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// Aurora is distributed under the MIT license.

import present from "present";
import Entity from "./Entity";
import System from "./System";
import getItem from "../utils/getItem";
import hasItem from "../utils/hasItem";

 * @module core
 * @classdesc Core singleton representing an instance of the Aurora engine. The engine is
 * responsible for the creation and registration of entities, as well as initialization and running
 * of systems containing game logic.
export default class Engine {

    private _assemblies:     Entity[];
    private _entities:       Entity[];
    private _lastTickTime:   number;
    private _onTickComplete: Function; // Hook called when update is complete
    private _onTickStart:    Function; // Hook called when update starts
    private _running:        boolean;  // Whether or not the engine is running
    private _systems:        System[];

     * @description Create an instance of the Aurora engine.
    constructor() {

        // TODO: Build from JSON in the case of loading a save

        console.log( "Aurora: Initializing a new engine." );

        // These are the things which are actually saved per game
        this._assemblies = [];
        this._entities = [];
        this._systems = [];

        // The heart of the engine
        this._running = false;
        this._lastTickTime = null;

        this._onTickStart = undefined;
        this._onTickComplete = undefined;

        return this;

     * @description Get all of the engine's assemblies.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {Entity[]} - Array of assembly (entity) instances
    get assemblies(): Entity[] {
        return this._assemblies;

     * @description Get all of the engine's entities.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {Entity[]} - Array of entity instances
    get entities(): Entity[] {
        return this._entities;

     * @description Get the function currently set to execute after every tick.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {Function} - Function currently set to execute
    get onTickComplete(): Function {
        return this._onTickComplete;

     * @description Get the function currently set to execute before every tick.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {Function} - Function currently set to execute
    get onTickStart(): Function {
        return this._onTickStart;

     * @description Get whether or not the engine is currently running.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {boolean} - True if the engine is running
    get running(): boolean {
        return this._running;

     * @description Get all of the engine's systems.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {System[]} - Array of system instances
    get systems(): System[] {
        return this._systems;

     * @description Get the timestamp of the engine's last tick.
     * @readonly
     * @returns {number} - Timestamp in milliseconds
    get lastTickTime() {
        return this._lastTickTime;

     * @description Set a function to execute after every update tick.
     * @param {Function} fn - Function to execute
    set onTickComplete( fn: Function ) {
        this._onTickComplete = fn;

     * @description Set a function to execute before every update tick.
     * @param {Function} fn - Function to execute
    set onTickStart( fn: Function ) {
        this._onTickStart = fn;

     * @description Add an assembly (entity) instance to the engine.
     * @param {Entity} assembly - Assembly instance
     * @returns {Entity[]} - Array of assembly (entity) instances
    addAssembly( assembly: Entity ): Entity[] {

        // Validate
        if ( this.hasAssembly( assembly.type ) ) {
            throw Error( "Assembly of that type has already been added!" );

        // Freeze entity's structure
        Object.seal( assembly );

        this._assemblies.push( assembly );

        return this._assemblies;

     * @description Add an entity instance to the engine. This will check which systems should watch
     * it, and add it to those systems (running the entity through each system's onAdd hook. After
     * being added and initialized, entities are immutable (although their component data is not).
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity instance
     * @returns {Entity[]} - Array of entity instances
    addEntity( entity: Entity ): Entity[] {

        // Validate
        if ( this.hasEntity( entity.uuid ) ) {
            throw Error( "Entity with that UUID has already been added!" );

        // Freeze entity's structure
        Object.seal( entity );

        this._entities.push( entity );

        // Check all systems to see if they should be watching this entity
        this._systems.forEach( ( system ) => {
            if ( entity.isWatchableBy( system ) ) {
                system.watchEntity( entity );

        return this._entities;

     * @description Add a system instance to the engine.
     * This will run the system's onInit hook. After being added and initialized, systems are
     * immutable and are updated every game tick.
     * @param {System} system - System instance
     * @returns {System[]} - Array of system instances
    addSystem( system: System ): System[] {

        // Validate
        if ( this.hasSystem( system.name ) ) {
            throw Error( "System with that name has already been added!" );

        // Add it and start it
        this._systems.push( system );
        system.init( this );

        // Freeze entity's structure
        Object.freeze( system );

        return this._systems;

     * @description Get an assembly (entity) instance by type from the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} type - Assembly type
     * @returns {Entity} - Requested assembly (entity) instance
    getAssembly( type: string ): Entity {
        if ( !this.hasAssembly( type ) ) {
            throw Error( "No assembly of that type found!" );
        return getItem( type, this._assemblies, "type" );

     * @description Get an entity instance by UUID from the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} uuid - Entity UUID
     * @returns {Entity} - Requested entity instance
    getEntity( uuid: string ): Entity {
        if ( !this.hasEntity( uuid ) ) {
            throw Error( "No enitity with that UUID found!" );
        return getItem( uuid, this._entities, "uuid" );

     * @description Get a system instance by name from the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} name - System name
     * @returns {System} - Requested system instance
    getSystem( name: string ): System {
        if ( !this.hasSystem( name ) ) {
            throw Error( "No system with that name found!" );
        return getItem( name, this._systems, "name" );

     * @description Check if an assembly is present within the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} name - Assembly name
     * @returns {boolean} - True if the assembly is present
    hasAssembly( type: string ): boolean {
        return hasItem( type, this._assemblies, "type" );

     * @description Check if a system is present within the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} name - System name
     * @returns {boolean} - True if the entity is present
    hasEntity( uuid: string ): boolean {
        return hasItem( uuid, this._entities, "uuid" );

     * @description Check if a system is present within the engine.
     * @readonly
     * @param {string} name - System name
     * @returns {boolean} - True if the system is present
    hasSystem( name: string ): boolean {
        return hasItem( name, this._systems, "name" );

     * @description Start the execution of the update loop.
    start(): void {

        // Always reset in case engine was stopped and restarted
        this._lastTickTime = present();

        // Start ticking!
        this._running = true;

     * @description Stop the execution of the update loop.
    stop(): void {
        this._running = false;

     * @description Perform one tick and update all systems.
     * It is up to the user to decide how often to call this function. Typically on the client-side
     * this would be called in requestAnimationFrame() and on the server-side this would simply be
     * tied to a very fast setInterval() function (perhaps 10 ms).
    tick(): void {
        if ( this._running ) {
            const now = present();
            const delta = now - this._lastTickTime;
            this._lastTickTime = now;

            // Run any pre-update behavior
            if ( this._onTickStart ) {

            // Perform the update on every system
            this._systems.forEach( ( system ) => {
                system.update( delta );

            // Run any post-update behavior
            if ( this._onTickComplete ) {

     * @description Set all entities to "clean".
     * When this function is invoked is up to the developer. In some cases it makes sense to invoke it
     * at the beginning of each tick, in other cases after all entities are sent from a server to the
     * clients (for example).
    cleanEntities() {
        this._entities.forEach( ( entity ) => {
            entity.dirty = false;
