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Showing 53 of 53 total issues

Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    failedRegistration(response) {
        if (response.status === 422) {
            for (let error in response.data.errors) {
                return this.ToastService.error(response.data.errors[error][0]);
angular/app/components/login-form/login-form.component.js on lines 29..36

Duplicated Code

Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


This issue has a mass of 95.

We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


Further Reading

Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

    failedLogin(response) {
        if (response.status === 422) {
            for (let error in response.data.errors) {
                return this.ToastService.error(response.data.errors[error][0]);
Severity: Major
Found in angular/app/components/login-form/login-form.component.js and 1 other location - About 3 hrs to fix
angular/app/components/register-form/register-form.component.js on lines 34..41

Duplicated Code

Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


This issue has a mass of 95.

We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


Further Reading

Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.

function parse(e){for(var t,r=[],n=0,o=0,a="";null!=(t=PATH_REGEXP.exec(e));){var p=t[0],i=t[1],s=t.index;if(a+=e.slice(o,s),o=s+p.length,i)a+=i[1];else{var c=e[o],u=t[2],l=t[3],f=t[4],g=t[5],x=t[6],h=t[7];a&&(r.push(a),a="");var d=null!=u&&null!=c&&c!==u,y="+"===x||"*"===x,m="?"===x||"*"===x,R=t[2]||"/",T=f||g||(h?".*":"[^"+R+"]+?");r.push({name:l||n++,prefix:u||"",delimiter:R,optional:m,repeat:y,partial:d,asterisk:!!h,pattern:escapeGroup(T)})}}return o<e.length&&(a+=e.substr(o)),a&&r.push(a),r}function compile(e){return tokensToFunction(parse(e))}function encodeURIComponentPretty(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[\/?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function encodeAsterisk(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function tokensToFunction(e){for(var t=new Array(e.length),r=0;r<e.length;r++)"object"==typeof e[r]&&(t[r]=new RegExp("^(?:"+e[r].pattern+")$"));return function(r,n){for(var o="",a=r||{},p=n||{},i=p.pretty?encodeURIComponentPretty:encodeURIComponent,s=0;s<e.length;s++){var c=e[s];if("string"!=typeof c){var u,l=a[c.name];if(null==l){if(c.optional){c.partial&&(o+=c.prefix);continue}throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to be defined')}if(isarray(l)){if(!c.repeat)throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not repeat, but received `'+JSON.stringify(l)+"`");if(0===l.length){if(c.optional)continue;throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not be empty')}for(var f=0;f<l.length;f++){if(u=i(l[f]),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected all "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received `'+JSON.stringify(u)+"`");o+=(0===f?c.prefix:c.delimiter)+u}}else{if(u=c.asterisk?encodeAsterisk(l):i(l),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received "'+u+'"');o+=c.prefix+u}}else o+=c}return o}}function escapeString(e){return e.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/])/g,"\\$1")}function escapeGroup(e){return e.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g,"\\$1")}function attachKeys(e,t){return e.keys=t,e}function flags(e){return e.sensitive?"":"i"}function regexpToRegexp(e,t){var r=e.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g);if(r)for(var n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push({name:n,prefix:null,delimiter:null,optional:!1,repeat:!1,partial:!1,asterisk:!1,pattern:null});return attachKeys(e,t)}function arrayToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=[],o=0;o<e.length;o++)n.push(pathToRegexp(e[o],t,r).source);var a=new RegExp("(?:"+n.join("|")+")",flags(r));return attachKeys(a,t)}function stringToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=parse(e),o=tokensToRegExp(n,r),a=0;a<n.length;a++)"string"!=typeof n[a]&&t.push(n[a]);return attachKeys(o,t)}function tokensToRegExp(e,t){t=t||{};for(var r=t.strict,n=t.end!==!1,o="",a=e[e.length-1],p="string"==typeof a&&/\/$/.test(a),i=0;i<e.length;i++){var s=e[i];if("string"==typeof s)o+=escapeString(s);else{var c=escapeString(s.prefix),u="(?:"+s.pattern+")";s.repeat&&(u+="(?:"+c+u+")*"),u=s.optional?s.partial?c+"("+u+")?":"(?:"+c+"("+u+"))?":c+"("+u+")",o+=u}}return r||(o=(p?o.slice(0,-2):o)+"(?:\\/(?=$))?"),o+=n?"$":r&&p?"":"(?=\\/|$)",new RegExp("^"+o,flags(t))}function pathToRegexp(e,t,r){return t=t||[],isarray(t)?r||(r={}):(r=t,t=[]),e instanceof RegExp?regexpToRegexp(e,t):isarray(e)?arrayToRegexp(e,t,r):stringToRegexp(e,t,r)}var isarray=require("isarray");module.exports=pathToRegexp,module.exports.parse=parse,module.exports.compile=compile,module.exports.tokensToFunction=tokensToFunction,module.exports.tokensToRegExp=tokensToRegExp;var PATH_REGEXP=new RegExp(["(\\\\.)","([\\/.])?(?:(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))?|\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))([+*?])?|(\\*))"].join("|"),"g");
Severity: Critical
Found in public/service-worker.js - About 2 hrs to fix

