

4 days
Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2018 Jérôme Gasperi
 * Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the "License");
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * RESTo PostgreSQL features functions
class FeaturesFunctions
     * List of columns from *.feature table
     * that are retrieved with SELECT
     * Commented column are not retrieved
    private $featureColumns = array(

     * Reference to database driver
    private $dbDriver = null;

     * Constructor
     * @param RestoDatabaseDriver $dbDriver
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct($dbDriver)
        $this->dbDriver = $dbDriver;

     * Get an array of features descriptions
     * @param RestoContext $context
     * @param RestoUser $user
     * @param RestoModel $model
     * @param array $collections
     * @param array $paramsWithOperation
     * @param array $sorting
     *      array(
     *          'limit',
     *          'offset'
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function search($context, $user, $model, $collections, $paramsWithOperation, $sorting)
         * Check that mandatory filters are set
        $this->checkMandatoryFilters($model->searchFilters, $paramsWithOperation);

        $featureTableName = $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $model->dbParams['tablePrefix'] . 'feature';
         * Set filters
        $filtersFunctions = new FiltersFunctions($context, $user, $model);
        $filtersAndJoins = $filtersFunctions->prepareFilters($paramsWithOperation, $sorting['sortKey']);

         * If a resto:ckeywords was used, then automatically reduce the search on the collection
        if (isset($paramsWithOperation['resto:ckeywords'])) {
            $collectionIds = array_keys($collections);
            if (count($collectionIds) === 0) {
                return array(
                    'links' => array(),
                    'count' => array(
                        'total' => 0,
                        'isExact' => true
                    'features' => array()
            $filtersAndJoins['filters'][] = array(
                'value' => $featureTableName . '.collection IN (' . implode(',', array_map(function ($str) {
                    return '\'' .  pg_escape_string($this->dbDriver->getConnection(), $str) . '\'';
                }, $collectionIds)) . ')',
                'isGeo' => false
         * Special case for liked - return only features liked by owner if set, otherwise by $user
        if (isset($paramsWithOperation['resto:liked']) && isset($context->addons['Social'])) {
            $who = isset($paramsWithOperation['resto:owner']) ? $paramsWithOperation['resto:owner']['value'] : $user->profile['id'];
            if (isset($who)) {
                $filtersAndJoins['filters'][] = array(
                    'value' => $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.featureid=' . $featureTableName . '.id AND ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.userid=' . pg_escape_string($this->dbDriver->getConnection(), $who),
                    'isGeo' => false
                $filtersAndJoins['joins'][] = 'JOIN ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes ON ' . $featureTableName . '.id = ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.featureid';

         * Get sorting - the $sortKey  is used for 'resto:lt' and 'resto:gt' search filters
        $extra = join(' ', array(
            'ORDER BY',
            $featureTableName . '.' . $sorting['sortKey'],
            $sorting['offset'] > 0 ? ' OFFSET ' . $sorting['offset'] : ''

         * Prepare query
        $query = join(' ', array(
            $this->getSelectClause($featureTableName, $this->featureColumns, $user, array(
                'fields' => $context->query['fields'] ?? null,
                'useSocial' => isset($context->addons['Social']),
                'sortKey' => $sorting['sortKey']
            $filtersFunctions->getWhereClause($filtersAndJoins, array(
                'sort' => true,
                'addGeo' => true
        //echo $query;

         * Retrieve products from database
         * Note: totalcount is estimated except if input search contains a lon/lat filter
        try {
            $results = $this->dbDriver->query($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return RestoLogUtil::httpError(400, $e->getMessage());
        $features = (new RestoFeatureUtil($context, $user, $collections))->toFeatureArrayList($this->dbDriver->fetch($results));
         * Common where clause
        $whereClause = $filtersFunctions->getWhereClause($filtersAndJoins, array('sort' => false, 'addGeo' => true));
        $count = $this->getCount('FROM ' . $featureTableName . ' ' . $whereClause, $paramsWithOperation);

        $links = array();
         * Heatmap
        if (isset($context->addons['Heatmap'])) {
            $wkt = null;

