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// Module dependencies.
var pause = require('pause')
  , util = require('util')
  , Strategy = require('passport-strategy');

 *  Create a new `SessionStrategy` object.
 * An instance of this strategy is automatically used when creating an
 * `{@link Authenticator}`.  As such, it is typically unnecessary to create an
 * instance using this constructor.
 * @classdesc This `Strategy` authenticates HTTP requests based on the contents
 * of session data.
 * The login session must have been previously initiated, typically upon the
 * user interactively logging in using a HTML form.  During session initiation,
 * the logged-in user's information is persisted to the session so that it can
 * be restored on subsequent requests.
 * Note that this strategy merely restores the authentication state from the
 * session, it does not authenticate the session itself.  Authenticating the
 * underlying session is assumed to have been done by the middleware
 * implementing session support.  This is typically accomplished by setting a
 * signed cookie, and verifying the signature of that cookie on incoming
 * requests.
 * In {@link https://expressjs.com/ Express}-based apps, session support is
 * commonly provided by {@link https://github.com/expressjs/session `express-session`}
 * or {@link https://github.com/expressjs/cookie-session `cookie-session`}.
 * @public
 * @class
 * @augments base.Strategy
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {string} [options.key='passport'] - Determines what property ("key") on
 *          the session data where login session data is located.  The login
 *          session is stored and read from `req.session[key]`.
 * @param {function} deserializeUser - Function which deserializes user.
function SessionStrategy(options, deserializeUser) {
  if (typeof options == 'function') {
    deserializeUser = options;
    options = undefined;
  options = options || {};
  /** The name of the strategy, set to `'session'`.
   * @type {string}
   * @readonly
  this.name = 'session';
  this._key = options.key || 'passport';
  this._deserializeUser = deserializeUser;

// Inherit from `passport.Strategy`.
util.inherits(SessionStrategy, Strategy);

 * Authenticate request based on current session data.
 * When login session data is present in the session, that data will be used to
 * restore login state across across requests by calling the deserialize user
 * function.
 * If login session data is not present, the request will be passed to the next
 * middleware, rather than failing authentication - which is the behavior of
 * most other strategies.  This deviation allows session authentication to be
 * performed at the application-level, rather than the individual route level,
 * while allowing both authenticated and unauthenticated requests and rendering
 * responses accordingly.  Routes that require authentication will need to guard
 * that condition.
 * This function is protected, and should not be called directly.  Instead,
 * use `passport.authenticate()` middleware and specify the {@link SessionStrategy#name `name`}
 * of this strategy and any options.
 * @protected
 * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req - The Node.js {@link https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#class-httpincomingmessage `IncomingMessage`}
 *          object.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {boolean} [options.pauseStream=false] - When `true`, data events on
 *          the request will be paused, and then resumed after the asynchronous
 *          `deserializeUser` function has completed.  This is only necessary in
 *          cases where later middleware in the stack are listening for events,
 *          and ensures that those events are not missed.
 * @example
 * passport.authenticate('session');
SessionStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
  if (!req.session) { return this.error(new Error('Login sessions require session support. Did you forget to use `express-session` middleware?')); }
  options = options || {};

  var self = this, 
  if (req.session[this._key]) {
    su = req.session[this._key].user;

  if (su || su === 0) {
    // NOTE: Stream pausing is desirable in the case where later middleware is
    //       listening for events emitted from request.  For discussion on the
    //       matter, refer to: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport/pull/106
    var paused = options.pauseStream ? pause(req) : null;
    this._deserializeUser(su, req, function(err, user) {
      if (err) { return self.error(err); }
      if (!user) {
        delete req.session[self._key].user;
      } else {
        var property = req._userProperty || 'user';
        req[property] = user;
      if (paused) {
  } else {

// Export `SessionStrategy`.
module.exports = SessionStrategy;