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# Dhis2 Validation Rule Group Filter Library

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## Introduction

Dhis2 Validation Rule Group(DVRG) is a user interface component library for developing [DHIS2]( applications. DHIS2 Team from UDSM uses and maintain this component to ensure visual and usability consistency where it is used in the process of developing different DHIS2 web application.

## Features

- Fetching all the validation rules group from the [DHIS2]( Instance where the you have installed the Web app you are developing and use this library as part of it.
- Give support to use to select the validation rule group available withing the instance and proceed with the analysis process.
- Give support to De-select the validation rule group if it wrong selection.
- It give support to select and de-select all the selection i.e validation rule group all at once.

## Quickstart Guide

### Prerequisite Requirements

Install the following dependencies withing your project before starting using the following library.

- NgRx Store v7.4.0 or Higher- [@ngrx/store](
- NgRx Effects v7.4.0 or Higher- [@ngrx/effects](
- RxJS: Reactive Extensions For JavaScript v6.5.2 or Higher - [rxjs](
- lodash v4.17.11
  or Higher- [lodash v4.17.11
- DHIS2 Http Client library
  v2.0.8-beta.2 or Higher - [@iapps/ngx-dhis2-http-client](
- Dhis2 Validation Rule Group Filter Library
  v1.0.0-alpha.6 or Higher - [@iapps/ngx-dhis2-validation-rule-group-filter

### Installation Commands

    npm i @ngrx/store

    npm i @ngrx/effects

    npm i rxjs

    npm i --save lodash

    npm i @iapps/ngx-dhis2-http-client

    npm i @iapps/ngx-dhis2-validation-rule-group-filter

### Installation Procedure

Import **StoreModule**, **EffectsModule** and **HttpClientModule** to the appModule.ts. Below is an example of configuration for a fresh project, but if you have already done installation based on your configuration the follow all along to see what is need to be added to make installation successfully

    import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
    import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects';
    import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
    import { NgxDhis2ValidationRuleFilterModule } from '@iapps/ngx-dhis2-validation-rule-group-filter';

        declarations: [
    imports: [
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }

**NOTE:** This library is using @iapps/ngx-dhis2-http-client library, Please follow installation instructions for this package as well. Instructions can found [here](

### How to use

After installation you can use the following tags to start using it in your project.


### Output Emmitted

#### Template of the OUTPUT Emmitted after clicking the UPDATE or CANCEL button:

    items: []
    periodTypes: {}
    dimensions: "vrg"
    change: true

#### Example of the output Emmitted after clicking the UPDATE or CANCEL button:

    items: [
            id: "odiGzVETtQQ",
            name: "Form: National Malaria control program"
    periodTypes: {
        id: "Monthly"
        name: "Monthly"
        rank: 3
    dimensions: "vrg"
    change: true

## Contributions


## Licence