             * Recompute where clause without geo information
            if (isset($context->query['_heatmapNoGeo']) && filter_var($context->query['_heatmapNoGeo'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) {
                $whereClause = $filtersFunctions->getWhereClause($filtersAndJoins, array('sort' => false, 'addGeo' => false));
                // [IMPORTANT] Set empty $params in getCount() to avoid computation of real count
                $heatmapLink = (new Heatmap($context, $user))->getEndPoint($featureTableName, $whereClause, $this->getCount('FROM ' . $featureTableName . ' ' . $whereClause), $wkt);
            } else {
                for ($i = count($filtersAndJoins['filters']); $i--;) {
                    if ($filtersAndJoins['filters'][$i]['isGeo']) {
                        $wkt = $filtersAndJoins['filters'][$i]['wkt'];
                $heatmapLink = (new Heatmap($context, $user))->getEndPoint($featureTableName, $whereClause, $count, $wkt);
            if (isset($heatmapLink)) {
                $links[] = $heatmapLink;

        return array(
            'links' => $links,
            'count' => $count,
            // Reverse features array if needed
            'features' => $sorting['realOrder'] !== $sorting['order'] ? array_reverse($features) : $features

     * Get feature description
     * @param RestoContext $context
     * @param RestoUser $user
     * @param string $featureId
     * @param RestoModel $model
     * @param RestoCollection $collection
     * @param string $fields
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function getFeatureDescription($context, $user, $featureId, $collection, $fields)
        $model = isset($collection) ? $collection->model : new DefaultModel();
        $tablePrefix = $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $model->dbParams['tablePrefix'];

        $selectClause = $this->getSelectClause($tablePrefix . 'feature', $this->featureColumns, $user, array(
            'fields' => $fields,
            'useSocial' => isset($context->addons['Social'])
        $filtersFunctions = new FiltersFunctions($context, $user, $model);
        $filtersAndJoins = $filtersFunctions->prepareFilters(array(), null);

        // Determine if search on id or productidentifier
        $filtersAndJoins['filters'][] = array(
            'value' => $tablePrefix . '\'' . pg_escape_string($this->dbDriver->getConnection(), (RestoUtil::isValidUUID($featureId) ? $featureId : RestoUtil::toUUID($featureId))) . '\'',
            'isGeo' => false
        $results = $this->dbDriver->fetch($this->dbDriver->query($selectClause . ' ' . $filtersFunctions->getWhereClause($filtersAndJoins, array('sort' => false, 'addGeo' => true))));
        return isset($results) && count($results) === 1 ? (new RestoFeatureUtil($context, $user, isset($collection) ? array($collection->id => $collection) : array()))->toFeatureArray($results[0]) : null;

     * Check if feature identified by $featureId exists
     * @param string $featureId - feature UUID
     * @param string $featureTableName
     * @return boolean
     * @throws Exception
    public function featureExists($featureId, $featureTableName)
        return !empty($this->dbDriver->fetch($this->dbDriver->pQuery('SELECT 1 FROM ' . $featureTableName . ' WHERE id=($1)', array(

     * Insert feature within collection
     * @param string $id
     * @param RestoCollection $collection
     * @param array $featureArray
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function storeFeature($id, $collection, $featureArray)
        $keysValues = $this->featureArrayToKeysValues(
                'id' => $id,
                'collection' => $collection->id,
                'visibility' => RestoConstants::GROUP_DEFAULT_ID,
                'owner' => isset($collection) && isset($collection->user) ? $collection->user->profile['id'] : null,
                'status' => isset($featureArray['properties']) && isset($featureArray['properties']['status']) && is_int($featureArray['properties']['status']) ? $featureArray['properties']['status'] : 1,
                'likes' => 0,
                'comments' => 0,
                'metadata' => array(),
                'created' => 'now()',
                'created_idx' => 'now()',
                'updated' => isset($featureArray['properties']) && isset($featureArray['properties']['updated']) ? $featureArray['properties']['updated'] : 'now()',
                'geometry' => $featureArray['topologyAnalysis']['geometry'] ?? null,
                'centroid' => $featureArray['topologyAnalysis']['centroid'] ?? null,
                'geom' => $featureArray['topologyAnalysis']['geom'] ?? null