    Function RoutesConfig has 58 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    export function RoutesConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        let getView = (viewName) => {
            return `./views/app/pages/${viewName}/${viewName}.page.html`;
    Severity: Major
    Found in angular/config/routes.config.js - About 2 hrs to fix

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

          .component('appHeader', AppHeaderComponent)
          .component('appRoot', AppRootComponent)
          .component('appShell', AppShellComponent)
          .component('resetPassword', ResetPasswordComponent)
      Severity: Major
      Found in angular/index.components.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
      angular/index.filters.js on lines 8..14

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 63.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

          .filter('capitalize', CapitalizeFilter)
          .filter('humanReadable', HumanReadableFilter)
          .filter('truncateCharacters', TruncatCharactersFilter)
          .filter('truncateWords', TruncateWordsFilter)
      Severity: Major
      Found in angular/index.filters.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
      angular/index.components.js on lines 9..15

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 63.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

      function parse(e){for(var t,r=[],n=0,o=0,a="";null!=(t=PATH_REGEXP.exec(e));){var p=t[0],i=t[1],s=t.index;if(a+=e.slice(o,s),o=s+p.length,i)a+=i[1];else{var c=e[o],u=t[2],l=t[3],f=t[4],g=t[5],x=t[6],h=t[7];a&&(r.push(a),a="");var d=null!=u&&null!=c&&c!==u,y="+"===x||"*"===x,m="?"===x||"*"===x,R=t[2]||"/",T=f||g||(h?".*":"[^"+R+"]+?");r.push({name:l||n++,prefix:u||"",delimiter:R,optional:m,repeat:y,partial:d,asterisk:!!h,pattern:escapeGroup(T)})}}return o<e.length&&(a+=e.substr(o)),a&&r.push(a),r}function compile(e){return tokensToFunction(parse(e))}function encodeURIComponentPretty(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[\/?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function encodeAsterisk(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function tokensToFunction(e){for(var t=new Array(e.length),r=0;r<e.length;r++)"object"==typeof e[r]&&(t[r]=new RegExp("^(?:"+e[r].pattern+")$"));return function(r,n){for(var o="",a=r||{},p=n||{},i=p.pretty?encodeURIComponentPretty:encodeURIComponent,s=0;s<e.length;s++){var c=e[s];if("string"!=typeof c){var u,l=a[c.name];if(null==l){if(c.optional){c.partial&&(o+=c.prefix);continue}throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to be defined')}if(isarray(l)){if(!c.repeat)throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not repeat, but received `'+JSON.stringify(l)+"`");if(0===l.length){if(c.optional)continue;throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not be empty')}for(var f=0;f<l.length;f++){if(u=i(l[f]),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected all "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received `'+JSON.stringify(u)+"`");o+=(0===f?c.prefix:c.delimiter)+u}}else{if(u=c.asterisk?encodeAsterisk(l):i(l),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received "'+u+'"');o+=c.prefix+u}}else o+=c}return o}}function escapeString(e){return e.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/])/g,"\\$1")}function escapeGroup(e){return e.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g,"\\$1")}function attachKeys(e,t){return e.keys=t,e}function flags(e){return e.sensitive?"":"i"}function regexpToRegexp(e,t){var r=e.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g);if(r)for(var n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push({name:n,prefix:null,delimiter:null,optional:!1,repeat:!1,partial:!1,asterisk:!1,pattern:null});return attachKeys(e,t)}function arrayToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=[],o=0;o<e.length;o++)n.push(pathToRegexp(e[o],t,r).source);var a=new RegExp("(?:"+n.join("|")+")",flags(r));return attachKeys(a,t)}function stringToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=parse(e),o=tokensToRegExp(n,r),a=0;a<n.length;a++)"string"!=typeof n[a]&&t.push(n[a]);return attachKeys(o,t)}function tokensToRegExp(e,t){t=t||{};for(var r=t.strict,n=t.end!==!1,o="",a=e[e.length-1],p="string"==typeof a&&/\/$/.test(a),i=0;i<e.length;i++){var s=e[i];if("string"==typeof s)o+=escapeString(s);else{var c=escapeString(s.prefix),u="(?:"+s.pattern+")";s.repeat&&(u+="(?:"+c+u+")*"),u=s.optional?s.partial?c+"("+u+")?":"(?:"+c+"("+u+"))?":c+"("+u+")",o+=u}}return r||(o=(p?o.slice(0,-2):o)+"(?:\\/(?=$))?"),o+=n?"$":r&&p?"":"(?=\\/|$)",new RegExp("^"+o,flags(t))}function pathToRegexp(e,t,r){return t=t||[],isarray(t)?r||(r={}):(r=t,t=[]),e instanceof RegExp?regexpToRegexp(e,t):isarray(e)?arrayToRegexp(e,t,r):stringToRegexp(e,t,r)}var isarray=require("isarray");module.exports=pathToRegexp,module.exports.parse=parse,module.exports.compile=compile,module.exports.tokensToFunction=tokensToFunction,module.exports.tokensToRegExp=tokensToRegExp;var PATH_REGEXP=new RegExp(["(\\\\.)","([\\/.])?(?:(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))?|\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))([+*?])?|(\\*))"].join("|"),"g");
      Severity: Major
      Found in public/service-worker.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
      public/service-worker.js on lines 250..250

