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# Deprecated

**This project has been deprecated.**

We recommend you look at [AWS Organizations]( as a means to automate AWS account creation.


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# AwsAccountUtils

A collection of helpers for creating and modifying AWS account details that can not be done using any existing AWS API

Special Note: the `create_account` operation requires that your IP be white-listed by AWS in order to bypass the CAPTCHA

## Installation

NOTE: Ruby 2.2 is required!

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aws_account_utils'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install aws_account_utils

## Usage


If you are required to go through a proxy, the following should be set prior to execution.

aws_utils =
  browser: (Watir::Browser) - default: Watir Browser object - You can pass in your own Browser object or use the built-in which uses firefox.
  logger: (Logger) - default: Logger object. - You can pass in your own logger or use the built in.
  log_level: (Symbol) - default: :info - Sets the logger level. Only :info and :debug are useful
  screenshots: (String) - default: nil - Enables screenshots by passing the directory to put the screenshots which are taken throughout the different operations. 

  * [create_account](#create_account)
  * [change_root_password](#change_root_password)
  * [check_enterprise_support](#check_enterprise_support)
  * [close_account](#close_account)
  * [confirm_consolidated_billing](#confirm_consolidated_billing)
  * [create_root_access_keys](#create_root_access_keys)
  * [delete_root_access_keys](#delete_root_access_keys)
  * [email_opt_out](#email_opt_out)
  * [enable_enterprise_support](#enable_enterprise_support)
  * [enable_iam_billing](#enable_iam_billing)
  * [logout_from_console](#logout_from_console)
  * [request_consolidated_billing](#request_consolidated_billing)
  * [set_alternate_contacts](#set_alternate_contacts)
  * [set_challenge_questions](#set_challenge_questions)
  * [set_company_name](#set_company_name)


> Creates a new AWS Account and with the minimal amount of information and 
> returns the account number of the new account.
> Requires that your IP be white-listed by AWS in order to bypass the CAPTCHA

`#create_account(account_name:, account_email, account_password:, account_details:)`

details = { 'fullName'     => 'Herman Munster',
            'company'      => 'The Munsters',
            'addressLine1' => '1313 Mockingbird Lane',
            'city'         => 'Mockingbird Heights',
            'state'        => 'CA',
            'postalCode'   => '92000',
            'phoneNumber'  => '(800) 555-1212',
            'guess'        => 'Test Account' }

resp = aws_utils.create_account(account_name: 'My Test Account 01',
                                account_email: '',
                                account_password: 'foobar1212121',
                                account_details: details)
resp #=> String

account_name: (required, String) - The account name to associate with this new account
account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account
account_details: (required, Hash) - Hash of account details


`1234-1223-1242 #Accont Number => String`


> Changes the account password

`change_root_password(account_email:, account_password:, new_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.change_root_password(account_email: '',
                                      account_password: 'foobar1212121',
                                      new_password: 'mynewpassword')
resp #=> true/false

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The old password to use with this new account
new_password: (required, String) - The new password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Checks if enterprise support is enabled

`check_enterprise_support(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.check_enterprise_support(account_email: '',
                                          account_password: 'foobar1212121'')
resp #=> true/false

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Closes AWS Account

`close_account(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.close_account(account_email: '',
                               account_password: 'foobar1212121'')
resp #=> true/false

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Confirms consolidated billing by taking the link that was emailed to you when you enabled consolidated billing.

`confirm_consolidated_billing(account_email:, account_password:, confirmation_link:)`

resp = aws_utils.confirm_consolidated_billing(account_email: '',
                                              account_password: 'foobar1212121',
                                              confirmation_link: '')
resp #=> nil

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account
confirmation_link: (required, String) - The unique url that will confirm billing



`#return => nil`



> Creates access and secret key for root account

`create_root_access_keys(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.create_root_access_keys(account_email: '',
                                         account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> Hash

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Hash {:access_key=>"my_access_key", :secret_key=>"my_secret_key"}`



> Deletes ALL root access/secret keys from the root of the account

`delete_root_access_keys(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.delete_root_access_keys(account_email: '',
                                         account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => true/false`



> Opts account out of all email marketing

`email_opt_out(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.email_opt_out(account_email: '',
                               account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Enables enterprise support, this should be done after consolidated billing has been setup

`enable_enterprise_support(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.enable_enterprise_support(account_email: '',
                                           account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Sets the account to enable IAM billing

`enable_iam_billing(account_email:, account_password:)`
resp = aws_utils.enable_iam_billing(account_email: '',
                                    account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Checks to see if consolidated billing has been setup

`existing_consolidated_billing?(account_email:, account_password:)`

resp = aws_utils.existing_consolidated_billing?(account_email: '',
                                                account_password: 'foobar1212121)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account


`#return => Boolean`



> Logs out of the console


resp = aws_utils.logout_from_console
resp #=> True/False



`#return => Boolean`



> Requests consolidated billing to be setup with your master account. An email is sent to the 
> account being added with a link. That link should be passed into `confirm_consolidated_billing`

`request_consolidated_billing(master_account_email:, master_account_password:, account_email:)`

resp = aws_utils.request_consolidated_billing(master_account_email: '',
                                              master_account_password: 'master_acct_password,
                                              account_email: '')
resp #=> True/False

master_account_email: (required, String) - The email for your master billing aws account
master_account_password: (required, String) - The password for your master billing aws account
account_email: (required, String) - The email for the account you want to add to consolidated billing under the master account


`#return => Boolean`



> Sets alternate contacts for the account

`set_alternate_contacts(account_email:, account_password:, contact_info:)`


contacts = {'operations' => {'name' => 'Operations Name',
                             'title' => 'Operations Title',
                             'email' => '',
                             'phoneNumber' => '888-888-1212'},
            'security' => {'name' => 'Security Name',
                           'title' => 'Security Title',
                           'email' => '',
                           'phoneNumber' => '888-888-1212'}}
resp = aws_utils.set_alternate_contacts(account_email: '',
                                        account_password: 'foobar1212121,
                                        contact_info: contacts)
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account
contact_info: (required, Hash) - A Hash of Hash of contacts, operations, security, etc.



`#return => Boolean`



> Sets the accounts challenge security questions

`set_challenge_questions(account_email:, account_password:, answers:)`

my_answers = {1 => 'answer1',
              2 => 'answer2',
              3 => 'answer3'}
resp = aws_utils.set_challenge_questions(account_email: '',
                                         account_password: 'foobar1212121,
                                         answers: my_answers)
resp #=> {1 => 'answer1', 2 => 'answer2', 3 => 'answer3'}

account_email: (required, String) - The email to associate with this new account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this new account
answers: (optional, Hash) - A hash of answers to fill in for the security questions. If you dont pass your own, Random word will generate for you.



`#return => Hash`



> Sets company name for the account (any time after account is created)

`set_company_name(account_email:, account_password:, company_name:)`

resp = aws_utils.set_alternate_contacts(account_email: '',
                                        account_password: 'foobar1212121,
                                        name: 'The Munsters, Inc.')
resp #=> True/False

account_email: (required, String) - The email address to use with this account
account_password: (required, String) - The password to use with this account
contact_info: (required, String) - The company name to add to this account



`#return => Boolean`


## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release` to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/aws_account_utils/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request