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namespace exchange\classes;

use CMSFactory\ModuleSettings;

 * @author kolia
class Properties extends ExchangeBase

    const PROPTYPE_NUM = 0;
    const PROPTYPE_SPR = 1;

     * @var string
    protected $brandIdentif = NULL;

     * @var array [[id => name],...]
    protected $brandIdsToNames = [];

     * @var array (property_external_id => id)
    protected $brands = [];

     * For the properties with type "Справочник"
     * @var array
    public $dictionaryProperties = [];

     * External ids of existing properties
     * @var array
    protected $existing = [];

     * External ids of new properties
     * @var array
    protected $new = [];

     * @var array
    protected $propertiesData = [];

    public function getBrandIdByExId($externalId = NULL) {

        if ($externalId == NULL) {
            return $this->brands;

        if (array_key_exists($externalId, $this->brands)) {
            return $this->brands[$externalId];

        return FALSE;

     * Отримання ід бренду по його назві.
     * Даний метод викликається із Products
     * Якщо бренд не існує, то він буде створений (правда це трошки трошки не продуктивно,
     * бо краще було б зв’язувати по exId, але це буде не універсально, бо зараз
     * бренд ід береться із властивостей - шоби не рухати більше ніж треба коду в модулі)
     * @param string $brandName
     * @return null|int
    public function getBrandIdByName($brandName) {

        if (!is_string($brandName) || !isset($brandName[0])) {
            return null;

        $brandName = trim($brandName);
        $brandId = array_search($brandName, $this->brandIdsToNames);
        if (false != $brandId && is_numeric($brandId)) {
            return $brandId;

        // creating brand
             'url'     => translit_url($brandName),
             'created' => time(),
             'updated' => time(),

        if ($this->db->_error_message()) {
            return null;

        $brandId = $this->db->insert_id();

             'id'     => $brandId,
             'locale' => $this->locale,
             'name'   => $brandName,

        if ($this->db->_error_message()) {
            $this->db->delete('shop_brands', ['id' => $brandId], 1);
            return null;

        $this->brandIdsToNames[$brandId] = $brandName;

        return $brandId;

     * Returns property identificator of brand
     * @return string
    public function getBrandIdentif() {

        return $this->brandIdentif;

    public function setBrandIdentif($brandIdentif) {

        $this->brandIdentif = $brandIdentif;
        return $this;

    protected function import_() {


        // preparing data array for insert, splitting on new and existing properties

        if (count($this->new) > 0) {

        $ignoreExisting = ModuleSettings::ofModule('exchange')->get('ignore_existing');
        if (count($this->existing) > 0 && !isset($ignoreExisting['properties'])) {

        if (count($this->brands) > 0) {




     * Parsing properties. Separation on new and existing.
     * Preparing arrays (insert & update) for db
    protected function processProperties() {
        foreach ($this->importData as $property) {
            $propertyData = [];
            $externalId = (string) $property->Ид;
            $name = (string) $property->Наименование;

            if ($name == $this->brandIdentif & $this->brandIdentif !== NULL) {
                $this->brandIdentif = $externalId;

            $propertyData = ['external_id' => $externalId];

            $this->propertiesData[$externalId]['name'] = $name;

            $propertyData['csv_name'] = str_replace(['-', '_', "'"], '', translit_url($property->Наименование));

            // type ("Справочник"|"Число")
            $type = (string) $property->ТипЗначений === 'Справочник' ? self::PROPTYPE_SPR : self::PROPTYPE_NUM;
            $this->propertiesData[$externalId]['type'] = $type;
            if ($type == self::PROPTYPE_SPR) {
                // getting all possible values
                $values = [];
                foreach ($property->ВариантыЗначений->Справочник as $propValue) {
                    $values[(string) $propValue->ИдЗначения] = (string) $propValue->Значение;
                $this->dictionaryProperties[$externalId] = $values;

                if ($this->brandIdentif == $externalId) {
                    $this->brands = $values;

            // main_property
            $propertyData['main_property'] = (string) $property->Обязательное === 'true' ? 1 : 0;

            // checking if property is "multivalue"
            if ((string) $property->Множественное === 'true' || $type === self::PROPTYPE_SPR) {
                $propertyData['multiple'] = 1;
            } else {
                $propertyData['multiple'] = 0;