         * Generate pg_query_params $* array
        try {
             * Get connection
            $dbh = $this->dbDriver->getConnection();

             * Start transaction
            pg_query($dbh, 'BEGIN');
             * Store feature - identifier is generated with public.timestamp_to_id()
            $result = pg_fetch_assoc($this->dbDriver->pQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $collection->model->dbParams['tablePrefix'] . 'feature (' . join(',', array_keys($keysValues['keysAndValues'])) . ') VALUES (' . join(',', array_values($keysValues['params'])) . ') RETURNING id, productidentifier', array_values($keysValues['keysAndValues'])), 0);
             * Store feature content
            $this->storeFeatureAdditionalContent($result['id'], $collection->id, $keysValues['modelTables']);

             * Commit everything - rollback if one of the inserts failed
            pg_query($dbh, 'COMMIT');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            pg_query($dbh, 'ROLLBACK');
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Feature ' . ($featureArray['productIdentifier'] ?? '') . ' cannot be inserted in database');

         * Store facets outside of the transaction because error should not block feature ingestion
        $facetsStored = $collection->context->core['storeFacets'] && $collection->model->dbParams['storeFacets'];
        if ($facetsStored) {
            try {
                (new FacetsFunctions($this->dbDriver))->storeFacets($keysValues['facets'], $collection->user->profile['id'], $collection->id);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $facetsStored = false;

        return array(
            'id' => $result['id'],
            'productIdentifier' => $result['productidentifier'] ?? null,
            'facetsStored' => $facetsStored

     * Remove feature from database
     * @param RestoFeature $feature
    public function removeFeature($feature)
        $featureArray = $feature->toArray();
        $model = isset($feature->collection) ? $feature->collection->model : new DefaultModel();

         * Remove feature
        try {
            $this->dbDriver->pQuery('DELETE FROM ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $model->dbParams['tablePrefix'] . 'feature WHERE id=$1', array($feature->id));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Cannot delete feature ' . $feature->id);
         * Remove facets - error is non blocking
        $facetsDeleted = true;
        try {
            (new FacetsFunctions($this->dbDriver))->removeFacetsFromHashtags($featureArray['properties']['hashtags'] ?? array(), $featureArray['collection']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $facetsDeleted = false;

        return array(
            'facetsDeleted' => $facetsDeleted

     * Udpate feature description
     * @param RestoFeature $feature
     * @param RestoCollection $collection
     * @param array $newFeatureArray parameters to update
    public function updateFeature($feature, $collection, $newFeatureArray)
        if (!isset($feature)) {
        // Get old feature properties
        $oldFeatureArray = $feature->toArray();

        // Compute new keysValues
        $keysAndValues = $this->featureArrayToKeysValues(
                /*'id' => $oldFeatureArray['id'],
                'productIdentifier' => $oldFeatureArray['properties']['productIdentifier'],
                'collection' => $oldFeatureArray['collection'],
                'visibility' => $oldFeatureArray['properties']['visibility'],
                'owner' => $oldFeatureArray['properties']['owner'],*/
                'status' => isset($newFeatureArray['properties']) && isset($newFeatureArray['properties']['status']) && is_int($newFeatureArray['properties']['status']) ? $newFeatureArray['properties']['status'] : $oldFeatureArray['properties']['status'],
                /*'likes' => $oldFeatureArray['properties']['likes'],
                'comments' => $oldFeatureArray['properties']['comments'],*/
                'metadata' => array(),
                'updated' => isset($newFeatureArray['properties']) && isset($newFeatureArray['properties']['updated']) ? $newFeatureArray['properties']['updated'] : 'now()',
                'geometry' => $newFeatureArray['topologyAnalysis']['geometry'] ?? null,
                'centroid' => $newFeatureArray['topologyAnalysis']['centroid'] ?? null,
                'geom' => $newFeatureArray['topologyAnalysis']['geom'] ?? null

        try {
             * Begin transaction

             * Table prefix depends on model
            $tablePrefix = $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $collection->model->dbParams['tablePrefix'];

