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// Package single implements a ClusterDAGService that chunks and adds content
// to cluster without sharding, before pinning it.
package single

import (

    adder "github.com/ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster/adder"

    cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
    ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
    logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
    rpc "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-gorpc"

var logger = logging.Logger("singledags")
var _ = logger // otherwise unused

// DAGService is an implementation of an adder.ClusterDAGService which
// puts the added blocks directly in the peers allocated to them (without
// sharding).
type DAGService struct {

    ctx       context.Context
    rpcClient *rpc.Client

    dests     []peer.ID
    addParams api.AddParams
    local     bool

    bs              *adder.BlockStreamer
    blocks          chan api.NodeWithMeta
    closeBlocksOnce sync.Once
    recentBlocks    *recentBlocks

// New returns a new Adder with the given rpc Client. The client is used
// to perform calls to IPFS.BlockStream and Pin content on Cluster.
func New(ctx context.Context, rpc *rpc.Client, opts api.AddParams, local bool) *DAGService {
    // ensure don't Add something and pin it in direct mode.
    opts.Mode = api.PinModeRecursive
    return &DAGService{
        ctx:          ctx,
        rpcClient:    rpc,
        dests:        nil,
        addParams:    opts,
        local:        local,
        blocks:       make(chan api.NodeWithMeta, 256),
        recentBlocks: &recentBlocks{},

// Add puts the given node in the destination peers.
func (dgs *DAGService) Add(ctx context.Context, node ipld.Node) error {
    // Avoid adding the same node multiple times in a row.
    // This is done by the ipfsadd-er, because some nodes are added
    // via dagbuilder, then via MFS, and root nodes once more.
    if dgs.recentBlocks.Has(node) {
        return nil

    // FIXME: can't this happen on initialization?  Perhaps the point here
    // is the adder only allocates and starts streaming when the first
    // block arrives and not on creation.
    if dgs.dests == nil {
        dests, err := adder.BlockAllocate(ctx, dgs.rpcClient, dgs.addParams.PinOptions)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        hasLocal := false
        localPid := dgs.rpcClient.ID()
        for i, d := range dests {
            if d == localPid || d == "" {
                hasLocal = true
                // ensure our allocs do not carry an empty peer
                // mostly an issue with testing mocks
                dests[i] = localPid

        dgs.dests = dests

        if dgs.local {
            // If this is a local pin, make sure that the local
            // peer is among the allocations..
            // UNLESS user-allocations are defined!
            if !hasLocal && localPid != "" && len(dgs.addParams.UserAllocations) == 0 {
                // replace last allocation with local peer
                dgs.dests[len(dgs.dests)-1] = localPid

            dgs.bs = adder.NewBlockStreamer(dgs.ctx, dgs.rpcClient, []peer.ID{localPid}, dgs.blocks)
        } else {
            dgs.bs = adder.NewBlockStreamer(dgs.ctx, dgs.rpcClient, dgs.dests, dgs.blocks)

    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    case <-dgs.ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    case dgs.blocks <- adder.IpldNodeToNodeWithMeta(node):
        return nil

// Close cleans up the DAGService.
func (dgs *DAGService) Close() error {
    dgs.closeBlocksOnce.Do(func() {
    return nil

// Finalize pins the last Cid added to this DAGService.
func (dgs *DAGService) Finalize(ctx context.Context, root api.Cid) (api.Cid, error) {
    // Close the blocks channel

    // Wait for the BlockStreamer to finish.
    select {
    case <-dgs.ctx.Done():
        return root, ctx.Err()
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return root, ctx.Err()
    case <-dgs.bs.Done():

    // If the streamer failed to put blocks.
    if err := dgs.bs.Err(); err != nil {
        return root, err

    // Do not pin, just block put.
    // Why? Because some people are uploading CAR files with partial DAGs
    // and ideally they should be pinning only when the last partial CAR
    // is uploaded. This gives them that option.
    if dgs.addParams.NoPin {
        return root, nil

    // Cluster pin the result
    rootPin := api.PinWithOpts(root, dgs.addParams.PinOptions)
    rootPin.Allocations = dgs.dests

    return root, adder.Pin(ctx, dgs.rpcClient, rootPin)

// Allocations returns the add destinations decided by the DAGService.
func (dgs *DAGService) Allocations() []peer.ID {
    // using rpc clients without a host results in an empty peer
    // which cannot be parsed to peer.ID on deserialization.
    if len(dgs.dests) == 1 && dgs.dests[0] == "" {
        return nil
    return dgs.dests

// AddMany calls Add for every given node.
func (dgs *DAGService) AddMany(ctx context.Context, nodes []ipld.Node) error {
    for _, node := range nodes {
        err := dgs.Add(ctx, node)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

type recentBlocks struct {
    blocks [2]cid.Cid
    cur    int

func (rc *recentBlocks) Add(n ipld.Node) {
    rc.blocks[rc.cur] = n.Cid()
    rc.cur = (rc.cur + 1) % 2

func (rc *recentBlocks) Has(n ipld.Node) bool {
    c := n.Cid()
    return rc.blocks[0].Equals(c) || rc.blocks[1].Equals(c)