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# Colore::Client

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A ruby client for the [Colore](http://github.com/ifad/colore) document storage
and conversion service. See the Colore documentation for a more detailed
description of what Colore does and its API methods.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'colore-client', github: 'ifad/colore-client'

And then execute:


## Usage

base_uri = 'http://localhost:9240/'
app = 'myapp'
client = Colore::Client.new base_uri: base_uri, app: app
client.ping or abort "No connection to Colore"

doc_id = client.generate_doc_id
file = File.new('foo.jpg')
content = f.read

# Store a file
conversion_callback = 'http:/localhost:10000/foo' # you should have a listener on this port
resp = client.create_document(
  doc_id:       doc_id,
  filename:     file.path,
  content:      content,
  author:       'mrbloggs',
  actions:      ['pdf'],
  callback_url: conversion_callback )
puts resp.path

# Convert a file on the fly
pdf = client.convert content: file.read, action: 'pdf'
File.open( 'foo.pdf', 'wb' ) { |f| f.write(pdf) }

## Available Methods

client.create_document doc_id:, filename:, content:, title:, author:, actions:[], callback_url
client.update_document doc_id:, version:, filename:, content:, title:, author:, actions:[], callback_url:
client.request_conversion doc_id:, version:, filename:, action: callback_url:
client.delete_document doc_id:
client.delete_version doc_id:, version:
client.get_document doc_id:, version:, filename:
client.get_document_info doc_id:
client.convert content:, action:, language:

See the [YARD doc](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/ifad/colore-client) for more details

## Logging

The client takes an optional Logger as an initialization parameter:

client = Colore::Client.new base_uri: base_uri, app: app, logger: Logger.new(STDOUT)

This can also be set at any time:

client.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)