             * Update description
            $toUpdate = $this->concatArrays(array_keys($keysAndValues['keysAndValues']), $keysAndValues['params'], '=');
                'UPDATE ' . $tablePrefix . 'feature SET ' . join(',', $toUpdate) . ' WHERE id=$' . (count($toUpdate) + 1),

             * Update model specific
            $this->storeFeatureAdditionalContent($feature->id, $collection->id, $keysAndValues['modelTables']);
             * Commit
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Cannot update feature ' . $feature->id);
         * Update facets i.e. remove old facets and add new ones
         * This is non blocking i.e. if error just indicated in the result but feature is updated
        $facetsUpdated = true;
        try {
            $facetsFunctions = new FacetsFunctions($this->dbDriver);
            $facetsFunctions->removeFacetsFromHashtags($oldFeatureArray['properties']['hashtags'] ?? array(), $collection->id);
            if ($feature->context->core['storeFacets'] && $collection->model->dbParams['storeFacets']) {
                $facetsFunctions->storeFacets($keysAndValues['facets'], $collection->user->profile['id'], $collection->id);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $facetsUpdated = false;
        return RestoLogUtil::success('Udpate feature ' . $feature->id, array(
            'facetsUpdated' => $facetsUpdated

     * Update feature property
     * @param RestoFeature $feature
     * @param any $status
     * @throws Exception
    public function updateFeatureProperty($feature, $property, $value)
        // Special case for description
        if ($property === 'description') {
            return $this->updateFeatureDescription($feature, $value);

        // Check property type validity
        if (in_array($property, array('visibility', 'owner', 'status'))) {
            if (! ctype_digit($value . '')) {
                RestoLogUtil::httpError(400, 'Invalid ' . $property . ' type - should be numeric');

        $model = isset($feature->collection) ? $feature->collection->model : new DefaultModel();

        try {
            $this->dbDriver->pQuery('UPDATE ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $model->dbParams['tablePrefix'] . 'feature SET ' . $property . '=$1 WHERE id=$2', array(
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Cannot update ' . $property . ' for feature ' . $feature->id);
        return RestoLogUtil::success('Property ' . $property . ' updated for feature ' . $feature->id);

     * Update feature description
     * @param RestoFeature $feature
     * @param string $description
     * @throws Exception
    public function updateFeatureDescription($feature, $description)
        // Get hashtags to remove from feature before update
        $hashtagsToRemove = $this->extractHashtagsFromText($feature->toArray()['properties']['description'], true);
        $hashtagsToAdd = $this->extractHashtagsFromText($description, true);
        $hashtags = array_merge(array_diff($feature->toArray()['properties']['hashtags'], $hashtagsToRemove), $hashtagsToAdd);
        $model = isset($feature->collection) ? $feature->collection->model : new DefaultModel();

         * Transaction
        try {
             * Update description, hashtags and normalized_hashtags
            $this->dbDriver->pQuery('UPDATE ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $model->dbParams['tablePrefix'] . 'feature SET description=$1, hashtags=$2, normalized_hashtags=public.normalize_array($2) WHERE id=$3', array(
                '{' . join(',', $hashtags) . '}',
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Cannot update feature ' . $feature->id);

         * Update facets i.e. remove old facets and add new ones
         * This is non blocking i.e. if error just indicated in the result but feature is updated
        $facetsUpdated = true;
        try {
            $facetsFunctions = new FacetsFunctions($this->dbDriver);
            $facetsFunctions->removeFacetsFromHashtags($hashtagsToRemove, $feature->collection->id);
            if ($feature->context->core['storeFacets'] &&  $model->dbParams['storeFacets']) {
                $facetsFunctions->storeFacets($hashtagsToAdd, $feature->user->profile['id'], $feature->collection->id);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $facetsUpdated = false;

        return RestoLogUtil::success('Property description updated for feature ' . $feature->id, array(
            'facetsUpdated' => $facetsUpdated

