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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Model\Html
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Model;

use A11yc\Element;

class Html
    protected static $htmls = array();
    protected static $titles = array();

    public static $fields = array(
        'ua' => 'using',
        'data' => '',
        'updated_at' => ''

     * fetch raw
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $ua
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return String|Bool
    public static function fetchRaw($url, $ua = 'using', $force = false)
        $url = Util::urldec($url);
        $ua = empty($ua) ? 'using' : $ua;

        if (isset(static::$htmls[$url][$ua]) && $force === false) return static::$htmls[$url][$ua];
        static::$htmls[$url][$ua] = Data::fetchArr('html', $url, array());
        return static::$htmls[$url][$ua];

     * fetch
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $ua
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return String|Bool
    public static function fetch($url, $ua = 'using', $force = false)
        $vals = static::fetchRaw($url, $ua, $force);
        $html = Arr::get($vals, $ua, false);
        return $html;

     * fetch html from internet
     * JUST fetch. NOT save. But Reusable.
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $ua
     * @return String|Bool
    public static function fetchHtmlFromInternet($url, $ua = 'using')
        $ua = $ua == 'using' ? Input::userAgent() : $ua;
        if ( ! is_string($ua)) Util::error();
        if (isset(static::$htmls[$url][$ua])) return static::$htmls[$url][$ua];

                Util::s($ua.' GuzzleHttp/a11yc (+http://www.jidaikobo.com)')
        $bool_or_html = Guzzle::instance($url)->is_html ?
                                    Guzzle::instance($url)->body :

        // failed to fetch
        if ( ! $bool_or_html)
            static::$htmls[$url][$ua] = false;
            return false;

        // normally fetch by UTF-8
        if (mb_detect_encoding($bool_or_html) == 'UTF-8')
            static::$htmls[$url][$ua] = $bool_or_html;
            return $bool_or_html;

        // not UTF-8...
        $charset = self::recognitionCharset($bool_or_html);
        $bool_or_html = mb_convert_encoding($bool_or_html, 'UTF-8', $charset);

        static::$htmls[$url][$ua] = $bool_or_html;

        return $bool_or_html;

     * recognition Charset
     * @param String $html
     * @return String
    private static function recognitionCharset($html)
        $str = Element::ignoreElementsByStr($html);
        // Do not use Element\Get::elementsByRe() because crashed character cause bad cache
        preg_match_all("/\<([a-zA-Z1-6]+?) +?([^\>]*?)[\/]*?\>|\<([a-zA-Z1-6]+?)[ \/]*?\>/i", $str, $ms);

        $charset = '';
        foreach ($ms[1] as $k => $v)
            if (strtolower($v) == 'meta')
                $attrs = Element\Get::attributes($ms[0][$k]);
                if ($charset = Arr::get($attrs, 'charset')) break;
                if (isset($attrs['http-equiv']) && strtolower($attrs['http-equiv']) == 'content-type')
                    preg_match('/charset=(.+)/i', $attrs['content'], $mms);
                    if (isset($mms[1]))
                        $charset = $mms[1];

        return $charset ?: "JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win";

     * insert
     * @param String $url
     * @param String|Bool $data
     * @param String $ua
     * @return Bool
    public static function insert($url, $data = '', $ua = 'using')
        if (empty($url)) return false;
        $url = Util::urldec($url);

        // delete
        Data::delete('html', $url);

        $vals = array();
        $ua = empty($ua) ? Arr::get(static::$fields, 'ua') : $ua;
        $vals[$ua] = empty($data) ? Arr::get(static::$fields, 'data') : $data;
        $vals['updated_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        return Data::insert('html', $url, $vals);

     * page title
     * @param String $url
     * @return String
    public static function pageTitle($url)
        if (isset(static::$titles[$url])) return static::$titles[$url];

        $html = static::fetch($url);
        $page = Page::fetch($url);
        $title_from_db = Arr::get($page, 'title', '');

        $title = empty($title_from_db) ? static::pageTitleFromHtml($html) : $title_from_db;
        static::$titles[$url] = $title;

        return static::$titles[$url];

     * page title from html
     * @param String|Bool $html
     * @return String
    public static function pageTitleFromHtml($html)
        if ( ! is_string($html)) return '';
        preg_match("/<title.*?>(.+?)<\/title>/si", $html, $m);
        $tmp = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
        $title = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $tmp);

        return $title;

     * last update
     * @param String $url
     * @return String
    public static function lastUpdate($url)
        $url = Util::urldec($url);
        $cache = Data::fetchArr('html', $url, array());
        $updated_at = Arr::get($cache, 'updated_at', 0);
        return $updated_at;