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package cache

import (


const debug bool = false

// Index wraps a backing index and caches it using another index.
type Index struct {
    backingIndex index.Index
    cachingIndex index.Index
    cachingType  reflect.Type


// New returns a new index.
func New(backing index.Index, caching index.Index, cachingType interface{}, instr *instr.Instrumentation) index.Index {
    t := reflect.TypeOf(cachingType)
    if t.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
        // Dereference pointer
        t = t.Elem()

    if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
        panic("caching type should be a struct")

    index := &Index{
        backingIndex:    backing,
        cachingIndex:    caching,
        cachingType:     t,
        Instrumentation: instr,

    return index

// String returns the name of the index, for convenient logging.
func (i *Index) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("'%s' through '%s'", i.backingIndex, i.cachingIndex)

func matchDstKind(src, dst reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
    dKind, sKind := dst.Kind(), src.Kind()

    if dKind == reflect.Pointer && sKind != reflect.Pointer {
        // dst is pointer, src is not.

        if !src.CanAddr() {
            panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot address val %v for field %v", src, dst))

        return src.Addr()

    if dKind != reflect.Pointer && sKind == reflect.Pointer {
        // dst is value, src is pointer.
        return src.Elem()

    return src

func setFieldVal(src, dst reflect.Value, dstField reflect.StructField) {
    // Set dst field to corresponding src value.
    // Note: this will panic when a dst field is not present in the src struct.
    srcVal := src.FieldByName(dstField.Name)
    dstVal := dst.FieldByIndex(dstField.Index)

    srcVal = matchDstKind(srcVal, dstVal)


func (i *Index) makeCachingProperties(props interface{}) interface{} {
    src := GetStructElem(props)

    // Create pointer cache struct
    dstPtr := reflect.New(i.cachingType)
    dstFields := reflect.VisibleFields(i.cachingType)

    // Get the underlying struct
    dst := dstPtr.Elem()

    // Iterate fields of destination
    for _, dstField := range dstFields {
        setFieldVal(src, dst, dstField)

    // if debug {
    //     log.Printf("makeCachingProperties - src: %s: %v", src.Type(), src)
    //     log.Printf("makeCachingProperties - dst: %s: %v", dst.Type(), dst)
    // }

    return dstPtr.Interface()

func (i *Index) cacheGet(ctx context.Context, id string, dst interface{}, fields ...string) (bool, error) {
    var (
        found bool
        err   error

    // Ignore fields for now; the OpenSearch API uses the json field names
    // Ref: https://github.com/ipfs-search/ipfs-search/issues/234

    if found, err = i.cachingIndex.Get(ctx, id, dst, fields...); err != nil {
        // Ignore context closed
        err = ErrCache{err, fmt.Sprintf("cache error in get: %s", err.Error())}

    return found, err

type indexWrite func(context.Context, string, interface{}) error

func (i *Index) cacheWrite(ctx context.Context, id string, properties interface{}, f indexWrite) error {
    cachingProperties := i.makeCachingProperties(properties)

    if debug {
        log.Printf("cache %s: write %s", i, id)

    if err := f(ctx, id, cachingProperties); err != nil {
        return ErrCache{err, fmt.Sprintf("cache error in writing %+v to %s: %s", cachingProperties, id, err.Error())}

    return nil

// Index a document's properties, identified by id.
// Returns error of type ErrCache if the caching index returned an error.
func (i *Index) Index(ctx context.Context, id string, properties interface{}) error {
    ctx, span := i.Tracer.Start(ctx, "index.cache.Index")
    defer span.End()

    // Backing index first.
    if err := i.backingIndex.Index(ctx, id, properties); err != nil {
        return err

    return i.cacheWrite(ctx, id, properties, i.cachingIndex.Index)

// Update a document's properties, given id.
// Returns error of type ErrCache if the caching index returned an error.
func (i *Index) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, properties interface{}) error {
    ctx, span := i.Tracer.Start(ctx, "index.cache.Update")
    defer span.End()

    // Update cache first and backing index later.
    if err := i.cacheWrite(ctx, id, properties, i.cachingIndex.Update); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := i.backingIndex.Update(ctx, id, properties); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Delete item from index.
// Returns error of type ErrCache if the caching index returned an error.
func (i *Index) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
    ctx, span := i.Tracer.Start(ctx, "index.cache.Delete")
    defer span.End()

    if debug {
        log.Printf("cache %s: delete %s", i, id)

    // Delete cache first; maintain consistency as our backing index is the source of truth.
    if err := i.cachingIndex.Delete(ctx, id); err != nil {
        return ErrCache{
            fmt.Sprintf("error deleting cache: %s", err.Error()),

    if err := i.backingIndex.Delete(ctx, id); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Get retreives *all* fields from document with `id` from the cache, falling back to the backing index.
// Returns: (exists, err) where err is of type ErrCache if there was (only) an error from the
// caching index.
func (i *Index) Get(ctx context.Context, id string, dst interface{}, fields ...string) (bool, error) {
    ctx, span := i.Tracer.Start(ctx, "index.opensearch.Get")
    defer span.End()

    var (
        found bool
        err   error

    if found, err = i.cacheGet(ctx, id, dst, fields...); found {
        // if debug {
        log.Printf("cache %s: hit %s", i.cachingIndex, id)
        // }

        return found, err

    if debug {
        log.Printf("cache %s: miss %s", i.cachingIndex, id)

    var backingErr error
    if found, backingErr = i.backingIndex.Get(ctx, id, dst, fields...); backingErr != nil {
        // Backing errors overwrite cache errors.
        err = backingErr

    if found {
        if debug {
            log.Printf("backing %s: hit %s", i.backingIndex, id)

        if indexErr := i.cacheWrite(ctx, id, dst, i.cachingIndex.Index); indexErr != nil {
            err = indexErr

    if debug {
        log.Printf("backing %s: miss %s", i.backingIndex, id)

    return found, err

// Compile-time assurance that implementation satisfies interface.
var _ index.Index = &Index{}