     * Return exact count or estimate count from query
     * @param String $from
     * @param Boolean $filters
    public function getCount($from, $filters = array())
         * Determine if the count is estimated or real
        $realCount = false;
        if (isset($filters['geo:lon'])) {
            $realCount = true;

         * Perform count estimation
        $result = -1;
        if (!$realCount) {
            $result = pg_fetch_result($this->dbDriver->query('SELECT count_estimate(\'' . pg_escape_string($this->dbDriver->getConnection(), 'SELECT * ' . $from) . '\') as count'), 0, 0);

        if ($result !== false && $result < 10 * $this->dbDriver->resultsPerPage) {
            $result = pg_fetch_result($this->dbDriver->query('SELECT count(*) as count ' . $from), 0, 0);
            $realCount = true;

         * Approximate
        if (!$realCount && $result !== false) {
            $result = $this->approximate((integer) $result);
        return array(
            'total' => $result === false ? -1 : (integer) $result,
            'isExact' => $realCount

     * Return array of hashtags from a text - invalid characters are discarded
     * [WARNING] The leading '#' is not returned
     * Example:
     *    $text = "This is a #test #withA!%.badhashtag"
     * returns:
     *    array('test', 'withAbadhashtag')
     * @param string $text
     * @param boolean $stringOnly
     * @return array
    public function extractHashtagsFromText($text, $stringOnly)
        $matches = null;
        if (isset($text)) {
            preg_match_all("/#([^ ]+)/u", $text, $matches);
            if ($matches) {
                $hashtagsArray = array_count_values($matches[1]);
                $hashtags = array();
                foreach (array_keys($hashtagsArray) as $key) {
                    # Detect special hashtags i.e. with prefix
                    $exploded = explode(RestoConstants::TAG_SEPARATOR, $key);
                    if (!$stringOnly && count($exploded) > 1) {
                        $type = array_shift($exploded);
                        $hashtags[] = array(
                            'id' => $key,
                            'value' => join(RestoConstants::TAG_SEPARATOR, $exploded),
                            'type' => $type,
                            // Special case for catalog => force collection to all
                            'collection' => $type === 'catalog' ? '*' : null
                    } else {
                        $hashtags[] = RestoUtil::cleanHashtag($key);
                return $hashtags;
        return array();

     * Store feature additional content
     * @param string $featureId
     * @param string $collectionId
     * @param array $tables
    private function storeFeatureAdditionalContent($featureId, $collectionId, $tables)
        foreach ($tables as $tableName => $columnsAndValues) {
            if (count($columnsAndValues) === 0) {
                return false;

            $updates = array();
            $count = 1;
            foreach (array_keys($columnsAndValues) as $key) {
                $updates[] =  $key . '=' . '$' . $count;
            $columnsAndValues['id'] = $featureId;
            $columnsAndValues['collection'] = $collectionId;
            $this->dbDriver->pQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.' . $tableName . ' (' . join(',', array_keys($columnsAndValues)) . ') VALUES (' . join(',', $this->getCounterList(count($columnsAndValues))) . ') ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET ' . join(',', $updates), array_values($columnsAndValues));

        return true;

     * Convert feature array to database column/value pairs
     * @param RestoCollection $collection
     * @param array $featureArray
     * @param array $protected
     * @param array $updatabled
     * @throws Exception
     * @return array
    private function featureArrayToKeysValues($collection, $featureArray, $protected, $updatabled)
        // Initialize
        $keysAndValues = array(
            'links' => isset($featureArray['links']) ? json_encode($featureArray['links'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) : null,
            'assets' => isset($featureArray['assets']) ? json_encode($featureArray['assets'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) : null

        $output = array(
            'keysAndValues' => array(),
            'params' => array(),
            'facets' => null,
            'modelTables' => array()

