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Test Coverage
  "Get Started with DVC pipelines": {
    "prefix": "dvc-help",
    "body": [
      "# The DVC for VS Code extension provides snippets to help with building dvc.yaml pipelines.",
      "# These snippets, all prefixed with dvc-, are designed to give pointers on basic usage.",
      "# Type dvc- in the editor to see the list of available snippets.",
      "# Visit for further details on building pipelines.",
      "# On-hover information and completions will be provided for each of the keys in a dvc.yaml file if the redhat.vscode-yaml extension is installed."
    "description": "Information on the support provided for building dvc.yaml pipelines"
  "Pipeline Stage Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-pipeline-stage",
    "body": [
      "  ${1:train}:",
      "    cmd: ${2:python}",
      "    deps:",
      "      - ${}",
      "    params:",
      "      - ${4:params.yaml:}",
      "    outs:",
      "      - ${5:model.pkl}"
    "description": "Stage template for dvc.yaml pipeline"
  "Foreach Pipeline Stage Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-pipeline-foreach-stage",
    "body": [
      "  ${1:cleanups}:",
      "    foreach:",
      "      - ${2:raw1}",
      "      - ${3:raw2}",
      "    do:",
      "      cmd: ${4:python} \"\\${item}\"",
      "      outs:",
      "      - \\${item}.${5:cln}"
    "description": "Foreach stage template for dvc.yaml pipeline"
  "Matrix Pipeline Stage Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-pipeline-matrix-stage",
    "body": [
      "  ${1:train}:",
      "    matrix:",
      "      ${2:model: [cnn, xgb]}",
      "      ${3:feature: [feature1, feature2, feature3]}",
      "    cmd:  ${4:./ --feature \\${item.feature\\} \\${item.model\\}}",
      "    outs:",
      "      - ${5:\\${item.model.pkl\\}}"
    "description": "Matrix stage template for dvc.yaml pipeline"
  "Single File Plot Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-plot-single",
    "body": [
      "  - ${1:probs.json}:",
      "      template: ${2|linear,simple,scatter,smooth,confusion,confusion_normalized,bar_horizontal,bar_horizontal_sorted|}",
      "      x: ${3:actual}",
      "      y: ${4:predicted}",
      "      title: ${5:Predicted Probabilities}"
    "description": "Single file dvc.yaml top level plot template"
  "Multi-file Plot Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-plot-multi",
    "body": [
      "  - ${1:Accuracy}:",
      "      template: ${2|linear,simple,scatter,smooth,confusion,confusion_normalized,bar_horizontal,bar_horizontal_sorted|}",
      "      x: ${3:step}",
      "      y: ",
      "        ${4:training/plots/metrics/train/acc.tsv}: ${5:acc}",
      "        ${6:training/plots/metrics/test/acc.tsv}: ${7:acc}",
      "      y_label: ${8:accuracy}"
    "description": "Multi-file dvc.yaml top level plot template"
  "Bar Horizontal Plot Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-plot-bar-horizontal",
    "body": [
      "  - ${1:hist.csv}:",
      "      template: bar_horizontal",
      "      x: ${2:preds}",
      "      y: ${3:digit}",
      "      title: ${4:Histogram of Predictions}"
    "description": "Bar horizontal dvc.yaml top level plot template"
  "Confusion Matrix Plot Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-plot-confusion",
    "body": [
      "  - ${1:Confusion Matrix}:",
      "      template: confusion",
      "      x: ${2:actual}",
      "      y:",
      "        ${3:training/plots/sklearn/confusion_matrix.json}: ${4:predicted}"
    "description": "Confusion matrix dvc.yaml top level plot template"
  "Smooth Plot Template": {
    "prefix": "dvc-plot-smooth",
    "body": [
      "  - ${1:acc.tsv}:",
      "      x: ${2:step}",
      "      y: ${3:acc}",
      "      y_label: ${4:accuracy}"
    "description": "Smooth dvc.yaml top level plot template"
  "Artifact": {
    "prefix": "dvc-artifact",
    "body": [
      "  ${1:cv-data}:",
      "    path: ${2:data/data.xml}",
      "    type: ${3:data}",
      "    desc: '${4:Preprocessed data for CV classification}'",
      "    labels:",
      "      - ${5:resnet50}"
    "description": "dvc.yaml artifact template"
  "Model Artifact": {
    "prefix": "dvc-artifact-model",
    "body": [
      "  ${1:cv-classification}:",
      "    path: ${2:models/}",
      "    type: model",
      "    desc: '${3:CV classification model, ResNet50}'",
      "    labels:",
      "      - ${4:resnet50}",
      "    meta:",
      "      framework: ${5:pytorch}"
    "description": "dvc.yaml model artifact template"