      Duplicated Code

      Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

      Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

      When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


      This issue has a mass of 61.

      We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

      The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

      If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

      See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


      Further Reading

      Method authUserCall has 7 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.

          public function authUserCall($method, $uri, $parameters = [], $cookies = [], $files = [], $server = [], $content = null)
      Severity: Major
      Found in tests/TestCase.php - About 50 mins to fix

        Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

        function parse(e){for(var t,r=[],n=0,o=0,a="";null!=(t=PATH_REGEXP.exec(e));){var p=t[0],i=t[1],s=t.index;if(a+=e.slice(o,s),o=s+p.length,i)a+=i[1];else{var c=e[o],u=t[2],l=t[3],f=t[4],g=t[5],x=t[6],h=t[7];a&&(r.push(a),a="");var d=null!=u&&null!=c&&c!==u,y="+"===x||"*"===x,m="?"===x||"*"===x,R=t[2]||"/",T=f||g||(h?".*":"[^"+R+"]+?");r.push({name:l||n++,prefix:u||"",delimiter:R,optional:m,repeat:y,partial:d,asterisk:!!h,pattern:escapeGroup(T)})}}return o<e.length&&(a+=e.substr(o)),a&&r.push(a),r}function compile(e){return tokensToFunction(parse(e))}function encodeURIComponentPretty(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[\/?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function encodeAsterisk(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function tokensToFunction(e){for(var t=new Array(e.length),r=0;r<e.length;r++)"object"==typeof e[r]&&(t[r]=new RegExp("^(?:"+e[r].pattern+")$"));return function(r,n){for(var o="",a=r||{},p=n||{},i=p.pretty?encodeURIComponentPretty:encodeURIComponent,s=0;s<e.length;s++){var c=e[s];if("string"!=typeof c){var u,l=a[c.name];if(null==l){if(c.optional){c.partial&&(o+=c.prefix);continue}throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to be defined')}if(isarray(l)){if(!c.repeat)throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not repeat, but received `'+JSON.stringify(l)+"`");if(0===l.length){if(c.optional)continue;throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not be empty')}for(var f=0;f<l.length;f++){if(u=i(l[f]),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected all "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received `'+JSON.stringify(u)+"`");o+=(0===f?c.prefix:c.delimiter)+u}}else{if(u=c.asterisk?encodeAsterisk(l):i(l),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received "'+u+'"');o+=c.prefix+u}}else o+=c}return o}}function escapeString(e){return e.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/])/g,"\\$1")}function escapeGroup(e){return e.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g,"\\$1")}function attachKeys(e,t){return e.keys=t,e}function flags(e){return e.sensitive?"":"i"}function regexpToRegexp(e,t){var r=e.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g);if(r)for(var n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push({name:n,prefix:null,delimiter:null,optional:!1,repeat:!1,partial:!1,asterisk:!1,pattern:null});return attachKeys(e,t)}function arrayToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=[],o=0;o<e.length;o++)n.push(pathToRegexp(e[o],t,r).source);var a=new RegExp("(?:"+n.join("|")+")",flags(r));return attachKeys(a,t)}function stringToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=parse(e),o=tokensToRegExp(n,r),a=0;a<n.length;a++)"string"!=typeof n[a]&&t.push(n[a]);return attachKeys(o,t)}function tokensToRegExp(e,t){t=t||{};for(var r=t.strict,n=t.end!==!1,o="",a=e[e.length-1],p="string"==typeof a&&/\/$/.test(a),i=0;i<e.length;i++){var s=e[i];if("string"==typeof s)o+=escapeString(s);else{var c=escapeString(s.prefix),u="(?:"+s.pattern+")";s.repeat&&(u+="(?:"+c+u+")*"),u=s.optional?s.partial?c+"("+u+")?":"(?:"+c+"("+u+"))?":c+"("+u+")",o+=u}}return r||(o=(p?o.slice(0,-2):o)+"(?:\\/(?=$))?"),o+=n?"$":r&&p?"":"(?=\\/|$)",new RegExp("^"+o,flags(t))}function pathToRegexp(e,t,r){return t=t||[],isarray(t)?r||(r={}):(r=t,t=[]),e instanceof RegExp?regexpToRegexp(e,t):isarray(e)?arrayToRegexp(e,t,r):stringToRegexp(e,t,r)}var isarray=require("isarray");module.exports=pathToRegexp,module.exports.parse=parse,module.exports.compile=compile,module.exports.tokensToFunction=tokensToFunction,module.exports.tokensToRegExp=tokensToRegExp;var PATH_REGEXP=new RegExp(["(\\\\.)","([\\/.])?(?:(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))?|\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))([+*?])?|(\\*))"].join("|"),"g");
        Severity: Major
        Found in public/service-worker.js - About 45 mins to fix

          Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

          function parse(e){for(var t,r=[],n=0,o=0,a="";null!=(t=PATH_REGEXP.exec(e));){var p=t[0],i=t[1],s=t.index;if(a+=e.slice(o,s),o=s+p.length,i)a+=i[1];else{var c=e[o],u=t[2],l=t[3],f=t[4],g=t[5],x=t[6],h=t[7];a&&(r.push(a),a="");var d=null!=u&&null!=c&&c!==u,y="+"===x||"*"===x,m="?"===x||"*"===x,R=t[2]||"/",T=f||g||(h?".*":"[^"+R+"]+?");r.push({name:l||n++,prefix:u||"",delimiter:R,optional:m,repeat:y,partial:d,asterisk:!!h,pattern:escapeGroup(T)})}}return o<e.length&&(a+=e.substr(o)),a&&r.push(a),r}function compile(e){return tokensToFunction(parse(e))}function encodeURIComponentPretty(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[\/?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function encodeAsterisk(e){return encodeURI(e).replace(/[?#]/g,function(e){return"%"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}function tokensToFunction(e){for(var t=new Array(e.length),r=0;r<e.length;r++)"object"==typeof e[r]&&(t[r]=new RegExp("^(?:"+e[r].pattern+")$"));return function(r,n){for(var o="",a=r||{},p=n||{},i=p.pretty?encodeURIComponentPretty:encodeURIComponent,s=0;s<e.length;s++){var c=e[s];if("string"!=typeof c){var u,l=a[c.name];if(null==l){if(c.optional){c.partial&&(o+=c.prefix);continue}throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to be defined')}if(isarray(l)){if(!c.repeat)throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not repeat, but received `'+JSON.stringify(l)+"`");if(0===l.length){if(c.optional)continue;throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to not be empty')}for(var f=0;f<l.length;f++){if(u=i(l[f]),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected all "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received `'+JSON.stringify(u)+"`");o+=(0===f?c.prefix:c.delimiter)+u}}else{if(u=c.asterisk?encodeAsterisk(l):i(l),!t[s].test(u))throw new TypeError('Expected "'+c.name+'" to match "'+c.pattern+'", but received "'+u+'"');o+=c.prefix+u}}else o+=c}return o}}function escapeString(e){return e.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/])/g,"\\$1")}function escapeGroup(e){return e.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g,"\\$1")}function attachKeys(e,t){return e.keys=t,e}function flags(e){return e.sensitive?"":"i"}function regexpToRegexp(e,t){var r=e.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g);if(r)for(var n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push({name:n,prefix:null,delimiter:null,optional:!1,repeat:!1,partial:!1,asterisk:!1,pattern:null});return attachKeys(e,t)}function arrayToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=[],o=0;o<e.length;o++)n.push(pathToRegexp(e[o],t,r).source);var a=new RegExp("(?:"+n.join("|")+")",flags(r));return attachKeys(a,t)}function stringToRegexp(e,t,r){for(var n=parse(e),o=tokensToRegExp(n,r),a=0;a<n.length;a++)"string"!=typeof n[a]&&t.push(n[a]);return attachKeys(o,t)}function tokensToRegExp(e,t){t=t||{};for(var r=t.strict,n=t.end!==!1,o="",a=e[e.length-1],p="string"==typeof a&&/\/$/.test(a),i=0;i<e.length;i++){var s=e[i];if("string"==typeof s)o+=escapeString(s);else{var c=escapeString(s.prefix),u="(?:"+s.pattern+")";s.repeat&&(u+="(?:"+c+u+")*"),u=s.optional?s.partial?c+"("+u+")?":"(?:"+c+"("+u+"))?":c+"("+u+")",o+=u}}return r||(o=(p?o.slice(0,-2):o)+"(?:\\/(?=$))?"),o+=n?"$":r&&p?"":"(?=\\/|$)",new RegExp("^"+o,flags(t))}function pathToRegexp(e,t,r){return t=t||[],isarray(t)?r||(r={}):(r=t,t=[]),e instanceof RegExp?regexpToRegexp(e,t):isarray(e)?arrayToRegexp(e,t,r):stringToRegexp(e,t,r)}var isarray=require("isarray");module.exports=pathToRegexp,module.exports.parse=parse,module.exports.compile=compile,module.exports.tokensToFunction=tokensToFunction,module.exports.tokensToRegExp=tokensToRegExp;var PATH_REGEXP=new RegExp(["(\\\\.)","([\\/.])?(?:(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))?|\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))([+*?])?|(\\*))"].join("|"),"g");