            // status of property (active or disabled)
            $active = (string) $property->ИспользованиеСвойства === 'true';
            if ($active === TRUE || count($property->ИспользованиеСвойства) === 0) {
                $propertyData['active'] = 1;
            } else {
                $propertyData['active'] = 0;

            // separation on new and existing
            if (!$this->propertyExists($externalId)) {
                // adding default property values
                $propertyData['show_in_compare'] = 0;
                $propertyData['show_on_site'] = 1;
                $propertyData['show_in_filter'] = 0;

                $this->new[$externalId] = $propertyData;
            } else {
                $this->existing[$externalId] = $propertyData;

     * Checks if property exists by external id
     * @param string $externalId
     * @return boolean
    protected function propertyExists($externalId) {

        foreach ($this->properties as $propertyData) {
            if ($propertyData['external_id'] == $externalId) {
                return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    protected function insert() {

        $this->insertBatch('shop_product_properties', $this->new);
        // getting updated data from DB

        // preparing data for `i18n` and `mod_exchange`
        $i18n = $this->makei18n('new');
        $this->insertBatch('shop_product_properties_i18n', $i18n);

    private function makei18n($type = 'existing') {

        $i18n = [];
        $modExchange = [];
        foreach ($this->properties as $propertyData) {
            $exId = $propertyData['external_id'];
            if (array_key_exists($exId, $this->$type)) {
                $arr = [];

                $i18n[] = [
                           'id'     => $propertyData['id'],
                           'name'   => $this->propertiesData[$exId]['name'],
                           'locale' => $this->locale,

        return $i18n;

     * @throws \Exception
    protected function update() {

        $this->updateBatch('shop_product_properties', $this->existing, 'external_id');
        // preparing data for `i18n` and `mod_exchange`
        // preparing data for `i18n`
        $i18n = $this->makei18n();

        $this->updateBatch('shop_product_properties_i18n', $i18n, 'id');

     * Inserting new brands,
     * forming array with all new brands
    protected function insertBrands() {

        // getting existing brands
        $result = $this->db
            ->select(['id', 'name'])

        $existingBrands = [];
        foreach ($result as $brandData) {
            $existingBrands[strtolower($brandData['name'])] = $brandData['id'];

        // inserting new brands
        $newBrands = [];
        $referensForI18n = [];
        foreach ($this->brands as $externalId => $brandName) {
            $name_ = strtolower($brandName);
            if (array_key_exists($name_, $existingBrands)) { // brand exist
                $this->brands[$externalId] = $existingBrands[$name_];
            } else {
                $url = translit_url($brandName);
                $referensForI18n[$url] = $externalId;
                $newBrands[] = ['url' => $url];

        // those witch will be needed for products
        if (count($newBrands) > 0) {
            $this->insertBatch('shop_brands', $newBrands);
            $result = $this->db
                ->select(['id', 'url'])

            $newBrandsI18n = [];
            foreach ($result as $brandData) {
                if (array_key_exists($brandData['url'], $referensForI18n)) {
                    $newBrandsI18n[] = [
                                        'id'     => $brandData['id'],
                                        'name'   => $this->brands[$referensForI18n[$brandData['url']]],
                                        'locale' => $this->locale,
                    $this->brands[$referensForI18n[$brandData['url']]] = $brandData['id'];

            $this->insertBatch('shop_brands_i18n', $newBrandsI18n);

    protected function loadBrandsNames() {

        $result = $this->db
            ->select(['', ''])
            ->join('shop_brands_i18n', sprintf(" AND shop_brands_i18n.locale='%s'", $this->locale))

        if (!$result) {
        $result = $result->result_array();

        foreach ($result as $brandData) {
            $this->brandIdsToNames[$brandData['id']] = $brandData['name'];

    private function processPropertiesValues() {
        foreach ($this->properties as $property) {

            if(array_key_exists($property['external_id'], $this->dictionaryProperties)) {
                foreach ($this->dictionaryProperties[$property['external_id']] as $key => $values) {

                    $prop = \SPropertyValueQuery::create()

                    if($prop === null) {
                        $prop = new \SPropertyValue();
