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Test Coverage
# Experiments Table

As you change code, parameters, data and run new experiments this table will
keep all the details about your iterations. It can be manipulated and configured
using the [DVC side panel](command:workbench.view.extension.dvc-views). This is
the extension's equivalent of the `dvc exp show` command.

<p align="center">
  <img src="images/experiments-table.png" alt="Experiment Table" />

Use `DVC: Show Experiments` from the
[Command Palette](command:workbench.action.quickOpen?%22>DVC:%20Show%20Experiments%22)
to open up the experiments table or access it.

The table provides context menus to access basic operations on experiments and
table headers. You can edit parameters, sort or filter, run new experiments and

<p align="center">
  <img src="images/experiments-table-context-menus.png"
       alt="Experiments Table: Context Menus" />