          Severity: Major
          Found in public/service-worker.js - About 45 mins to fix

            Function handleRegistration has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                handleRegistration(registration) {
                    registration.onupdatefound = () => {
                        const installingWorker = registration.installing;
                        installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {
                            if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') {
            Severity: Minor
            Found in angular/app/components/app-root/app-root.component.js - About 35 mins to fix

            Cognitive Complexity

            Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

            A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

            • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
            • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
            • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

            Further reading

            Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                    let confirm = this.$mdDialog.confirm(params)
            Severity: Minor
            Found in angular/services/dialog.service.js and 1 other location - About 30 mins to fix
            angular/services/dialog.service.js on lines 31..35

            Duplicated Code

            Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

            Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

            When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


            This issue has a mass of 45.

            We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

            The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

            If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

            See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


            Further Reading

            Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                    let alert = this.$mdDialog.alert(params)
            Severity: Minor
            Found in angular/services/dialog.service.js and 1 other location - About 30 mins to fix
            angular/services/dialog.service.js on lines 41..45

            Duplicated Code

            Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

            Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

            When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


            This issue has a mass of 45.

            We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

            The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

            If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

            See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


            Further Reading

            'define' is not defined.

            (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.toolbox = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
            Severity: Minor
            Found in public/service-worker.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

            'toolbox' is not defined.

            toolbox.router.get("'https://ghbtns.com/'", toolbox.cacheFirst, {});
            Severity: Minor
            Found in public/service-worker.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

            'require' is not defined.

            Severity: Minor
            Found in gulpfile.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

            '__dirname' is not defined.

