_child('<div class="youtube-background"></div>') }
def rating_description(r)
return "Pathetic" if r == 1
return "Dreadful" if r == 2
return "Poor" if r == 3
return "Mediocre" if r == 4
return "Fair" if r == 5
return "Decent" if r == 6
return "Good" if r == 7
return "Great" if r == 8
return "Amazing" if r == 9
return "Flawless" if r == 10