         * Roll over properties
        foreach ($featureArray['properties'] as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
             * Do not process null values and protected values
            if (!isset($propertyValue) || in_array($propertyName, array_keys($protected))) {

             * Updatable properties
            if (in_array($propertyName, $updatabled)) {
                $keysAndValues[strtolower($propertyName)] = $propertyValue;

                 * startDate special case, add startdate_idx
                if (strtolower($propertyName) === 'startdate') {
                    $keysAndValues['startdate_idx'] = $propertyValue;
             * Keywords
            elseif ($propertyName === 'keywords' && is_array($propertyValue)) {
                $facetsFunctions = new FacetsFunctions($this->dbDriver);

                // Initialize keywords
                $keysAndValues['keywords'] = json_encode($propertyValue, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

                // Compute facets
                $output['facets'] = array_merge($facetsFunctions->getFacetsFromKeywords($propertyValue, $collection->model->facetCategories, $collection->id), $this->extractHashtagsFromText($featureArray['properties']['description'] ?? '', false));
                // Compute hashtags
                $hashtags = $facetsFunctions->getHashtagsFromFacets($output['facets']);
                if (count($hashtags) > 0) {
                    $keysAndValues['hashtags'] = '{' . join(',', $hashtags) . '}';
                    $keysAndValues['normalized_hashtags'] = $keysAndValues['hashtags'];
                // Special content for LandCoverModel (i.e. itag keys)
                if (count($collection->model->tables) > 0 && $collection->model->tables[0]['name'] == 'feature_landcover') {
                    $output['modelTables']['feature_landcover'] = $this->getITagColumnFromKeywords($propertyValue, $collection->model->tables[0]['columns']);
             * Directly add to metadata
            else {
                if (!isset($keysAndValues['metadata'])) {
                    $keysAndValues['metadata'] = array();
                $keysAndValues['metadata'][$propertyName] = $propertyValue;

                // Model specific (do not process LandCoverModel !!)
                for ($i = 0, $ii = count($collection->model->tables); $i < $ii; $i++) {

                     *[IMPORTANT] Eventually convert STAC osKey to resto osKey
                     * since internal resto use osKey (e.g. "cloudCover" instead of "eo:cloud_cover" )
                    $updatedPropertyName = strtolower($collection->model->getRestoPropertyFromSTAC($propertyName));
                    if ($collection->model->tables[$i]['name'] !== 'feature_landcover' && in_array($updatedPropertyName, $collection->model->tables[$i]['columns'])) {
                        $output['modelTables'][$collection->model->tables[$i]['name']][$updatedPropertyName] = $propertyValue;
        // JSON encode metadata
        $keysAndValues['metadata'] = isset($keysAndValues['metadata']) ? json_encode($keysAndValues['metadata'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) : null;
        $counter = 0;
        $output['keysAndValues'] = array_merge($protected, $keysAndValues);
        foreach (array_keys($output['keysAndValues'] ?? array()) as $key) {
            if ($key === 'normalized_hashtags') {
                $output['params'][] = 'public.normalize_array($' . ++$counter . ')';
            } elseif ($key === 'created_idx' || $key === 'startdate_idx') {
                $output['params'][] = 'public.timestamp_to_id($' . ++$counter . ')';
            } else {
                $output['params'][] = '$' . ++$counter;
        return $output;

     * Get database DefaultModel columns from input keywords
     * @param array $keywords
     * @param array $tableColumns
     * @return array
    private function getITagColumnFromKeywords($keywords, $tableColumns)
        $columns = array();
        foreach (array_values($keywords) as $keyword) {
            if (in_array(strtolower($keyword['name']), $tableColumns)) {
                $columns[strtolower($keyword['name'])] = $keyword['value'];
        return $columns;
     * Check that mandatory filters are set
     * @param array $searchFilters
     * @param array $paramsWithOperation
     * @return boolean
    private function checkMandatoryFilters($searchFilters, $paramsWithOperation)
        $missing = array();
        foreach (array_keys($searchFilters) as $filterName) {
            if (isset($searchFilters[$filterName])) {
                if (isset($searchFilters[$filterName]['minimum']) && $searchFilters[$filterName]['minimum'] === 1 && (!isset($paramsWithOperation[$filterName]))) {
                    $missing[] = $filterName;
        if (count($missing) > 0) {
            RestoLogUtil::httpError(400, 'Missing mandatory filter(s) ' . join(', ', $missing));

        return true;