                            icon: __dirname + '/../node_modules/laravel-elixir/icons/laravel.png',
            Severity: Minor
            Found in tasks/bower.task.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

            'require' is not defined.

            var swPrecache = require('sw-precache');
            Severity: Minor
            Found in tasks/swPrecache.task.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

            Unexpected console statement.

            "use strict";function debug(e,n){n=n||{};var t=n.debug||globalOptions.debug;t&&console.log("[sw-toolbox] "+e)}function openCache(e){var n;return e&&e.cache&&(n=e.cache.name),n=n||globalOptions.cache.name,caches.open(n)}function fetchAndCache(e,n){n=n||{};var t=n.successResponses||globalOptions.successResponses;return fetch(e.clone()).then(function(c){return"GET"===e.method&&t.test(c.status)&&openCache(n).then(function(t){t.put(e,c).then(function(){var c=n.cache||globalOptions.cache;(c.maxEntries||c.maxAgeSeconds)&&c.name&&queueCacheExpiration(e,t,c)})}),c.clone()})}function queueCacheExpiration(e,n,t){var c=cleanupCache.bind(null,e,n,t);cleanupQueue=cleanupQueue?cleanupQueue.then(c):c()}function cleanupCache(e,n,t){var c=e.url,a=t.maxAgeSeconds,u=t.maxEntries,o=t.name,r=Date.now();return debug("Updating LRU order for "+c+". Max entries is "+u+", max age is "+a),idbCacheExpiration.getDb(o).then(function(e){return idbCacheExpiration.setTimestampForUrl(e,c,r)}).then(function(e){return idbCacheExpiration.expireEntries(e,u,a,r)}).then(function(e){debug("Successfully updated IDB.");var t=e.map(function(e){return n["delete"](e)});return Promise.all(t).then(function(){debug("Done with cache cleanup.")})})["catch"](function(e){debug(e)})}function renameCache(e,n,t){return debug("Renaming cache: ["+e+"] to ["+n+"]",t),caches["delete"](n).then(function(){return Promise.all([caches.open(e),caches.open(n)]).then(function(n){var t=n[0],c=n[1];return t.keys().then(function(e){return Promise.all(e.map(function(e){return t.match(e).then(function(n){return c.put(e,n)})}))}).then(function(){return caches["delete"](e)})})})}var globalOptions=require("./options"),idbCacheExpiration=require("./idb-cache-expiration"),cleanupQueue;module.exports={debug:debug,fetchAndCache:fetchAndCache,openCache:openCache,renameCache:renameCache};
            Severity: Minor
            Found in public/service-worker.js by eslint

            disallow the use of console (no-console)

            In JavaScript that is designed to be executed in the browser, it's considered a best practice to avoid using methods on console. Such messages are considered to be for debugging purposes and therefore not suitable to ship to the client. In general, calls using console should be stripped before being pushed to production.

            console.log("Made it here.");
            console.error("That shouldn't have happened.");

            Rule Details

            This rule disallows calls to methods of the console object.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-console: "error"*/
            console.log("Log a debug level message.");
            console.warn("Log a warn level message.");
            console.error("Log an error level message.");

            Examples of correct code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-console: "error"*/
            // custom console
            Console.log("Hello world!");


            This rule has an object option for exceptions:

            • "allow" has an array of strings which are allowed methods of the console object

            Examples of additional correct code for this rule with a sample { "allow": ["warn", "error"] } option:

            /*eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }] */
            console.warn("Log a warn level message.");
            console.error("Log an error level message.");

            When Not To Use It

            If you're using Node.js, however, console is used to output information to the user and so is not strictly used for debugging purposes. If you are developing for Node.js then you most likely do not want this rule enabled.

            Related Rules

            'require' is not defined.

            var gulp = require('gulp');
            Severity: Minor
            Found in tasks/bower.task.js by eslint

            Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

            This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

            Rule Details

            Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global someFunction b:true*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            var a = someFunction();
            b = 10;

            The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

            Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

            /*global b*/
            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            b = 10;

            By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


            • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


            Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
                // do something ...

            You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

            Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}

            Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

            /*global a*/
            /*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */
            if(typeof a === "string"){}


            For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


            Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env browser*/
            setTimeout(function() {


            Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

            /*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
            /*eslint-env node*/
            var fs = require("fs");
            module.exports = function() {

            When Not To Use It

            If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


            This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
