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Test Coverage
package handler

import (



    t "github.com/ipfs-search/ipfs-search/types"

// Handler handles EvtProviderPut events by writing Provider's to a channel.
type Handler struct {
    providers chan<- t.Provider

// New returns a new handler, writing Provider's to providers.
func New(providers chan<- t.Provider) Handler {
    return Handler{
        providers:       providers,
        Instrumentation: instr.New(),

// HandleFunc writes a Provider to the Handler's providers channel for every EvtProviderPut it is called with.
func (h *Handler) HandleFunc(ctx context.Context, e eventsource.EvtProviderPut) error {
    ctx = trace.ContextWithRemoteSpanContext(ctx, e.SpanContext)
    ctx, span := h.Tracer.Start(ctx, "handler.HandleFunc", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Stringer("cid", e.CID),
        attribute.Stringer("peerid", e.PeerID),
    ), trace.WithSpanKind(trace.SpanKindConsumer))
    defer span.End()

    p := t.Provider{
        Resource: &t.Resource{
            Protocol: t.IPFSProtocol,
            ID:       e.CID.String(),
        Date:        time.Now(),
        Provider:    e.PeerID.String(),
        SpanContext: span.SpanContext(),

    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    case h.providers <- p:
        return nil