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# Corelogic

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CoreLogic API wrapper.


## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'corelogic-ruby'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install corelogic-ruby

## Configuring Corelogic

Corelogic.configure(consumer_key: 'your_client_id', consumer_secret: 'your_client_secret')
Or alternatively:
Corelogic.configure do |c|
    c.consumer_key = 'your_client_id'
    c.consumer_secret = 'your_client_secret'
## Usage
### Property Search
Search the CoreLogic database for a property based on the input address and returns a unique CoreLogic PropertyID for use in subsequent API calls for other CoreLogic Property Data. Requires address and either zip5 or city and state.
For example:
result = 'target_zip', address: 'target_address')
If the properties are found, the `result` will contain an array of `Corelogic::Property` objects.

Otherwise, if nothing is found, search returns `Corelogic::Error::NotFound: No records returned from search`

### Property data
Get Property data by CoreLogic PropertyID.
For example:
property = 'someCorelogicPropertyId')

#### Property Ownership
Get detailed property ownership data based on an input CoreLogic PropertyID.
=> #<Corelogic::Property::Ownership:0x007fe422132460 ...>
#### Following methods are provided for an `Corelogic::Property` instance.

## Credits

Sponsored by [JetRockets](


## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](