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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Manual test to validate some hard-to-programmatically-test features work.
set -eo pipefail

if ! command -v mktemp > /dev/null; then echo "Missing mktemp"; missingDeps=true; fi
if ! command -v uname > /dev/null; then echo "Missing uname"; missingDeps=true; fi
if ! command -v node > /dev/null; then echo "Missing node"; missingDeps=true; fi
if [ "$missingDeps" = true ]; then exit 1; fi

function launch_app() {
  printf '\n*** Running app\n'
  if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
    open -a "$1/$2-darwin-x64/$2.app"
  elif [ "$(uname -o)" = "Msys" ]; then

function do_cleanup() {
  if [ -n "$1" ]; then
    printf '\n***** Deleting test dir %s *****\n' "$1"
    rm -rf "$1"
    printf '\n'

function request_feedback() {
  printf '\nDid everything work as expected? [yN] '
  read -r response

  do_cleanup "$1"

  if [ "$response" != 'y' ]; then
    echo "Back to fixing"
    exit 1
  echo "Yayyyyyyyyyyy"

printf "\n***** SMOKE TEST 1: Setting up test and building app... *****\n"
script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
pushd "$nativefier_dir"
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t nativefier-manual-test-XXXXX)
mkdir "$resources_dir"
echo '* { background-color: blue; }' > "$injected_css"
echo 'alert("hello world from inject");' > "$injected_js"

node ./lib/cli.js 'https://npmjs.com/' \
  --inject "$injected_css" \
  --inject "$injected_js" \
  --name "$name" \

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 1: Test checklist *****
- Context menu -> Open Link In New Window works
- MAC ONLY: Context menu -> Open Link In New Tab works
- Keyboard shortcuts: {back, forward, zoom in/out/zero} work
- Console: no Electron runtime deprecation warnings/error logged'
launch_app "$tmp_dir" "$name"
request_feedback "$tmp_dir"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 2: Setting up test and building app... *****\n'
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t nativefier-manual-test-tray-XXXXX)
node ./lib/cli.js 'https://google.com/' \
  --name "$name" \
  --tray \

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 2: Test checklist *****
- Should have an app with a tray icon
- Console: no Electron runtime deprecation warnings/error logged'

launch_app "$tmp_dir" "$name"
request_feedback "$tmp_dir"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 3: Setting up test and building app... *****\n'
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t nativefier-manual-test-start-in-tray-XXXXX)
node ./lib/cli.js 'https://google.com/' \
  --name "$name" \
  --tray start-in-tray \

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 3: Test checklist *****
- Should have an app that does not show a window initially,
  but will have a tray icon that will show the window.
- Console: no Electron runtime deprecation warnings/error logged'

launch_app "$tmp_dir" "$name"
request_feedback "$tmp_dir"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 4: Setting up test and building app... *****\n'
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t nativefier-manual-test-get-media-devices)
node ./lib/cli.js 'https://meet.jit.si/nativefier-test' \
  --name "$name" \

printf '\n***** SMOKE TEST 4: Test checklist *****
- Join the Jitsi meeting and try to share your screen
  (third button from the left in the bottom bar)
- An overlay should appear where you can select a screen/window to share
  This presently does not work in MacOS as you would have to give the app
  "Screen Recording" permissions, but you can''t for an app in the temp directory.
- After selecting a screen, a thumbnail of the shared screen should appear on
  the top right
- Console: no Electron runtime deprecation warnings/error logged'

launch_app "$tmp_dir" "$name"
request_feedback "$tmp_dir"