     * Return $featureTableName SELECT clause from input columns
     * @param string $tableName
     * @param array $featureColumns
     * @param RestoUser $user
     * @param array $options
     *                  {
     *                      "fields": "keywords,owner,etc." ,
     *                      "useSocial": false
     *                      "sortKey": "startDate"
     *                  }
     * @return array
    private function getSelectClause($featureTableName, $featureColumns, $user, $options)
        $sanitized = $this->sanitizeSQLColumns($featureColumns, isset($options['fields']) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $options['fields'])) : array());

         * Get Controller database fields
        $columns = array();
        foreach ($sanitized['columns'] as $key) {
             * Avoid null value and excluded fields
            if (in_array($key, $sanitized['discarded'])) {

             * Force geometry element to be retrieved as GeoJSON
             * Retrieve also BoundinBox in EPSG:4326
            switch ($key) {
                // [IMPORTANT] The geometry returned is geom not geometry !!!
                case 'geometry':
                    $columns[] = 'ST_AsGeoJSON(' . $featureTableName . '.geom, 6) AS geometry';
                    $columns[] = 'Box2D(' . $featureTableName . '.geom) AS bbox4326';

                case 'centroid':
                    $columns[] = 'ST_AsGeoJSON(' . $featureTableName . '.centroid, 6) AS centroid';

                case 'startDate':
                case 'completionDate':
                case 'created':
                case 'updated':
                    $columns[] = 'to_iso8601(' . $featureTableName . '.' . $key . ') AS "' . $key . '"';

                    $columns[] = '' . $featureTableName . '.' . $key . ' AS "' . $key . '"';

         * Add liked query if user is set an Social add-on is available
        if (isset($user->profile['id']) && $options['useSocial']) {
            $columns[] = 'EXISTS(SELECT ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.featureid FROM ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes WHERE ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.featureid=' . $featureTableName . '.id AND ' . $this->dbDriver->targetSchema . '.likes.userid=' . $user->profile['id'] . ') AS liked';

         * Add sort idx
        if (!empty($options['sortKey'])) {
            $columns[] = '' . $featureTableName . '.' . $options['sortKey'] . ' AS sort_idx';

        return 'SELECT ' . join(',', $columns) . ' FROM ' . $featureTableName;

     * Sanitize input requested columns
     * @param array $featureColumns
    private function sanitizeSQLColumns($featureColumns, $fields)
        $discarded = array();
         *  Only one field requested
         *   -  "_simple" returns all properties except keywords
         *   -  "_all" returns all properties
        if (count($fields) > 0) {
            if ($fields[0] === '_simple') {
                $discarded[] = 'keywords';
            // Always add mandatories field id, geometry and collection
            elseif ($fields[0] !== '_all') {
                foreach ($fields as $column) {
                    if (!in_array($column, $this->featureColumns)) {
                        $discarded[] = $column;

                $featureColumns = array_unique(array_merge(array('id','geometry','collection'), $fields));

        return array(
            'discarded' => $discarded,
            'columns' => $featureColumns

     * Convert keysAndValues array
    private function concatArrays($keys, $values, $glu)
        $concat = array();
        for ($i = 0, $ii = count($keys); $i < $ii; $i++) {
            $concat[] = $keys[$i] . $glu . $values[$i];
        return $concat;

     * Get a string of iterator for insertion
     * @param integer $size
     * @return array
    private function getCounterList($size)
        $iterator = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) {
            $iterator[] = '$'.$i;
        return $iterator;

     * Return approximated number
     * @param integer $integer
    private function approximate($integer)
        $precision = pow(10, strlen((string) $integer) - 2);
        return round($integer / $precision) *  $precision;